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Altis Life Update - 2022-9-21 - September Content Update

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  • Comms and Covered Offroad lowered to Deputy+
  • Police/RnR SDV price changed from $400k -> 40k
  • DP Payout Reductions
    • Ex: 100k at 50hrs will be $80k instead of $75k
      • 50h 75% -> 50h 80%
      • 75h 50% ->75h 60%
      • 100h 25% -> 100h 40%
  • Alloy price decreased by 5%
  • Medic services during inside active Federal Events are no longer decreased
  • Medic DP Missions payout increased
  • Medics no longer pay to pull vehicles
  • Car-95 price increased from $70k -> $75k
    • 100rnd Magazines increased from $5k -> $6.5k
  • Auction House expiration increased from 7 days to 31 days
  • Tags now have forced delimiters
    • ex: [TAG], TAG |, TAG -, |TAG|, etc.
  • Map Design: 


  • APD Undercover missing all uniforms and backpacks except textured uniforms
  • Duplicate Van texture
  • Inability to spawn at some of the new houses
  • Bank markers not reseting
  • Dynamic map locations (FPS increase)
  • Non-illegal items getting seized by APD
  • Loadout stopping due to restricted clothing that the player has access to
  • Map Design:
    • Sofia HQ buildings orientation and rotation
    • Oil Pro building elevation
    • TDM buildings no longer invincible
    • Damage being disabled on custom housing


  • Granite Ifrit
  • Russian Ifrit
  • Ukraine Ifrit
  • Sand Matte SUV
  • Sega Ifrit
  • Damascus Qilin
  • Apocalypse Ifrit
  • Bluking Ifrit
  • Redburger Ifrit
  • Delta Ifrit
  • CTF Gang Uniform
  • Noops Gang Uniform
  • Dankpods Gang Uniform
  • Dankpods Gang Granit
  • Dankpods Gang Hatchback
  • Prime Gang Granit
  • Prime Gang Ifrit
  • Teamplayers Gang Ifrit


Recommended Comments

On 9/23/2022 at 3:24 AM, The Sovereign said:

Mmk.   You want to try to play the crazy card again.  Gonna dish some facts and screenshots this weekend.


  • Haha 1
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