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Caleb Snackbar

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Status Updates posted by Caleb Snackbar

  1. Feels bad major got a 7 day for accidentally getting on ladder in restraints now I have no one to bet :(

  2. so I’m watching BodyGuard on Netflix rn and I swear this guy says Mom every sentence is this like some British thing they do or am I just hearing him wrong 

    1. J O E

      J O E

      Usually used to address a slag who's above him (politically)

  3. o7 @codeYeTi was fun playing together occasionally have fun elsewhere hope to see you again 

  4. Time to start stealing medic qillins to push cap 

    1. codeYeTi


      More like time to stop being a pussy and use an Ifrit :)

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      2 minutes ago, codeYeTi said:

      More like time to stop being a pussy and use an Ifrit :)


  5. Can we please not go on cooldown if we get someone who is on a cool down like it’s so annoying and I’ll be last one to bet someone then bet them again and they will be on cooldown and I won’t then I get a cooldown and it’s just bad 

  6. Legit gonna have to start driving dep wagons around spent way to much on qillin insurance after today from the hacker blowing them up 

    1. Ronin


      at least you don't lose gear

  7. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/957469508560016199/50050BEA3278BC5FB632FD32FE2E8E8DE53E128C/ average day 

    1. Pablo_Escobar


      it was probably the hacker that we ran into 

    1. yung matt
    2. DeadPool


      Did you buy that off Dell.com? If so return it and call 911 and backeract your self for buying a shit pc

    3. buckie


      can u leave again retard

  8. Has YouTube been super slow recently or is it just me?

    1. JAMIE


      What browser do you use and what plug ins

    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      I just use the app on my phone 

    3. Ryan


      6 hours ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

      I just use the app on my phone 

      App on phone has been slow af recently.

  9. Very well deserved @Edge I knew you would get it congrats 

  10.  When you get mad af at a arma bug

    1. Unjo


      Perhaps not dick around in front of civs

  11. so If we don’t meet donation goal the drug money isn’t added in, if so don’t donate guys 

    1. monster


      shut up or ill start downvoting on all 4 of my forum accounts

    2. Kamikaze


      tfw u care about internet points

  12. There should be a agree and disagree reaction cause some things I don’t like but I do agree with.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LiL J

      LiL J

      I think you have more than just a lisp 

    3. DeadPool


      Either you like aka agree or dislike aka disagree


    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
  13. Yikes Jesse putting in that work for civ rep 4th place so far let’s see if he can get 2nd or 3rd before it ends 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeadPool


      58 minutes ago, LiL J said:

      @hawk hes braindead

      How is Jesse Braindead? He is the reason why this server is still alive

    3. LiL J

      LiL J

      wasnt talking to him @DeadPooL

    4. hawk


      1 hour ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

      Sorry for using a word next time I’ll pull out the thesaurus and find another word to put there. Thanks for your input!

      I was just asking why you randomly used it at the start of the sentence.

  14. Why you gotta lock it @Peter Long it was the best thread in a while 

  15. Wtf @Scribble legit no banned me with no evidence terrible server and staff I’ll go play asylum instead 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Scribble
    3. LiL J

      LiL J

      Good, rats belong there 

    4. JamalJones


      Is it Christmas. Did the rat who cycles through 2 hours of a fed footage to try and get someone banned gone?

  16. Saw the new donor update then i check the donation page and I see like 10 people donate. :hmm:

    1. drama


      is this supposed to mean something 

    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      What is this? A common connection between benefits and paying for them? Impossible! Your braindead

  17. Was today anyone else’s first day back to school?

    1. monster


      Nah, still got like 3 weks till i go back

    2. Fuzz^
    3. MAV


      sounds a bit early for back to school...

  18. Do we still get 10% bonus on paid tickets or was that only one month 

    1. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      So do we get the same amount of money from sending to jail as someone paying ticket?

    2. -dante-


      1 hour ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

      So do we get the same amount of money from sending to jail as someone paying ticket?

      No. You get 100% for someone paying the ticket. IIRC we reduced it to like 90 or something for 3+ cops when sending to jail. 

  19. Why do all these juicy post keep getting deleted 

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