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Roundtable summary 2020-03-01

i win


Remember these are upcoming changes and additions - some of these will take some time to implement.


  • Add armed planes to the warpoint shop for 75 warpoints @swervy
  • When killing players you're not currently at war with on warzone, you get full warpoints, instead of the standard 1 warpoint @PURE P.K


  • Add a "NLR" message/icon below a players name when they are breaking NLR, similar to the in-event text currently @Bloodmoon
    • This should help discourage players from breaking NLR as is common, especially at federal events, etc.
    • Obviously this NLR message/icon alone wouldn't be enough evidence that someone is actually breaking NLR, (there are legitimate reasons to break NLR still)
    • Relogging/changing your name would have no effect on this feature.
  • Add an exception to the following rule: "You may not take the same person hostage more than once every 30 minutes." @Bloodmoon
    • Exception: If that person initiates engagement first and commits a hostile action towards you after taking them hostage and before the 30 minutes is up, then you may take them hostage again. This does not include the APD.
    • Rule with exception already added and in effect.



  • Reduce the price of the SPAR-16s by 25k, should cost 125k @duanty_lake_23
    • This recognises the fact the Vigilantes can't buy 150-round magazines, so the gun is slightly less useful for them and feels slightly expensive because of this.

APD Roundtable

  • Add MB 4WD (LMG) for Corporal rank and higher
  • Add more features to the Training Dome
    • Update the NPC so that it is possible to have all current options available (seize cash / pardon)
  • Be able to interact with more of the equipment so that it starts the animation the same as the Anti-Air System
  • Add a Prison Door so that New APD knows what it looks like and how to interact with it
  • Remove AHP PO-30 Orca skin from the APD
  • 50% of money given for lethality gets split among officers within a 300m radius with a cap of 50k per non-lethaing officer, money exceeding the cap goes back to the lethaler (ie 25% for the lethaler, 25% for all other players nearby)
  • Allow APD to raid peninsula cartels once every 30 minutes
  • Prevent bolt cutting fed without 5 cops online

R&R Roundtable

  • Add first aid kit and tool kit to dope crates
  • Add the ability for R&R to pull vehicles on warzone caps
  • Let Supervisor+ can look into medics backpacks
  • New CPR animation for reviving and epis
  • Add staff R&R tractor that can tow vehicles

Staff Roundtable

  • APD enter action to get in the commander seat of locked strider @Mako
  • Adding misuse during any means to prevent engagement is exploiting
  • Price of a revive next to Request Medic button so new players know that it charges you @Outcast
  • Allow players in cop restraints to be robbed

You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:

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Adding misuse during any means to prevent engagement is exploiting 😀

Its almost like its common sense

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Posted (edited)

yikes allowing people in cop restraints to be robbed

Edited by T5 Vigi
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Wtf is up with these cop changes

  • Remove AHP PO-30 Orca skin from the APD
  • 50% of money given for lethality gets split among officers within a 300m radius with a cap of 50k per non-lethaing officer, money exceeding the cap goes back to the lethaler (ie 25% for the lethaler, 25% for all other players nearby)


25 minutes ago, Mighty said:

Wtf is up with these cop changes

  • Remove AHP PO-30 Orca skin from the APD
  • 50% of money given for lethality gets split among officers within a 300m radius with a cap of 50k per non-lethaing officer, money exceeding the cap goes back to the lethaler (ie 25% for the lethaler, 25% for all other players nearby)




  • Remove AHP PO-30 Orca skin from the APD

Best orca skin i've seen, gone ;(

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Can we get normal warpoints during conquest, not just 1 per kill

i win


13 minutes ago, billdroid said:

Can we get normal warpoints during conquest, not just 1 per kill

The rewards from conquest are already pretty awesome. Extra warpoints seems a bit too good imo.



20 minutes ago, Mr Majestic said:

The rewards from conquest are already pretty awesome. Extra warpoints seems a bit too good imo.

you only get warpoints if you get kills. getting kills doesnt guarentee a win or money, 



Pure’s idea came from his former gangmates 🤨

  • Hmm 1
i win


2 hours ago, Scold said:

Pure’s idea came from his former gangmates 🤨

Great, exactly how the civilian council is designed to work. Community members suggest the idea, council members advocate for the idea, idea gets implemented. We started @ing those who advocate for the ideas so there was some responsibility attached.



3 hours ago, Mr Majestic said:

Great, exactly how the civilian council is designed to work. Community members suggest the idea, council members advocate for the idea, idea gets implemented. We started @ing those who advocate for the ideas so there was some responsibility attached.

Lets see how he gets more ideas from them now that he betrayed them and stole the gang funds

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