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Everything posted by Mighty

  1. 10/10 Coms should be disabled on restart.. I think i'm deaf now.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      Next donation goal bring back voice over side chat for a week?

  2. can cops arrest me and then give me away to another clan that's is wanted and has all illegal gear with titans on there back???

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Linka


      1 hour ago, Jaeger Mannen said:

      If it’s roleplayed correctly and artfully- anything goes. 

      unless the senior apd decide no

    3. PoptartRex


      Would depend on the RP scenario. Most likely no, however there is always mitigating factors. Submit a report.

    4. Xlax


      90% sure you were the kid that the cop gave to us to vigi kekekekekeekekek (along with like 5 other people)

  3. unknown.png.d85d037721b45db812f7175f72617882.pngRIP...

    1. DashTonic
    2. Mighty


      @DashTonic i don't know what happened. For some reason DB hates us and will do anything in there power to fuck our day up lol. For example, blowing up our gang shed xD

  4. when DB are scums and destroy your propellers then engage but then shoot you 1.5 seconds after its sent. like what the fuck. 

  5. There should be a helipad on gang sheds..

  6. How do you claim cars?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -dante-


      If it was from the escort mission you can’t claim it. 

    3. Mighty


      @Dante its was from a kid that kept killing my friends by airport.

    4. -dante-


      From the bare information can’t know for sure but they could have kept it from the event. About the only reason I’d see you not being able to claim it. Unless it was admin spawned. 

  7. why do the submarines not stay underwater?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. QKSILVR73
    3. Fyshie.


      59 minutes ago, Brennan said:

      underwater vehicles, it messes with its bouncy. 

      Yeah, bouncy not buoyancy.

    4. JAMIE


      if you fully upgrade it and need it to stay underwater at a ship wreck park it under the pole that would hold the sails or a flag pole whatever it is, but park under that and it wont float to top.

  8. Do cartels go faster if you have more people?

  9. when you have $400,000 gear on you and you die from no water :pog:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan
    3. KrispyK


      *pst* just log out next time

    4. Mighty


      @Jakka i fell asleep and forgot all about my game. i woke up and noticed the death screen :'(

  10. Whats up with kavala square xD


    1. platinumfire


      its the Apocalypse 

  11. Thx <3
  12. I keep checking back for legit questions cause i only got one more chance.. and all thats here is bullshit lol
  13. Been wondering the prices thx
  14. How much contraband has to be in a vehicle to seize it?
  15. Why did they take the like button away for status??

  16. The website looks so different.

  17. Just take a min and look how many EMT's are on all the servers waiting for a promotion xD

  18. I love how proud @hadiis when someone bombs kavala.

    1. Guest


      I am proud of you my brother. Allah has spoken.

  19. Holy crap you guys are going at it xD
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