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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Slumberjack

  1. Congratulations @ Jonesy ! Long time in the making.

  2. Congrats @Winters @Doc well deserved admin @Millennium!!

  3. Happy birthday @Venomm

    happy belated birthday @Fusionz !

    1. Venomm


      Can I get a sup WL for my birthday chowdah!?!?!? Thanks ❤️

  4. RIP Helen McCrory an iconic actress 


    1. Lime


      Peaky Blinders will never be the same : (

  5. Congratulations @David Miller & @Strae well deserved

  6. Congratulations @Mike Lit

    We couldn't have asked for a higher caliber of Coordinator/ Senior member for the better part of the past two years. 

    You never with-held your opinion, and always had the faction's best interests at hand. 

    A steadfast presence in the R&R and a good friend to those around him.  I know you'll do great in your new position. 


    1. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      Love you Slumber. You have been a great director, keep it up.

      You guys are making me tear up.

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      We stole him, he's ours now.

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      nah fuck that degenerate

  7. Happy Birthday @Rossco hope it's a good one !

  8. Welcome to the team @Waddles  & @Fusionz  great to have you back!! 

  9. o7 @Maddox a great supervisor for the time we had you. Don't be a stranger! 😤

  10. Happy Birthday old friend @Corps miss you 😤 

  11. Happy Birthday Mr. @Generic Name Miller! 🥳 

  12. Congratulations @Lime @Maddox @1thedoc @rafaaa on your new appointments! A great cast.

    1. Rafa


      ty aesthetic man ❤️

    2. Maddox


      Thanks you slumba 

  13. Congratulations @Mason Harrison @sploding!

    Happy Birthday to @Claysive a true pillar of the community.


    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Thank you and Congrats to you as well 😃

  14. Designer @Maddox??? Congratulations! Our very own Picasso 🥰

  15. Please note the changes here! We have had issues with fade/ chrome color options making R&R vehicles appear too similar to civilian/ rebel vehicles. This applies to land and air vehicles. Changes appear in Green Chapter IV - Equipment Items and Physical Equipment Medics may only use items and equipment available for purchase at R&R facilities, general stores, and legal markets. Under no circumstances should a medic pick up any items from the ground that are not theirs. Items include, but are not limited to, firearms, ammunition, currency, food, drinks, and briefcases. The flare gun should not be used for illegal or violent activity (e.g., shooting someone, and gas station robberies). Doing so will result in disciplinary action. Uniforms Medics shall only wear the uniform that they are issued, which matches their assigned rank. Basic Paramedics+ may purchase diving gear from the R&R clothing vendor. Dive equipment shall only be worn when responding to, or operating within the water and must be removed when the water activities are complete. Search & Rescue+ may purchase the CBRN Firefighter uniform, black bandolier sling vest, air tank and gas mask from the R&R clothing vendor. All of these equipment items must be worn together, or not at all. Medics are not permitted to mix and match fire rescue equipment/ clothing with other R&R equipment/ clothing. Exception: The air tank may be substituted for the standard medic backpack. Medics shall only wear clothing items that are available at the medic clothing store. Vehicles Medics may only operate civilian and APD ground vehicles to the extent necessary to open roadways or clear spawn points. Medics shall not operate R&R vehicles that they have not earned access to via promotions unless riding along with a ranking medic. Medics may operate other R&R ground vehicles they have not yet earned as long as the ranking medic is in the vehicle while it is being used. Flight Certified Medics may operate other R&R air vehicles they have not earned yet as long as the ranking medic is in the vehicle while it is being used. The ranking medic is not required to be in the Pilot or Co-Pilot seat. Exemption: The Coordinator Y-32 Xi’an will remain a Coordinator only vehicle. Medics shall not apply the “Fade” or “Chrome” vehicle texture option within the vehicle customization menu. Medics will not ride within any civilian or APD vehicle unless stranded, taken hostage, or actively assisting the APD. Medics who lack a pilot certification, shall not act as pilot in command (PIC) of any R&R aircraft unless the PIC loses connection or dies. If the PIC loses connection, disconnects, or dies during flight, an uncertified medic may assume the controls and fly the helicopter directly to the nearest R&R facility. If no other flight certified medics are available in a timely manner (none online, hostages, involved with active scenarios, etc.), PICs may authorize a non-qualified medic to auto-hover and position the PIC to render medical services to floating or bugged player who is only visible to the PIC.
  16. Happy Birthday @Mike Lit! aging like a fine wine 😉 

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