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Everything posted by ItsGG

  1. b o r e d d d d

  2. Didn't think this to be true at first, but seeing all this now is upsetting. Played cop with him many times and he always gave me a good laugh, although his music bot will not be missed he definitely will be. R.I.P to a fun dude.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ponyslayer5000
    3. ItsGG


      No u may not vigi me lmaooo

      i wanted to @ the kid in the vid but couldnt find him lol

    4. Apathy


      lmfao what gang is that xd

  3. Are we going to be adding back the most wanted leaderboards? @Bow

    1. kev


      yes do this pls

    2. Apathy


      are we going to get the chillest admin back @Bow?

    3. Rossco


      Lemme get the hours pie chart back too?

  4. Happy birthday to one of the day 1s @Quack <3

  5. add 2 minute timer for cops logging on during fed events thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Orgondo


      Funny how civs are arguing that the blackfish is a must when Tree never uses one and hasnt failed more than 2 of our past 15

    3. KrispyK


      2 mil would be a retarded price

    4. Dangus


      Deadpool, couple pointers. 1. Like I said, there's only a select few number of people with ghosthawks who are also willing to pull them out against gangs who we know have multiple titans. 2. It may be 700 but that's assuming we are able to precisely land 700 bullets from a moving ghosthawk, flying a couple hundred meters in the air and a couple hundred meters up in the air. 3. If there isn't a Sr on, even if the fight is tilting in our favor, if you get two minutes past bomb blowing and you will win if you have a blackfish. Since blackfish has been reduced in price, I've noticed, civs have beat the cops in more feds and bw's than they've lost. This also doesn't include you guys getting blown up by another gang. 4. There is no primary weapon accessible to cops that can stop a blackfish. There is also no vehicle accessible to the APD that can keep up with a blackfish once it has taken off.

      @kev That's kind of how it has been done literally since the beginning of the server. I'm also not implying this either. I just want the price to get increased considering you lose very little if you lose a blackfish. Not saying it should be 6 mil, I just want it to cost some more.

      The blackfish is simply a vehicle that is overpowered against the majority of the APD and costs very little compared to what it can do.

  6. Not a scat and surprised with the turnout of my frames. o7 kavala you were fucking crazy.


  7. Cmon guys I get 20fps in kav on a good day lmao this purge shit is literally gonna blow up my pc lol

  8. Is this some early april fools joke? Cause this is no laughing matter
  9. can gun glitching like not be a thing

    1. KrispyK


      everytime i die in kavala some retard grabs my pistol

    2. Ryan


      1 hour ago, Jakka said:

      everytime i die in kavala some retard grabs my pistol

      Kavala. Nuff said

    3. Egnazio


      Gave cops the advantage during that fed. Let's just keep it as a thing :Kappa:

  10. Happy birthday @ScreaM!!

    HUGGGEEEE fan!

  11. @Bloodmoon what kind of sorcery???!!
  12. didnt realize u cant post a montage when ur banned

  13. ok. Fuck a goat and no one knows or everyone thinks you fucked a goat but you didn't?


    I'd fuck the goat

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bigPat


      When you have a goat to fuck and everyone has made a rumor of Aunt Jemima having a goat just for the fucking because he cant keep a girl. 

      You fuck the goat......

    3. Fgt


      Lol didn't mean to post in on the wrong account 

    4. iPopsicle


      I don't think it's a good idea to fuck goat, he looks underage 

  14. The amount of respect I have for @Peter Long rn



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ItsGG


      can I ride yours then? Need some OS dick 

    3. -dante-


      Guys who think pressing the button at traffic lights help the light speed aren’t my type sorry 

    4. Toasty
  15. Honestly if you’re dumb enough to hack or ddos and get caught you deserve to be permed lol. It’s pretty hard to prove someone is doing that stuff unless they themselves admit to it lmao. Everyone who’s permed for that bs saying they want a second chance I guarantee has been permed multiple times before and given chances over and over again. Unbanathons are not supposed to be a regular occurrence on any server. Everyone knows the stakes when it comes to hacking and ddosing no one forced anyone to be childish and do those things. On top of that most veteran cartel fighters aren’t active or permed allowing smaller gangs and newer players to step up. When cartel life was good it was toxic, very toxic, and it was next to impossible for new gangs or players to even try out cartels cause everyone was so toxic.
  16. Happy St. Patty's Day

    1. platinumfire


      my favorite holiday 

  17. Tell my how I just lost all my money to @J O E cause s3 says it opens at 2pm est and it is now 2:10 and the server is still locked..... @Jesse @McDili plz fix server name to 3pm 

  18. Everyone complaining about gang life need to make up their goddam minds lmao

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JAMIE


      @Mike Pence true but until they get caught they are considered good.

    3. Ryan


      1 hour ago, Savage said:

      @Jamie although i hate these ppl, they still had skill. Ppl im talking about r Jwilly, Triger, Excision, Elements, Apache, etc. those that were permed for cheating r another story but these ppl that were permed for Accusations with no proof to back up why they got permed were true fighters.

      There was proof. Their IP’s were on the booter that they used to login with lmao

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