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Status Updates posted by GregoV1

  1. The guy under me posted a virus!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monster


      i hope that virus will randomly pop a dick pick into my snap :kappa:

    3. Xlax
    4. monster
  2. Where did this go?


    Hiding things I see...

  3. I thought @Mane o7'd?

  4. dcd40f5a5b2cb86d7f903ff887df1bf4.png

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Vcx


      spastic staff always complains when they don't have enough evidence to bans someone then doesn't want to show evidence when they ban people because their evidence is shit and just want them banned. 

    3. Mighty


      Ive heard a lot of people complain about panda lately, now I see why lol

  5. I guess staff don't have to follow this rule...e203f99fec3737f51d3063e878186104.png

    1. Show previous comments  84 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Easy for you to say right? anyways hindsight is always 20/20 although even if that was the case this shit post would still be made because I wouldn't show him the evidence it's fine though I will still do my best to get him unbanned.

    3. Richard


      I am not saying it's easy.  But this is the role you chose to hold.  I personally make these decisions on a daily basis.  I also see these status updates happen way too often for staff to not learn from their mistakes.  It's insanity!

  6. I thought @Crenshaw was joking about me being perm'd cause of the name being spelled wrong, but I guess am perm'd for "scripting" even though I've never used scripts in Arma. 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Madnesss


      #freegrego he dindu nuffin

    3. Unjo
    4. Monks


      I knew you used to cheat on cop, lyin son of a gun...

  7. Congrats @ThatNerdyGuy you finally made it!

    o7 @Crenshaw you were weird anti social little PO, but you turned out just all right 🙂 

  8. The guy under me looks like this


  9. This @Eggmasta guy is a lil bitch


    hbd bad gta modder 😉 

  10. Thinkin about making a V2 of thishttps://gyazo.com/74c05d3ce1d8f86a679783eb31346ed7

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      @Ryan Why do you think the APD is as shit as it is rn

    3. GregoV1


      @Ryan I made that list 2 years ago when those people were really shitters.

    4. NokiaStrong


      @Hylos did in fact get corporal one day

  11. @Airborne stfu you retard

    hbd btw

  12. Fuck @Richard! That guy fukin is a bad Costco manager

  13. metal people hear a controversial topic and go *racist comment inbound*

    1. gaz
    2. Drippp


      And it wasn’t even funny 

  14. @Revise *Cat walks into room while he plays Division 2*


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