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APD Officer
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Everything posted by CocoisDead

  1. Unlucky only [DB] Won
  2. @i win o7 man sad to hear you go and that you got corona 😞

    1. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      wait is this fucking true or is this some kinda of a joke?

    2. Kedar


      @De Fuk its true sadly

  3. What are you gonna do? see who can push windows key faster?
  4. Msg me offer Willing to sell cheap
  5. @decla Congrats on the promotion to Civ!!!

  6. This is already a thing.
  7. @buckie dont worry @Kedar wont get away with this #FreeBuckie
  8. @Mr Majestic Congrats on Cop watch out @Bloodmoon maj said he is going for that 100+ hour spot

    1. Noahhh!


      Wait, Maj is an APD officer now? tf

    2. monster


      i dont think so @Noahhh! ceaa26883e35237b0a58e14ebd258cf2.png 

    3. Noahhh!
  9. @SPBojo Happy Birthday rat ❤️ you made it another year without lung cancer(yet)

  10. Happy Birthday @Zahzi Hope you have enjoy your birthday deving 🙂 

  11. will take it for 3
  12. Happy New Years to all you retards I met this year playing this shit game 🙂 thx for not booting me off too much. 


  13. Yall are retards and hope yall have a good time @Hylos You were the first monki i met and you were pretty cool every since that day (dont off yourself yet) @Super_Nova Same as hylos you were the the second monki i ever met and been there since day 1(T-t-t-take it eas-s-sy) @Hurricane Big chungus glad to met you and your welcome for the r6 carry c: (retard deps) @Zahzi Thanks for everything you helped me you turned out to be a pretty good friend (Grug) @Mr Majestic My bad for our previous arguments lol Glad we patched shit out you turned out to be a cool person (Support Channel ;c) @Zeuse Actually annoying (<3) @rabeed Same as Maj my bad for keeping you for 1 hour long lmao (Grug) @hawk Had fun playing mil sim until you killed it >:( (Im the real hawk) @Grego Actually the real big chungus @CorNfLower you always been real with anything you said not a beta monki (lung cancer) @Jester big beta(slow) @Bojo You are the biggest monki i will ever met holy shit like actually (+4 ) @Decimus Seen you play apex and let me tell you playing egril sim gave you brain dmg @Rossco actually a beta lmao imagine getting coup From SS xD @Dustin is actually white dont believe his lies! @Mighty Sad to seen you leave after you lost the battle of the egril to @Rexo (Dont swat me) @Pledge Thanks for everything @ChrisGG @Riiken Always enjoyed "stream sniping" you @Bloodmoon This shit is long af if i didnt @you than opps you know if i like you or if i dont like you @maxg i dont like you c: (stay away from the bush) O7 Cya yall Grugs in 3 months @Ryan Keep the server alive until than please i like roleplay cooper
  14. @Trap Turtle Congrats on advance!!! 

  15. CocoisDead

    wtb wp

    They sell for 12k - 15k
  16. o7 @hawk and @Sandman :( hawk your big gay 

  17. Anyone selling .338 suppressor or 7.62 suppressor

    1. Strae


      uh, i have a 338

  18. They pretty good when i want a medic dead
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