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R&R Medic
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Posts posted by PJ.

  1. 34 minutes ago, buckie said:

    Bunch of chickens running around with there heads blown off.

    Just the thought of fresh air to some of these people chills them to the bone. Guys can't go 24 hours without fighting cartels....

    • Like 5
  2. 44 minutes ago, Doofy said:

    Boys look here, Over the past 3 days of my police career I have noticed that the deputy's get left behind. It is in our best interest that the police department grants us with a hatchback sport. 

    When the time calls for a high speed chase who do you call.... you call the deps but we  always loose the suspect... why? because we have a car slower than an car with no wheels.

    Please take this into consideration.

    Sincerely Doofy

    Honestly, I dont know where the council stands on this but idk I dont think that it would be OP becasue most deps have hatchbacks aswell as are using them at any given time becasuse it was authorised.


    This is all just a thought !!!

    Most people are only Dep for like a week plus any PO will let you use a hatchback. Just either hop in with him or yoink one of his cars.

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Soap del Mar said:

    Players may fire a titan without sending a text first if there is an enemy gang member anywhere in the aircraft. Not necessarily the pilot. 

    Medic: Hey, need a ride
    Civilian #1: Sure thing!
    Civilian #2 has fired a titan at Medic
    Civilian #2 has killed Medic
    Civilian #2 has killed enemy gang member #1


    I actually had this happen one time when I was on civ. Literally blasted us all out the air, kinda hilarious.

    P.S. Im pretty sure 5 & 7 are already part of the rules but are just not laid out. Like if you tell a guy hands up or die and he puts his hands up and proceeds to drop them and run away you can blast him. Same with Titans.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Mr Majestic said:

    As a rule of thumb, I don't add extra stuff to the rules I'm trying to skirt 😆



    23 minutes ago, decla said:

    This rule is mainly for officers who think its okay to pull medics over when they are speeding on the msr responding to a call.

    At the end of the day cops are going to msg medics to leave or die cuz you guys are hella ratty when it come to those revives. and will try to get any way to rev a person 

    Sorry that we are so humanitarian and CARE about saving people and their kits....... for a small fee that is.

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