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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. Not original
  2. Still remember taking all your tickets week one of support. GL with where ever you go in life. Gonna miss playing with you
  3. o7 @Jester one coolest people to hangout with since day one on support team

  4. Interesting prediction

    1. Zeuse


      How peculiar...

    2. Unjo


      The disney lawyer team would like a word 

  6. F for all the minecraft creepers out there
  7. replace vans with tractors for apd

    slower and less cover

  8. Oh yeah? @Kedarr is back too
  9. Already being moved
  10. so we back in the mine

  11. So is project 83 dead

    1. Pledge


      It is completed.


      Step 1: Feedback


      Step 2: Changing deputy requirements and tighter age exceptions


      Step 3: New handbook


      Step 4: Be satisfied and retire

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Step 3.5: Remove @hawk

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