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Everything posted by GregoV1

  1. "There will be no rule update, though, let this be a PSA" *Posts rule update 12 minutes later*
  2. @Cyanide Happy you got it 🙂 congrats my man!!!!

    @Headless Clown Apple Emoji

  3. Atleast @Bunny is better then Cooper and Mike combined. Congrats ya big dumb bunny ❤️ 

  4. @Civak I don't want to be @Richard

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GregoV1


      im at 1000 downvotes


    3. Claysive


      Trust me, none of us want to be @Richard

    4. Richard


      I don’t wanna be me.  Just didn’t understand the context.

  5. I found my #1 fan in action! 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RubberDuck
    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      What you didn’t realize is that the pier is short because rabid walked on it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. buckie


      @Claysive my monitor wrote that man. so embarrassing 

    3. Claysive


      @buckie na. You’re magic done turned into black magic! 

    4. Birb


      Grego I appreciate the feedback, but school is boring 

  6.                                      @rabid


  7. I always appreciate a dedicated fan base ❤️


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GregoV1
    3. Billeh


      i got you in 24 hours brother 

    4. Richard


      I think they sat on their dislike button.  Looks stuck

  8. Happy birthday bad supervisor ❤️ 

    miss you


    1. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      Should have gotten a tip for that

    2. Skys


      That man is dedicated to his job

  10. It would be cool for a dono goal to have gang outposts. They would be decently sized w/ gang shed, two small towers, heli and car spawn. make them shits a butt load of money to drain the economy. I’m thinking around 35M to buy and it’s 3 to 4x the rent then a normal gang shed. Have like 6 - 12 a server.


    Just an idea...

    1. Richard


      Doesn’t suck, but feel like these would get camped hard!

    2. GregoV1


      @Richard I wasn't talking to you bitch

    3. Richard


      Ur talking to me now 🤪

  11. I only like American farmers

  12. Is that against the rules? I've been hiding porn links in all my posts... awkward...
  13. Medic rank colors should flip

    S&R - Blue | Adv. - Red | Basic - Yellow | EMT - Orange



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Childish Bring back Medevac. Change my mind

    3. GregoV1


      @Millennium Thats what I was thinking. Blue pilot cuvs would look baller. and a orange suv and yellow offroad.

    4. Civak
  14. Well fuck you too bitch! Your designs are
  15. Unjo posts a gif of J.F.K. getting shot in the head and doesn't get in trouble, but I @ a senior admin calling him a "dumb bitch," and get perm banned. smh my head these staff members nowadays.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ScreaM


      2 hours ago, M0N5T3R said:

      I hear if you make a status update @'ing chrisgg and calling him a cunt, he will give you a 15 day restriction!!!

      @ChrisGG cunt

    3. Fake Grandma
    4. silton


      3 hours ago, Grego said:

      @Silton so can I play some historical porn, and completely ignore that fact that it's porn? J.F.K. was shot in the head and you can see brains coming out.

      if you got some porn on the same level of a US president being assassinated please send it to me

  16. wtf are these medic tags?!?!

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