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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Proof or it didn't happen
  2. Hmmmm. *Teleports me into a cage and says "get out." Yea you're good...
  3. "Peter Long" is now known as "Killing myself.":peterscream;

  4. Congrats @Fushigi and @HyperGoat. o7 @Gibbs You will be missed

  5. Enter
  6. o7 Deadpool
  7. https://i.gyazo.com/f4afda1e1339ed09799f57aabc2fa024.mp4

    How did I kill the guy restrained in my car?

    1. LongInactiveAccount
    2. Nephew



    3. Brennan


      The gif is completely fucked up at the moment you kill him, but I can tell that you shot your gun before it was fully drawn up, so the bullet left the barrel while the gun was pointed at the car.

  8. Correct you can't harass or bug the civ to get them to give you consent
  9. 4c6b1a6464a3b0f8881ce4147728faa1.jpg


    Those were some good times during GW4

  10. e9147ff01ec4d5916d3904263ac26c0e.png

    hmm... I dont know how i feel about this.

    1. arx


      Master of the Black Arts

    2. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      I have 666 hours 13 minutes on cop  screenshotted xd

    3. Corporal Moob
  11. Day 24, @Grandma Gary did not supply us with enough food for the trip, so we are running low.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I resolved their health concerns.

    3. Decimus


      you tried to steal my kidney

    4. Tman15tmb


      I was going to make a comparison to Kim Jong Un but then I would probably be put in a labor camp haha.

  12. Does anybody even buy server 3 houses or are they worthless?

    1. iPopsicle


      I have a nice Kavala 4 crater if you want it for fr33

  13. Please offer below
  14. #VoteBill

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HyperGoat


      buffalo bill or lil bill?

    3. Loopz
    4. HyperGoat


      Does he even play, I haven't seen him on in like 5 months


  15. o7 @McDili you will be missed, and congrats @TheRealKyle



  16. https://gyazo.com/4433e8902ba8b21d764c85c6a7055ab3

    Hey I finally did OK in a match

    1. OlympusAccount


      That game looks like so much fucking fun. Is it easy to get kills?

    2. Decimus


      meh it depends


  17. I don't know but would anybody be interested in a GA Special Rig. The GA Special Rig is armor level 5 which I believe is the best armor in the game. Please comment if you are interested or if you think nobody will care about this listing.
  18. Same fam
  19. I actually didn't know that you were in that house I was trying to push the people on the hillside.
  20. I was mad at myself for pushing across that road after i died
  21. I agree
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