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Everything posted by ItsGG

  1. @TheCmdrRex @McDili some voice huh xD
  2. new update is dope but when u request to war the other gang does not get a notification :(. Love this feature tho stylll

    1. ItsGG


      or idk where to go accept @Jesse

  3. bruhhhhhhh @Fushigi is only 19 wtf happy birthday but wtff thought ur ass was like 25

  4. you ever just wake up?

  5. neck

    1. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Thats like a harassment ban x 22,929 

    2. ItsGG


      @Genghis Khan if 1 neck is a harassment ban x 22,929 then what is   3 necks with the addition of 1 retard being said from a plane travelling 317km/h?

    3. Genghis Khan
  6. Need help getting a music bot I want one but have no fucking clue how to make one

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ItsGG


      was hoping for a ts music bot using youtube playlists or spotify

    3. Savage


      you r allowed to use play lists and it will auto play songs after

    4. Zahzi


      I use https://www.sinusbot.com/ on one of my VPS. It's pretty good. It supports streaming from youtube/soundcloud/etc through ytdl. You can also download and make playlists. It can also download full playlists off youtube. Has a nice webinterface and controls through Teamspeak as well.


      If you just want to hotmic music, I use https://www.vb-audio.com/Cable/ (functions pretty much the same as VAC) and whatever music player you want.

  7. @TheCmdrRex has a small weiner lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PoptartRex


      If you have seen it then it is Raptor 2.0 for you bud.


      Still 17 so sma

    3. ItsGG


      Jail bait headass smhh

    4. Hats
  8. @Jesse is there a way to change the bind for ear plugs? Shift+O is really annoying while on cop when I open gates 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. iPopsicle


      @Zahzi Yeah it's possible to throw something in the option menu to disable the shift + o. Would have to discuss this with the real game developers first, I just help them out a bit.

    3. codeYeTi


      2 hours ago, DeadPool said:

      I Have mine set to - 

      I don't think I've ever met someone with the same keybind as me for that, but I also use -

    4. Apathy


      Im sorry i unflipped my car on your heli xd

      pls do not submit 

      I cannot get banned jemima i didnt rdm u btw

  9. so whats arma 4 saying?

  10. o7 babe <3 everyone's leaving or getting permed
  11. ItsGG

    Im out

    @buckie fuck u I want a shout out <3 ill cya around babe
  12. Happy Bday ya twat @J O E

    1. J O E

      J O E

      Cheers baby girl, and oh yeah, go sniff some syrup.

  13. So I'm a retard and downloaded something through a sketchy site and now have some sort of virus or some shit, it will open my internet browser and open a fuck ton of tabs and occasionally will have ads pop up over my game or whatever application i have open. If any of u guys know any way or any software that could help me get rid of this shit it would be greatly appreciated.
  14. and I thought u weren't allowed to save reports for right before gw :///

  15. gratz @Bloodmoon!! Surprised you hadn't had it sooner!!

  16. Not sure where this "free pass to the finals" for mango republic is coming from...
  17. ItsGG


    That makes no sense lmao if anything you just helped explain why they should stay permed. @Elements got banned on Olympus cause he got banned on asylum, you’re saying all these guys got permed from asylum and then got permed off Olympus for something else lol. I like the guys that got permed but they couldn’t simply stick to playing video games and they got caught :/
  18. gratz to the new sgts @Deputy Dog @ChrisGG!! Both very well deserved!

  19. career medic @zoomzooooooom somehow got corp? lmaooo +1 love ya buddy <3

  20. Happy birthday to one of the day 1s @Dante you old fart!!

    Thank you for always answering my questions lmaooo

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