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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. o7 Lucki, thank you for everything you've done and I am glad you ain't completely gone.
  2. You're a good dude Issac, if you need anything lmk.
  3. What happened to yours?
  4. Bringing the Ignis banathon back by the end of this weekend. Can't wait to read some of the excuses :D 

    1. Joel.KX125


      How about a UNbanathon ;) 

    2. DeadPool


      Can you wait 2 weeks and drive around in your new car??? :dejaywink:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KrispyK


      if you want to hear a yikes, the sergeant was going around mass rdming and only got his tags ripped, after, i complained

    3. N7Zero


      Loadout Factory @Panera :Kappa:

    4. Arigato


      Yeah, they sure knew how to run a server into the ground

  5. I'll fill you up

    1. proud


      Kinky ;) I like it

    2. Dangus


      With your love and support?

    3. Linka


      They don’t get ignis..

  6. He just wanted to make friends :( #RipFakeDante



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -dante-


      The photo was excellent not gonna lie 

    3. Pledge


      I laughed so hard at the photo

    4. iPopsicle


      I see you guys like my artwork :D For a small price I will make you artwork too :D

  7. Not comprehending this joke.
  8. Try a new profile. Last time that fixed it for me.
  9. I am ready.


    1. DeadPool


      Who’s in your group

    2. Walsh Weep

      Walsh Weep

      is it upp??

      why is it modded lol who voted on this

  10. Consider me un-perming you a birthday present :D

    1. J O E

      J O E

      An extremely early one, but still greatly appreciated

  11. Song of the week is absolute shit, step up your game sAPD.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dangus


      38 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

      You can blame @Hot Pocket for this weeks pick.


    3. Hot Pocket
  12. Good shit @Mako! How much GP was she?!

  13. Holy shit holy shit holy shit :D Grats guys! @Dante @Ares

  14. Omfg I heard @DeadPool was smooching behind the bleachers third period. OH. MY. GOD. And oh, did you hear what @snipeZ said to Vanessa? What a TOTAL BITCH!

    Do forget to wear pink this Wednesday ladies! 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. iPopsicle


      I love this community lmao 

    3. Savage


      And the community hates u back

    4. JebronLames


      someone keep this going

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