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Everything posted by Xeltini

  1. Will you guys be sticking to a game schedule so we dont have to constantly sit around the ts all day?
  2. o7 you have always been a good friend to play with. Good luck with what's going on right now whatever it is and I hope to play some apex again with you in the future
  3. Congrats @Creepy knew you would get it sometime.

    1. Creepy


      Thanks bud couldn't have done it without your love and support

  4. Civ VI destroys friendships beware

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. drama


      what about mean greens


    3. Skys


      28 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      Civ 5 is better

      i will buy civ 5 and 1v1 you 


    4. Xeltini


      4 hours ago, drama said:

      what about mean greens


      Mean greens sealed the deal tonight. We lost a good friend to rage after civ and then hopping on mean greens thinking he could even touch me. 

  5. No one else can post if they are not online
  6. Why not give it to corps too? Is it just something you think corporals can not handle or be entrusted with or more so wanting to give another perk for being SAPD? Many lower ranking officers love doing trial by combats like myself and whenever I ask a senior they seem to always say no. @Pledge
  7. Happy bday CSGO ragequitter @hawk

    1. hawk


      Listen brother I've matured so I no longer rage quit :Kappa: Thanks!

  8. Quality content 



  9. https://gyazo.com/7a9e7980d2b7189400098a0fad3d0ccf https://gyazo.com/cca3d4a53a547ff65c0e9ce5d3654c30 The two bottles are prescription strength antiperspirant for when the games get intense.
  10. @Outcast Happy birthday. Kavala is not gonna be safe if you are out partying. 

  11. When they give us full ownership of echo squad. Thank you for this promotion as we will not disappoint in this position.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hawk


      Echo will always be my squad

    3. Xeltini


      28 minutes ago, hawk said:

      Echo will always be my squad

      I took it with force

      NSFW: https://gyazo.com/90347e3de2cbaa16fcad077729d0d319

      NSFW: https://gyazo.com/5dfdffb73d6018ad5574ed851a186eb7

      Photo creds: @Viper

    4. JuanDeaged


      Juan better be added to echo 

  12. dont worry plague and bw will save your erep
  13. Ryan cant get kills on cartels so he has to do a purge where he can shoot people in the back. https://gyazo.com/cdc1a9ed89fd803ec4f7a3eb055af28d
  14. FuN fAcT: tHiS iS @Zurphs aRmEd PrOwLeR tHaT hE lOsT iN a FiGhT aGaInSt ||BW||. HaHaHaHaHAHA gEt WrEkEd NeRd BaD pLaYeR bAd GaNg. Ez GaNg WaRs
  15. RIP my age exception

  16. @Zurph @Zurph @Zurph Get wrecked, haha lost your armed prowler. Ez Pz bot bot bot
  17. New Chief/SAPD Townhall/AMA meeting??? thoughts

    @hawk @Pledge @OutCast

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Xeltini


      how many people are you looking for? 

    3. gaz


      This could actually be dope

    4. Creepy


      We're fine tuning this. Form to participate will be posted soon.

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