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Everything posted by Orgondo

  1. Sad when I quit we were hundreds of kills over yall. Goes to show the shitshow that happens when I leave
  2. About fucking time you o7 retard. One of the biggest pains in my ass running Tree for over 3 years.
  3. The current mod situation is just the Talindor Coup 2.0, Staff Edition. 

    1. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Nah fam, Talindor’s was infinitely worse than what’s going on rn. We can handle what’s going on, ticket counts aren’t really high either tbh.

  4. Breaking News: Olympus continues to fail and uphold its glory and reputation due to massive drop in Staff quality. Stay tuned to see further shit show progression. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SPBojo


      23 minutes ago, destruct said:

      Oh shit, it's almost like the Rust servers always did well and were staffed impeccably.

      At least they did better than Malden, GTA and Current olympus combined :4head:

    3. destruct


      6 minutes ago, Bojo said:

      At least they did better than Malden, GTA and Current olympus combined :4head:

      Don't kid yourself

    4. Orgondo


      @destruct Yeah you know I was just solo running those servers, with no admin tool or anything. Last time we had it up where I had somewhat access to shit i filled the server up in in less than a day with non olympus players. Don't act like Olympus Arma is in anywhere near a good place at the moment or that you fools on the Staff team have any clue what you are doing. 

  5. So once again, here we stand. The word of a Staff member upholds against an entire community. A Live ban with ZERO proof from the accuser, just his word, nothing else. Seems fair. Might want to rethink your policy @Ryan P.S: If an entire community shows hatred towards someone, there's usually a REALLY good reason for it dude, just look in the past of Olympus. Plenty very good examples as such.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. -dante-


      Yeah I feel what you’re saying. I’ve seen my fair share of emotion driven false bans in my time. But generally they got lifted once the details came to life. Was pretty rare they’d lie about the specifics. It would just generally be their emotion drove them to be wrong about the ban. Once they lie or start not accepting their wrong then it’s probably time they aren’t staff. But idk how they run things anymore so 

    3. KrispyK


      if you have multiple false bans you should be removed

    4. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      5 hours ago, Dante said:

      Yeah I feel what you’re saying. I’ve seen my fair share of emotion driven false bans in my time. But generally they got lifted once the details came to life. Was pretty rare they’d lie about the specifics. It would just generally be their emotion drove them to be wrong about the ban. Once they lie or start not accepting their wrong then it’s probably time they aren’t staff. But idk how they run things anymore so 

      I get where you're coming from that staff shouldn't have to provide proof but personally I don't see how accountability is a bad thing. 


      People act off of emotion and I personally don't see how asking a staff member to alt f10 in case it's disputed is unreasonable or anything but a measure of accountability. There's a Russian proverb "trust but verify" and asking staff to keep video proof of live bans for two weeks is exactly that.


      I thought that you of all people would appreciate the merits of meticulous recordkeeping and covering your ass due to your military background where having the proper documentation and proof can be the difference between getting fucked over or not, even the SecDef answers to someone.

  6. Faerlina to demolish the streamers. Come get clapped by me on Classic bitches.

  7. @an overweight giant retard Let see if you can beat your old record.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      who knows

      log on and you might see

    3. Orgondo


      I dont have to refresh my houses for another 2 weeks, so have to wait til then

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      shit hopefully i make it till then

  8. Orgondo

    WTB Warpoints

    Do it pls were done for wipe
  9. Orgondo

    WTB Warpoints

    Big scammer would not recommend
  10. and this is why i still check the forums from time to time, thank you guys LOL


    1. N7Zero


      more content than the game itself :Kappa:

    2. Orgondo
  11. @Corporal Moob Time to bring Pete back
  12. titleText improvements. Basically whenever you drink a redgull, get a cop lethal, someone bolt cuts the fed, etc. there is white text that appears in the middle of your screen. The proposed change is that the text type would be changed from PLAIN to PLAIN DOWN, so the text is roughly 5/6 of the way down your screen. In addition, the color of the text along with the shadow would be decided by your HUD color settings. Size increase to 1.5. - Passed if able to be done If i remember right this is a straight Arma feature therefore unable to be altered. Tried getting the text removed in general long ago but if i remember right it was unable to be changed because of that fact.
  13. Yes 80%+ Winrate is quite absurdly high however no Civ changes in my mind actually correlate to that success rate, while the Fed group does sometimes have honestly wayyy too many people in it making it impossible to lose, the Feds and BWs ive joined in on this past week the numbers really weren't that high. The Cop skill level nowadays compared to the past is outrageously lower, without trying to sound like a complete dick but stating facts, there's truthfully only about 6 Corp+ (There's a couple others however they are a Fed group players) APD members that can actually shoot a fucking gun, resulting in literally nothing getting done by the APD during a Fed. I do believe the PO lethal change was absolutely necessary and tbh wouldn't care if it stayed around if it was just monitored closely and not abused. I don't know what "Nerfs" you could do to Civs to try and create a balance without fucking the whole Faction because at this point the APD members just truthfully need to get better, I watch some cops do some pretty fucking stupid shit throughout an Event that just blows my mind. Don't even try to say if it was even numbers the APD would win or anything braindead like that considering just a few days ago I did a fucking 5v19, bomb blew and the APD lost 2 ghosthawks... Only reason we didnt get away with the gold was because a Hawk fell on the dome and blew it up.
  14. Orgondo


    Imagine paying $75/mo for cheats and still being dogshit...
  15. Fun Fact: 4/20/17-1/13/19 303,875,000$ in Recorded Comp to my members over the years. Mind you, there's probably another 75mil or so in unrecorded comps. Don't say me and @Cats ain't generous.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proud


      fuck u I remember that lmaoooooooooo

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Thats probably not even close to the amount I've cost Tree ^_^

    4. Linka


      can i join tree

  16. You retards are paying 2-2.5mil for a Mar 10 LETHAL LOL, yall fucking fried.
  17. 5mil, 3-4mil, 750k-1mil unless its a taser, 3-5mil i think they’re still at
  18. 1 Dep. Chief. 2 LTs. 2 Sergs. 14 other cops. For a 5 man Fed, bomb still blows and you lose 2 hawks. Cops nowadays are a JOKE LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nightingale


      lmfao honestly, you cops are dog shit

    3. Mr GOAT
    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      Lmao, I've been the same shitty player for the past 3 years.

  19. @Pledge If i come back I can skip right to Corporal right? I've denied enough PO promotions to just skip right to it id say.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orgondo


      Id say this is a fair compromise 

    3. Pledge


      1 hour ago, Orgondo said:

      Id say this is a fair compromise 

      "Fun fair and balanced"

    4. Orgondo


      Exactly! I'm glad were on the same page then! It would be fun and fair considering my history as a deputy and Sr. MSD. And i would easily balance out the Cop vs Civ issue at event since all current whitelisted Corporals are fucking bots.


  20. You are all welcome.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orgondo


      Only my beard is ginger you fuck

    3. Gravity


      12 hours ago, Orgondo said:

      Only my beard is ginger you fuck

      pubes are too...at least thats what i saw

    4. Orgondo


      Nah they ain't, I can easily prove that one too. 


  21. If Cops can just surrender in the middle of a Fed, civs should be able to restrain them. Plain and Simple. Shit rule for shit players.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Pledge


      @Grandma Gary not tase and restrain, but any cop who surrenders to be neutralized yes.

    3. Google


      @Grandma Gary Yes we are all fine with that.

    4. Orgondo


      Don't even play anymore and getting the Civs rightful changes. Shit too ez

  22. You will fly motherfuckers down.... to do a boxing match.... for an online community... what in the fuck @Pledge we can fly down together on the same flight, and I promise to only make it a 1 rounder.
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