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Everything posted by GregoV1

  1. I dislike you as much as the next guy, but enjoy retirement. Good luck on school and your work. Cya later  bud o7

    1. Daddy Fenwick

      Daddy Fenwick

      Now i feel bad for talking shit to you in prison LOL!!! Thanks man.

  2. Damn @Childish, you've been the director for a few hours and you already did more than @Mercury
  3. @Hadi Mokdad When you started to grow up :(





    1. Ryan


      This mans so lazy he had to copy paste the other one instead of typing it l0l

  4. ETA on a "Impersonating an LEO" charge for the people who run around in full cop uniforms

  5. Who do you like then buddy?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GregoV1


      Yeah, sure.. He died though. So Gendry would technically have claim...

    3. ZachTheAndal


      Obviously before that monkey

    4. GregoV1


      I'm talking at the end of GOT... Stannis died, so Gendry by birthright should be king, but now they have that new order in so instead of being birthed into line as king, you are chosen by people in high power.

  6. Is it just me or are they only putting british corps in foxtrot to make a statement? Well for one thing I know @1thedoc got it so congrats nerd :) stop putting peoples name on your body now!

    1. 1thedoc


      but that was my plan to get sergeant

  7. @Kamikaze the sAPD just got more toxic :Kappa: 

    Congrats my man :D

  8. ETA on server 3 being turned into malden with cartels and medics this time?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -dante-


      Picking grapes was really the true highlight 

    3. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Dante You mean picking grapes, then getting rdm'd? yea that was the peaking point in my life

    4. -dante-


      Yeah imagine losing all your fucking GRAPE MONEY 

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