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Sayonara Olympus


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o7 I'll miss you a lot :( Better hmu on snap, hopefully you get through the bad stuff in life. Good luck in your future buddy!

o7 not really sure why we butt heads, but I came to think of you as a real piece of shit due to it, i know you’re a good guy at heart though so no hard feelings. Despite that no one can deny what you accomplished and did for the apd. Hope everything works out for you bud.

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6 minutes ago, falcon said:


@Ryan hey ryan you said you wanted a @ so here you go :D you still owe me a room in your house.


No real talk though im gonna miss you buddy. The day @DeadPooL basically forced you to join my teamspeak was the start to a great friendship. You made me active af with those 30-40 hour weeks along with "The Boys" (You know who you are). You helped me through some dark times, had some deep convos on snap, and treated me like a brother. When everyone ditched me, I was always able to count on you and a few others to be there. Most people call our friendship a Johnson hop, but only the inner circle knows how it really is. o7 to a great senior and friend. If you need anything, such as another story time, you know my snap :P 

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o7 Good friend.

You have a very interesting life ahead of you and I know that if you put your mind to it that you'll get through all the rough shit and make it big. Feel free to snapchat me or pop into teamspeak anytime you want if you ever need anything. 

I will never forget the major help that you have been in everything and it really is sad to see you go - especially the way you did. That being said I am not gonna let a distasteful resignation get in the way of a friendship that is still here. I'll hit you up sometime and hopefully we can play some games.

Every Junior APD member should look to you as a role model. You were a piece of shit when you were a deputy. You literally VDM'd the very first BW Hunter spawned and then said one of your cliche "Feelsbadmans". You were hands down one of the most aids APD members. Then you changed. You slowly but surely proved to be one of the best APD members and achieved SAPD. Then you put in some serious work. Deserved LT and honestly could have made Deputy Chief without a doubt in my mind someday.

Also if you ever find yourself in southern Wisconsin then you need to stop on by. 



It's been real. Fuck you for being realistic and leaving. o7 brother.

- pigeon

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o7 Going to miss our hunter patrols and just fucking around with everyone on the server, good luck with life 


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11 minutes ago, Ryan said:


No real talk though im gonna miss you buddy. The day @DeadPooL basically forced you to join my teamspeak was the start to a great friendship. You made me active af with those 30-40 hour weeks along with "The Boys" (You know who you are). You helped me through some dark times, had some deep convos on snap, and treated me like a brother. When everyone ditched me, I was always able to count on you and a few others to be there. Most people call our friendship a Johnson hop, but only the inner circle knows how it really is. o7 to a great senior and friend. If you need anything, such as another story time, you know my snap :P 

I made those days fun af

  • Lord of Tickets

For what it’s worth, I was bias in your favor when it was you up for SGT and FTO :wub:Good luck with life man. You know I have your back and if you need me don’t hesitate to snap me. We come from similar backgrounds and for that you’ll always be a brother of mine.

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29 minutes ago, falcon said:

@Pledge The man behind helping me grow hahaha. Thank you for promoting me to Senior Support and actually helping me learn the spreadsheets. You definitely played a big role in helping me grow in Olympus and actually the ONLY person to believe in me. Thanks man, even though we had our ups and downs, I'll never forget how I got to where I was. Thank you.

When I first met you, I tried to teach you, back when I was a PO you became my first project. Me patrolled a ton together, and eventually I got to senior and left you behind. You managed to impress me once more and earned the rank of senior support. From then on I knew you had the mind for the spreadsheets and I wanted you to be my successor, little did I know that I would still be here....


Towards the end you started to frustrate me because you kept remaking everything I made but improving upon it, and honestly I can say you were better than me at the sheets, something nobody in Olympus has ever really done before. You stuck around for a long time, and did a TON of work. You have earned my ultimate respect, as a student, a leader, a teacher, and a friend. Thank you for all the good times, god speed.



(Throwback to @Fushigi and I fucking with you when you were SGT)

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Literally hated your ass from the salt flats BW VDM vigilante falcon days.

I come back from a long leave of absence and you're sAPD?! Didn't get to play much but a few key moments earned my respect in that time.

GL with RL ventures.

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