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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Wow look at that shiny tag @Joel

  2. Good luck boys! Let me know if you need anything, I am down to help
  3. The newest cartel is super hard to defend, and it's pretty laggy also not sure why
  4. Why are you selling them?
  5. I checked the teamspeak and you are doing everything right, you just have to wait now! Keep studying and good luck on your test!
  6. I will take them all for $10,000
  7. Sorry, you were only 5,885 off. And only 5 days late
  8. I cannot move 15 cops at a time on discord.
  9. Wise old man @Corporal_moob does it again.

    1. Tman15tmb


      If you hear "Kobe!" just duck and cover.

    2. Dangus


      Lol. Can that animation get added. It would be great.

  10. 3 deep on a jet-ski.


    1. heyday


      This picture and caption just looks like an intro for a really bad porno lol

    2. Mercury


      New porn title "Crime and Punishment: Nuts to Butts"

  11. Want to do another forum competition but I have no clue what to do, any ideas?

    1. PoptartRex


      The meme challenge. People can only speak in memes for the entire week. 

    2. iPopsicle


      @TheCmdrRex how so? on the forums or on the thread specifically? 

      Maybe a best meme competition


    3. DeadPool


      Ill just quote snipez for a week where is my prize?

  12. When you celebrate too hard



    1. DeadPool


      First hour back as corp and I do this 

  13. Congratulations to @Aunt Jemima for winning the 15k Forum Member Contest! The correct number was 5886, please message me when you see me on the Olympus TS to claim your prize!!
  14. Congratulations to @Aunt Jemima for winning the 15k Forum Member Contest! The correct number was 5886, please message me when you see me on the Olympus TS to claim your prize!!

    1. -dante-


      @Aunt Jemima congrats. I think you owe me a mil ;)

    2. ItsGG


      @Ignis when you give a mil to the wrong person......xD Thanks for being a gent and still giving me a mil:wub:

  15. With the big tower?!
  16. Alright! Thank you man, what I will do is I will work with OS with the numbers that are the closest to make it easier for both of us
  17. How can I tell there edited? Would I need OS's help?
  18. I will buy them for 50k and I will teach you how to spell, great offer
  19. Looking forward to pressing Shift + R on you
  20. How is that plane there?!


    1. Ramennoodles


      Low-key a Harrier plane.

      Although that can be accomplished if you fly at really low speed turning of the engine then they pretty much glide in that backyard then pulling up to stop it in place.....It's Arma...anything is possible.

    2. DeadPool


      Low key a Blackfish in disguise

    3. Raine


      I was about to post this too haha

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