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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. Wth thought u died.
  2. Can someone please tell me why my cursor moves across my screen and i'm not even touching my mouse?

  3. My Prediction for the final Prime vs Mango republic.
  4. I'm trying to not be as toxic but I have to make this joke. Thats probably what it would have sounded like if the south would have won.
  5. Depends on what said buyer would be using it for.
  6. @Peter Long when will the rosters be displayed?
  7. @Ignis if i was to get vacced for a diffrent game would i be able to get unbanned?

  8. and I quote "see you in 10-12 weeks" ?
  9. Says taking break makes 6 post in a hour and made a status update saying "if anyone looking for a shooter for gw hmu" hehexd nice break.
  10. Where tf are randoms getting Dmses from?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      @Proud someone forgot their Ritalin and I haven't seen a bw done in over a month.

    3. proud


      @Panda :) just cuz no one did a BW in a while doesn't mean ppl don't have DMS'

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      When they released BW they posted the drops. OS can see exactly how many scopes and vehicles are in the market. 

  11. @Dante wtf didn't even notice you were a deputy chief congrats it was like a month or 2 ago you were a sergeant.

  12. @Peter Long when will the roster for all gangs for gws be posted?

  13. Thank god people are starting to finally notice the status update post like me.
  14. explain to me how olympus has 215k active players https://gyazo.com/355a5c64d5a7d5edf7954031f849968d


    1. Google


      Probably took the total number of players played on accident idk

    2. JAMIE


      its really like 25k prob a bug 

  15. @McDili will extra characters be added to next month's dono goal or will it be even thought about don't really see why it couldn't be added.


  16. @DeadPool worst civ rep yet.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KrispyK


      no hes not, the ones who got permed are, while on civ rep

    3. Bloomey


      not understandable.

    4. DeadPool


      First IDK even know you or have even spoken to you ever! If you dont know me then you have no fucking right to say I am the worst. I have a huge ass agenda actually trying to push for shit to get done. I am only allowed to bring up 5-6 topic each staff meeting so get the fuck off my damn back or get the fuck on my train to help the community either way sitting here saying I am worst does not help shit. So once more fuck off me.

  17. if you can't get 5 warpoints for csats you don't need them. and also what about what @Zurph said can we add a more variety of characters to the server?
  18. Sir are you ok do you need to see a doctor if you think this is even remotely funny in any way shape or form you need to speak to a doctor and find out what is wrong with you. And on another note how do i put this.... NECK?
  19. Congrats on mod.

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