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Everything posted by Whitee

  1. Arma 3 is not a cure to depression. @CEO of E dating. Hoes mad

    1. Show previous comments  61 more
    2. Fuzy


      @Fedot I was thinkin' about you the other day. Wondering if your weird ass was still around.

    3. Johnny Paintball
    4. silton


      @Fedot as if you haven't killed yourself spastic school shooter retard

  2. No Federal Reserve or BW channel in teamspeak.
  3. @NokiaStrong was biased when processing my support team app. I call BS!

    1. Millennium
    2. buckie


      reform a little bit my friend its possible ive done it homie

    3. Whitee


      Hmm, is reforming really worth the tags in ts?

  4. @Mita Imagine E dating. Disgusting ugly shit.
  5. @Dealer When are we runnin this Madden 20 game?

  6. @Vcx I'm waiting in oly teamspeak you fat ass. 

  7. How can you gain feelings for someone through a computer screen? Go the fuck outside, and socialize.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JuanDeaged



      couldnt be me

    3. Ravin


      @ChrisGG hahaha you weird fuck

    4. -dante-


      lol e relationships will always be the funniest thing ever. 

  8. Whitee


    My nigga!!!!!!!
  9. I’m putting cry baby @decla in a headlock and holding him hostage for 15 minutes every 30 minutes. Kid has more hours in the support room than he does on the actual server. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Whitee


      @ThatNerdyGuy I’m not suprised. Altis Life is the closest thing to a life the kids got.

    3. Christoph


      Im sorry am i supposed to know you? 


    4. SPBojo
  10. Dog shit
  11. Stop complaining. Wouldn’t be suprised If you lost to real tbf. You have a total of 5 kills on warzone in the last 2 months.
  12. RULES: Individuals who have been banned in the past for lag-switching, combat exploiting, or scripts will be disqualified instantly.
  13. @Greezy Gabe You're a fat cholo gangster. Your booter is weak. 

  14. Wish I could finally get a full plate...
  15. I want to enter
  16. need 3 players for this easy cod tourney pm me.
  17. I have been released, and I am an available agent. Who wants an easy carry to 12 mil? https://gyazo.com/57da4c84932e83dab69f4a35ec5a9758 https://gyazo.com/6382aa9bdc1e4089fce9d371c51a4177
  18. If anyone needs a carry for the tourney PM me
    1. Ryan


      I guess that’s one way of making money on restrictions lol 

    2. vedalkenn


      1 hour ago, Ryan said:

      I guess that’s one way of making money on restrictions lol 

      its some bullshit out of the 4 of us hes won the lotto twice a 4 mil now a 5 mil

  19. Go to school your filthy animals!
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