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Ryan Beck

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Status Updates posted by Ryan Beck

  1. Did @Bloodmoon get corp, Do i gotta log on and get you removed again. 


  2. New website stuff and brinign back twitch tab is great, Keep up the good work. 


  3. image.thumb.png.f48b0a56827e3124aad2f468e5de44f4.png

    DB Team speak is poppin



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ryan


      @billdroid I’m neutral tbh but this situation was just retarded and could of been easily avoided lmao

    3. Ryan


      Ye @Kamikaze is the one that went for the ban, he ain’t even in db he’s @Creepy’s puppet in BW 🙂 

    4. Drippp


      Okay now @Ryan let’s not act like @Kamikaze doesn’t always have rabid and goats dick down his throat,  js. 


  4. Dude DB Egos gone over the roof no wonder server pop is down 😄 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GregoV1


      @rabid I wouldn't be calling me a loser lol. retard you sit it your room all day talking shit on an arma 3 forums

    3. billdroid


      Hey that’s toxic mr. staff member @rabid

    4. billdroid


      Grego come back the community needs u 👾

  5. S2 is on some new level of fucked up right now Its bugging out people disappearing and freezing all over the place possible hacker ? 

  6. Have a good day @ThatNerdyGuy make sure you vibe

  7. The medic is 7km at the start of the clip but just watch, Medic where ? 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shadowtail00


      No, he died after he ran out of the heli

    3. Slumberjack


      Looks like you found us testing a new "medical-wizard" rank 🤣:kappa:

      Usually if a heli is involved in any type of revive the bodies appear in different positions client-side. (i.e floating bodies around the map)

    4. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      Hey, I like the new rank Caught those guys off guard pretty well 😄 

  8. cAn I ChanGe my nAme BACk pLS

  9. Just saying an Olympus modded DayZ Stand alone server could be clutch 

    1. DashTonic


      It only will last a few weeks just like tano and Malden

  10. Hey @Dominick Ramos its ya boi ryan beck i can get you a huron if you ever trynna make the sequel 


  11. Where is @Grandma Gary owner ? or do they not let monsters who make female dwarfs on that role ?


    1. Millennium


      he has been offered several times and doesn't want it

  12. Can i switch my name back now Jeff was just for that civ rep thing and that dont work if you cant do Sundays 

  13. Which idiot developed the garage outside jail I cant pull a fucking car without getting kicked. is this a joke even ask @Headless 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      Kinda Clogged 

    3. Danger


      Submitting a bug report might be more helpful with getting issues fixed rather than calling the devs shit on the forums.

    4. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      those new jail outfits look cool asf

  14. You still blacklisted on medic @Jester

    1. Jester


      Nah dude the SRnR realized it was a bullshit reason and it got lifted :D

    2. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      Was about fucking time congrats trident jester 

    3. Jester


      lol thank you Trident | Ryan Beck 

  15. I remember stealing all your members from lnt to get them to join trident you've come far since then @MAV grats 

  16. the increase in brain dead threads has gotta come from somewhere

  17. Chill guys its just some late April fools joke, right @Ares

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