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caleb xD

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Everything posted by caleb xD

  1. Don't be from Saudi Arabia...
  2. It was fun but I would ban people longer for suicide vesting and killing in rebel that was the only aids part.. Otherwise this was really fun and I would like to see more events like this in the near future
  3. https://gyazo.com/0b89a7362bcbb5b8a43e5632a57bdf3c csats and mk200 is op change my mind

    1. Super_Nova


      Yea they can tank at times but it was a deputy...

    2. silton


      cops are awful at the game. change my mind

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      It help when you fight people who aim with their ankles.

    1. Lion


      Congrats if I kiss your ass can I have po ? Just playing I break rules to often 

  4. how much for each of them
  5. congratz @snipeZ did a good job :dejaywink:

  6. o7 buddy you will be missed :(

  7. https://gyazo.com/1d9222c86d0e8a3622242ba9f6a8f04d 

    @DashTonic gg wp nerd I knew you were cheating... :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Millennium


      LMFAO i was playing Rainbow when that happened and i just thought... tf? XD

    3. Skys


      lol me and @Millennium were playing ranked when we saw that pop up

    4. Mighty
    1. MAV
    2. Fuzz^


      Hes the only other person that plays olympus and is your age, show some respect

  8. r                              i                                         p                                                             a                                                   p                                                        d

    1. Fuzz^


      Why aren't you banned on the fourms yet?

    2. DashTonic


      Jesse unban him

    3. Rossco


      Yet? He isn’t permed

  9. o7 @Julian I'll miss you big boy

  10. <15:04:45> You were banned permanently from the server by "Jesse" (Have a time out) oh wow I'm cool have permissions on a ts @Jesse 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Orgondo


      Permed from this server, permed from the forums and TS, simple.

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      This guy could be a spokesman for bad attention being better than no attention at all...

  11. like I said @Rossco this is where the APD falls :P

  12. @Ryan WWE sign him up hes ready 


  13. @Rossco It has been a good run we have had some amazing moments.. but lately we have been too aids. We have to split up from ||BW|| SoUnDbOaRdEd to [TC] Rossco and to Hands up or be Lethaled! on cop. Its been nice, goodbye my fello retard of the east. o7 :FeelsBad:

  14.  @Hoonter when did you become good?

    1. Viper


      +1 @Hoonter that was a nutty ass shot

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