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Civ Round Table 2019-06-23

Civ Roundtable Scats (@Mr Majestic@Unjo@John Wayne) Make contraband persist through restart/death, or a virtual item with weight 0 (TBD by devs). Contraband will be cleared when out of jail. This will help when server restarts. - PASSED More custom clothing - PASSED Runs (@Bloodmoon@Zahzi@Mudiwa@Deluxe) Decrease the weight of turtles from 10 to 8 (4 to 3) since they were nerfed when SDV storage was decreased and are currently outperformed by salvage, which is legal a



Civ Council Round table 6/9/19

Rex Disclaimer: ***A lot of this stuff was approved without proper care or development investigation. Do not take any of this as a guarantee of implementation*** Cartels-  @swervy  @Jimmy Jarvis  @thor  @nomadox @NokiaStrong colored hex's - Passed if able to be done group tag system - Passed cartel mvp title per week - based on top kills in warzone - Passed Scats- @Mr Majestic @Tyrone @Unjo @John Wayne  Getting names on vehicles, helis, etc is fucking aids,



Civ Round Table 2019-05-26

@DeadPool wasn't there, so hopefully, there's less pumpkin speak in this blog than normal.   APD Roundtable Remove warpoints from killing cops at federal events: warpoints were added as an incentive when fed life was dead, and the APD don’t think there needs to be more incentive to do a fed given the recent stats and loadouts shouldn’t be paid for when civs lose. PASSED Remove all added towers from BW- having 4 towers mutually covering each other at BW makes it very hard for th



Civ Rep Round Table 5/12/19

Cartels-  @swervy  @Jimmy Jarvis  @Toasty @nomadox @NokiaStrong Adding a new Warzone rebel. Location yet to be determined Adding more Civ Clothing Feds-   @Kamikaze @Civak @RabidAltLeL @Bojo BW Tower Changes  Scats- @Mr Majestic @Tyrone @Unjo @John Wayne @Nex is the name Reload mag when you switch to lethals and vice versa for cops If devs are able to  Title color persistent across logins Runs- @Bloodmoon @indian  @Mudiwa @Zahzi decreas



Civ Round Table 4/28/19

Most things we brought up was shot down. This meeting took an awfully long time so this is what we got.   Cartels- @Jimmy Jarvis @HyperGoat @swervy @Toasty @nomadox Nothing for now sadly Feds-   @Kamikaze @indian @billdroid @Cyanide @ryan beck Nothing for now sadly Scats- @Mr Majestic @Tyrone @Unjo @John Wayne @Nex is the name Every 30 days you will be taxed 10% of the house per house like it is for gang sheds Kidneys rework Faster Processing t



Civ Rep Round Table 4/14/19

Cartels- @Jimmy Jarvis @HyperGoat @swervy @Toasty @nomadox Cartel event put on the back burner for devs link here Adding more clothing to rebel shop Feds-   @Kamikaze @indian @billdroid @Cyanide @ryan beck Nothing for now sadly Scats- @Mr Majestic @Tyrone @Unjo @John Wayne @Nex is the name Moving kav black market back to the old location and shorten the redzone Runs- @Bloodmoon @indian @NokiaStrong @Mudiwa @Zahzi Reworking black market to how it was



Civ Round Table 3/31/19

Cartels- @Jimmy Jarvis @HyperGoat @swervy @Toasty @nomadox Able to buy Redgulls and blood bags from dope crates Everyone in your gang would gain 5 warpoints that is around the cap 200m of cap. This can only Happen once a restart. Feds-   @Kamikaze @indian @billdroid @Cyanide @ryan beck Adding H-barreirs to black off North Deer Stand at BW Scats- @Mr Majestic @Tyrone @Unjo @John Wayne @Nex is the name Vigis doing Illegal activities can be dropped down a tier



Civ Round Table 3/17/19

Cartels- @Jimmy Jarvis @HyperGoat @swervy @Toasty Being able to see side chat while dead but not type Feds- @SPBojo @Colt  @Kamikaze @indian @billdroid Getting 1 wp for killing Lethal cops only at feds Remodel of fed Poll coming soon Link Pharma cool down timer decreased to 30 mins Hatchback engine health increased Scats- @Mr Majestic @Tyrone @Unjo @John Wayne@Nex is the name Bolt cutting into the house is considered hostile action Request



Civ Council Round Table 3/3/19

Cartels- @Linka  @Silton @HyperGoat @swervy @Toasty Warpoint Vehicle Shop: Strider 40 wp Hunter 20 wp Ifrit 45 wp 50 cal 50 wp Orca 25 wp Gang Rewards to come after perks Feds- @SPBojo @Colt  @Kamikaze @indian @billdroid Advanced hacking terminal (150k, reusable) Increases AA range for all federal events Scats- @Mr Majestic @Tyrone @Unjo @John Wayne Windows key option for lockpicking Organ



Civ Council Round Table 2/17/19

Greetings people! This week's meeting was short and sweet and as a consequence there is not a lot of things being added / changed this time!   Cartels - @Linka @swervy @Silton @Toasty @HyperGoat Warpoint Vehicle Shop for Ifrit - Hunter - Strider - 50.Cal Offroad. Prices are a work in progress. Runs - @Bloodmoon @Zahzi @NokiaStrong @Mudiwa The low price for illegal runs are to be re-looked at and reconsidered. Moonshine gathered from Salvage will now be rum



Civ Council Round Table 2/5/19

Hey everyone, small meeting and not a lot of ideas due to it being the Tuesday after the Super Bowl. Cartels- @Linka @Zurph @Silton Gang garage available on cartel garages Dialogue pops up anytime you receive war points, as a sort of confirmed kill Armed planes can drop smokes Gang homicide charge reduced Feds- @SPBojo @Colt @HyperGoat @Dawn Probable cause from selling gold at gold trader removed Scats- @Mr Majestic @Tyrone @Unjo @Ravin :) Ho



Civ Council Round Table 1/6/19

Hey everyone, This is our Second post for the council.  Hopefully, some cool stuff people will like!  As always message me or any of the Council Members.  All the things in this post have been approved   Cartels - @Linka @Zurph @Silton War Point Garage POG! - More details in the futre No NLR at every Cartel - look for rule change first Adding P90 mags to warpoint shop Adding back big tower to Mushrom cap Feds- @SPBojo @HyperGoat @Dawn @Colt Gold Ba



Civ Council Round Table 12/23/18

Hey everyone, This is our first Blog post for the council.  Hopefully, some cool stuff people will like!  As always message me or any of the Council Members.  All the things in this post have been approved     Cartels: @Linka @Silton @Zurph @Tyrese. Current Warzone Outpost will be made into a cartel. Warzone outpost moved to Northern Penninsula (speak to deadpool) Ability to store LEGAL vehicles on Cap if it's not contested. Can store own vehicles up to 100 meters



Civ Rep Roundtable 11/11/2018

Hey everyone, short list today.  Hopefully some cool stuff people will like!  As always message me if you have any ideas!   Idea: RPG Added to Warpoint Shop for 60 WP's Resolution: Approved Idea: MXSW Price Increases to 200k for the gun and 4k for the Mags Resolution: Approved Idea: 5.56mm suppressor decreased to 30 wp and 5.8mm suppressor decreased to 35 wp  Resolution: Approved Idea: Revamped Terror System Have to hack into radio tower Sends se



Civ Rep Roundtable 10/28/18

Hey guys, had a really productive meeting.  Got some great stuff to tell you guys about and stuff you'll hopefully be really excited for.  So let's get into it! Idea: All CSAT Ghillie variants added to Warpoint Clothing Shops Resolution: Passed Idea: All Tac Vests decreased from 25k to 10k, Flight Crew vests decreased from 30k to 20k. Resolution: Passed Idea: All MX Variants added to Weapon Shops, MXSW and MK18 added to Warpoint shops. General Price reductions in Warpoin



Civ Rep Roundtable 9/30/18

Hi everyone, today I will be presenting the latest info from the Civ Rep Roundtable from the staff meeting.  Take into account that some of these ideas or concepts will take time to develop so they will not be immediate changes to the server.   Idea: Remove Quilins and Prowlers from the server Resolution: Passed Idea: Add the CMR to the standard Rebel Shop for 75k Resolution: Passed Idea: MK18 added to Warpoint Shop Resolution: Passed, pricing TBD Idea: Move Py



Civ Rep Roundtable 9/2/18

Hi everyone, @Matt The Savage and I are your new Civilian Representative's.  To continue what the previous Civ Rep's started, I will be posting the Civ Rep Roundtable posts a couple days after the staff meeting.  My recording did bug so there isn't any audio but I will go over what was talked about.  Hopefully this will be fixed for the following meeting. Idea: Buying insurance when purchasing a vehicle. Resolution: Passed, This will take sometime because of UI work.  Please be patient



Civ Rep Round Table 8/19/18

Just like the last update,  you guys have a better idea what we Civ Reps do at the meetings and have a better understanding of the whole thing. I will be listing in the topics below whether the idea was Passed or Rejected. Civs able to buy dope crate when no medics are online - Denied   Vigis have to follow WPL - Denied   Bipods reduced from 10 wp to 3 wp - Denied   Civ Rep Debates - Passed   Cop and Vigi tase system held back to later meeting 



Civ Rep Round Table 7/22/18

Just like the last update,  you guys have a better idea what we Civ Reps do at the meetings and have a better understanding of the whole thing. I will be listing in the topics below whether the idea was Passed or Rejected. Add pilot coveralls to warpoint shop for 10 wp - Denied - They spawn 2 pairs in each bw crate   add tesmpest trans to truck shop - Passed   t4 on civ ghosthawks - Passed - it could have been a little buggy but it is supposed to be already in game



Civ Rep Round Table 6/24/18

Just like the last update, Jesse is recording our Civ Round Table Discussions for you all to watch and listen to so you guys have a better idea what we Civ Reps do at the meetings and have a better understanding of the whole thing. I will be listing in the topics below whether the idea was Passed or Rejected, if it was rejected I will leave a timestamp in the section so you can go listen to the reasons as to why it was rejected.  Event Manager- The event manager is someone in the community



Civ Live Stream 6/16/18

This live stream was about civ ideas coming and what people want. I did get DDos during this live stream so there are multiple videos for this live stream. The majority of this Live Stream is me and @kev asking members of the community what they expect to see come or change in the civ life. Before DDos   After DDos With VPN and @SPBojo Hosting my Stream  



Civ Rep Round Table 6/10/18

Just like the last update, Jesse is recording our Civ Round Table Discussions for you all to watch and listen to so you guys have a better idea what we Civ Reps do at the meetings and have a better understanding of the whole thing. I will be listing in the topics below whether the idea was Passed or Rejected, if it was rejected I will leave a timestamp in the section so you can go listen to the reasons as to why it was rejected.  Loadout saves - Loadout saves are essentially a way a gettin



Civ Rep Round Table 5/13/18

Just like the last update, Jesse is recording our Civ Round Table Discussions for you all to watch and listen to so you guys have a better idea what we Civ Reps do at the meetings and have a better understanding of the whole thing. I will be listing in the topics below whether the idea was Passed or Rejected, if it was rejected I will leave a timestamp in the section so you can go listen to the reasons as to why it was rejected. Video Boost illegal area search time increase from 10 mi



Civ Rep Round Table 4/15/18

This will be last Civ Rep Roundtable meeting for this current term. The Vidoe for the meeting is here https://youtu.be/yQ8vl1SC4_8      The HQ take over system allows civs to enter HQ and start a take over where the cop reinforcements are delayed by 3 minutes (Spawn timer increased to 2 minutes and 30 seconds plus the death screen timer making 3 minutes respawns) is a possibility to come after server performance and other things get done first.    BW buff https://youtu.b



Civ Round Table 2/18/18

Just like the last update, Jesse is recording our Civ Round Table Discussions for you all to watch and listen to so you guys have a better idea what we Civ Reps do at the meetings and have a better understanding of the whole thing. I will be listing in the topics below whether the idea was Passed or Rejected, if it was rejected I will leave a time stamp in the section so you can go listen to the reasons as to why it was rejected. Proposed Warzone Rebel locations - https://imgur.com/a/5GWnr



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