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Everything posted by PJ.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Officer has been dealt with the appropriate action. Please be sure to leave any proof you have submitted up for at least 2 weeks in case we need it for further review. 

      Thank you for the report.

    3. Millennium


      Doc really is the type of person to somehow pull that off

    4. Richard


      Let me guess, you were restrained for assisting rebels?

  1. Sucks to suck. What did you do, give us the deets!
  2. I honestly dont know how often I see this happen. I see people in the ban center out right ignored all the time.
  3. @Ryan You gonna use your birthday as an excuse to cancel this meeting? I don't think so Weinberg!

  4. PJ.

    Selling Kav house

    How much is all that gear worth alone? Doesnt seem worth it.
  6. O7 @Childish @Richard I know some rats in this community won't miss you but I surely will. Congrats though @Slumberjack well deserved bro!

  7. @buckie is on a crusade against fat people

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raquese


      IDGAF what anyone says Buckie for Staff 2020

    3. Masonn


      I mean he's probably right.

    4. Natee
  8. @Fusionz Happy birthday you virgin!

  9. Quick PSA: Dont be mean to @Kyle Lake


    1. SPBojo


      Talk shit get hit 


  10. When we thought @Rexo was gonna quit for Sgt but in reality its gonna be @Cooper:P 😞

  11. Congrats @Cooper:P Get as much lethals in before you get removed...

  12. Following executive decision R&R is now sponsored by DrSquatch.com . For any information inquiring about DrSquatch and its products please msg @Slumberjack

  13. Just you wait...
  14. S1 either bugging out really hard rn or its getting hit off to hell. All the revives are fucked up and no one can join.

    1. Richard


      How many medics are on?  If it’s less than 8 then revives don’t work.

    2. Vcx


      when i killed someone it acted like they were still alive and no one could connect 

    3. SPBojo


      Have you tried pressing windows key even harder? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vcx


      The real criminal here is that erco

    3. PJ.


      Would it be bad if I told you I was using an AK-12?

    4. 1-800TryHards


      PJ the cartel medic 

  15. Rip @Claysive R&R just lost its resident grumpy old man. Will be surely missed.

  16. Most people are only Dep for like a week plus any PO will let you use a hatchback. Just either hop in with him or yoink one of his cars.
  17. Medic: Hey, need a ride Civilian #1: Sure thing! Civilian #2 has fired a titan at Medic Civilian #2 has killed Medic Civilian #2 has killed enemy gang member #1 I actually had this happen one time when I was on civ. Literally blasted us all out the air, kinda hilarious. P.S. Im pretty sure 5 & 7 are already part of the rules but are just not laid out. Like if you tell a guy hands up or die and he puts his hands up and proceeds to drop them and run away you can blast him. Same with Titans.
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