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Everything posted by Mr GOAT

  1. ah, yes, thank you devs for the tactical server restart!

  2. if you can push a server update, you can make the jail borderline playable for cops

    1. Mako


      A Jail rework and separated Evidence Locker is coming in the next update.

    2. Mervin


      Probably one of the best status updates and replies 

    3. Noble


      @ Mako how about taxi's? @ Masoooooooooon said you would

  3. As owner, why haven't you already implemented these changes? @ i chop hatchbacks
  4. something here doesnt add up
  5. 0 chance you should've been comped for this 100% fail titan'd the ghosthawk @ kavala chop (per the admins), you were getting a free haircut via the hawk when you hopped out why isn't there a forum post arguing against this comp?
  6. 3b09e1cc8f85d95d1115c4b22134f2f1.gif

    adding this one to the notebook @ Nephew

  7. Sounds like I'm your guy, per all non-APD members that is
  8. you sent your mouse through the washing machine my man
  9. I would like to apologize to the community, I've lead all of you on for many years that I was in fact "hot shit". I'd liken myself to Tom Cruise in Top Gun, I'd like to whole heartedly apologize to the community for this misconception that has spanned a number of years and affected the minds of many individuals. Here is a snippet of my amazing piloting skills, I hope I can regain your trust in my piloting again someday.

    PAID FOR BY: @ Mako

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Eazy


      holy fuck shut the fuck up jesus christ 44 god damn status update notifications

    3. buckie


      I stirred the pot. Mission accomplished @ Orgondo  the long con 

    4. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Someone fill me in

  10. If you want to make 500k+ go do a run or a pharma this event is VERY dynamic with all loadout combinations, people I've played with have only raved about this event +1 addition devs
  11. "Airdrop seize price reduced by 50%" reduced by like 80%...last time we seized one I got 1.8m-2.1m
  12. Whichever dev/administrative staff thought it would be a genius idea for cops to "drop" redgull when we die

    you are fully retarded

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Millennium
    3. silton


      It was me. Fuck you scumbag

    4. Orgondo


      Wait it’s okay for Cops to loot the Y of the civ they lethal but not the other way around?

  13. Mr GOAT


    Hey I think there was more too it than that but hey it is what it is One of the coolest/loyal people I've met. Hate to see you go lad
  14. @ Ryan i ask but of one, small, favor, please consider this thread the statistics are O V E R W H E L M I N G
  16. "Yo what server guys?" - @Bloodmoon

    hahahahaahahah what a savage

    1. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      @Civak sick 1 server hahahahaha dumb ass cunt @Zahzi

    2. Civak


      seek mental help immediately

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT


      top 10 feature of this website HAHAHAHAHAHA

  17. Reminder: For the past two years, your team has been worse than the Chiefs.

    take a seat hoes, #RunItBack tour is just kicking off

    1. Billeh


      @Hurricane punching the air rn cause the bills lost to the chiefs 

    2. Hoonter


      Bro I thought this man was talking Olympus and I was so confused

  18. me crying at the devs? devs crying @ the 1 server they have more like LOL #ToughScene reference my signature
  19. wow i haven't read a thread this retarded in awhile @thomaslorddd you literally ran into the ifrit, quit being a literal monk @CaloomClark back on my dick too hahahahaha this kid NEVER logs off the forums c u t e hahahahahahahaha
  20. bullied off anzus by GOAT jr 

    welcome back @Riiken Tenkashie

    1. Bloodmoon


      Fuck. Might have to start playing here again.

  21. I know I'm late, but shoutout the MAIN MAN @rabid

    "Check this bar"

    Good stuff @Winters @ThatNerdyGuy you know you made an excellent choice.

  22. You're telling me THIS tag team needs another dev? Say it aint so


  23. Olympus: guiz our devs are so gud, congratulate on hard werk



    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      @CaloomClark I’m gonna spell this out for you: You are a random. No one knows who you are. No one can pronounce your name. Stay on my 🥜 just like ur little dev friends lol

      keep being a fan retard lol

    3. CaloomClark


      @Mr GOAT you actually amuse me internet man. Damn yo nobody knows me on an online server smh bro, you genuinely are retarded lmfao. I love it every time i see you on ik i have some edgy internet kid to piss off lmao u dumb dog

    4. Civak


      rent free part 2

  24. "The boys" which is Amazons superhero show is pretty lit I also like some offline map development I've seen from the devs, especially ray and zahzi
  25. Like I’ve said previously, MC, TI, Tree are collectively laughing at this thread. negative brain activity detected here
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