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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Hylos

  1. o7 thanks for your work on the server
  2. o7 @hawk one of the best LTs there ever was and led us well as senior support team lead you'll be missed

  3. Me and you both buddy. Me and you both.
  4. Congrats @Pledge, @TheCmdrRex, and @AstralC!

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Imagine how much content count you would have if it counted status updates 

  5. Happy birthday to the man the myth the legend @Piner

  6. Congrats at another corp promo today @max^!

  7. Happy thanksgiving everyone hope you all have a great day

    1. SPBojo


      Shut up hylos.



      I love you, happy thanksgiving buddy.

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      13 minutes ago, SPBojo said:

      Shut up hylos.


    3. I’m NormaL

      I’m NormaL

      Hey Bud Hope Your Having A Wonderful Thanksgiving Today With The Fam :)

  8. Congrats @jimjim1415!

    1. Jimmy Netz

      Jimmy Netz

      Woot!  Doesn't mean I still don't want to blow you your helis though

  9. o7 man was fun fighting you at feds and BWs and best of luck!
  10. Congrats @MAV on FTO well deserved!

  11. Congrats @Hadi Mokdad on corporal!

    1. Guest


      thanks brother

  12. o7 man I remember when I first joined and mainly played with you piner and lou that shit was lit. I miss those days and I wish we could go back to them. Stay real like you always have been and I hope everything works out in your favor bro
  13. I know this is really late but congrats @ikiled! Best of luck and I know you're gonna do a great job

  14. o7 thanks for all you did for olympus
  15. Grats @Rossco!

    1. Rossco


      Thank cutie......Congrats to you!

  16. ^
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