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R&R Medic
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Status Updates posted by Joce

  1. Make sure my Arma3 Olympus bank account makes it into Arma Reforger Olympus Bank account or else.

  2. When does the Olympus Rust go live?

    1. Hoonter


      Where is the bitemc @Ryan

  3. Would you likely catch a ban for using a "pull-up" script to increase recoil?

    1. Linka


      i dont know, ask @Panda smile because he absolutely used it whenever we fought cartels together

  4. If you have ever used cheats, hacks, scripts on an online game.


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Joce Look all im saying is if you played gta as a kid and didnt have a piece of paper with cheat codes that you used you are a fucking loser. 

    3. Millennium


      @CaloomClark nah CSGO cheaters are fucked. Nowadays who cares, but when it was popping fuck them

    4. N7Zero


      gta vice city psp money cheat UP + DOWN + LEFT + RIGHT + X + X + L + R

      18+ years ago and i still remember that shit like its the fucking bible

  5. Im so sick and tired of "insert weekly excuse" ruining this server! Its gone downhill since then! When are the admins gonna do something?!?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Civak


      3 hours ago, SuWooP said:

      Maybe if all the new content wasnt made for donor ranks it would be different

      sounds like something a broke bitch would say

    3. Joce
    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      To be fair. The server doesn’t run for free. Money needs to come in somehow. 

  6. Happy anniversary of birth you beautiful man you. 

  7. When is the Olympus Rust zerg gang gonna form up? Get like 20 seasoned shooters over there an run that shit. 

    1. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      Sounds like fun until you get insided every other day.

    2. Joce


      Ya by that sketchy @Jopple123 guy

    3. Jopple123
  8. o7 @Monks Good luck with animal crossing.

  9. When is the Olympus Rust server gonna start up?

  10. Happy birthday to our lord and savior @Poseidon

    1. John Wayne
    2. Linka


      a simple time, when our owner got online about every 6 months to update the server

  11. Come fuck around on Arma once in a while my man.

  12. Congrats on not being a child anymore!... by legal definition

    1. 1-800TryHards
    2. logan69


      does that mean we can fuck?

  13. N64 Goldeneye looks better than CSGO.

    1. MAV


      Idk about looks better but is a far better game

    2. Danger


      Yo Golden eye was fire. I loved that shit 

  14. Someone with the power delete all my forum attachments please.

    1. Joce


      THX! whoever you are.

  15. For lots of reasons... I miss Jesse.

  16. Is this game like Fortnite? How do i floss in-game?

  17. Had to change my pic, got some flak about not sounding how I look in my pic.  Changed it to something more appropriate. 

    1. Winters


      Is that your son? 

    2. John Wayne
    3. Winters



      His other pic reminded me of this guy. :D

  18. I am now the proud father of a healthy baby boy!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SPBojo


      Joce mein negar! Congrats a shitton! : D

    3. Moose


      You mean a woman had sex with you?

    4. D3V1L
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