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Altis Life Update 1/2/2016



This update contains a fix for something that was causing major server performance issues.


  • Intro music is quieter
  • Fixed issues with syncing data while in events
  • Cleaned up some code
  • Updated SpyGlass, no more kicks for false no recoil detection
  • Cop lights are less-seizure inducing. Before it would go red, all off, blue. Now it goes from red immediately to blue without shutting off all lights. It's better, trust me...
  • Cop and medic lights optimized a bit.
  • Server cleanup of vehicles, and some objects is now more frequent.
  • Vehicle collision damage increased slightly, they were too stronk before
  • Moar logs.
  • R&R quad bike
  • NLR feature which prevents you from spawning near where you died. Currently the timer is only 90 seconds, but will be adjusted based on feedback.
  • Surrender tweaked, hopefully fixes the issues with not being able to put hands down.
  • Other stuff, probably.


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I LOVE THIS NLR IDEA not only will it help with roleplay if you actually make the timer 15 minutes but it can mess up some rdmers that get killed and just come back to finish off the job



Aww yis that NLR thing was in my 'Christmas Olympus update wish list' thread i made a few weeks ago, I'm so glad to see it's happening! 



1 hour ago, Shelby said:

Aww yis that NLR thing was in my 'Christmas Olympus update wish list' thread i made a few weeks ago, I'm so glad to see it's happening! 

You can thank DJWolf for that ;)

I just lowered it from 15 minutes to 1.5 minutes to get people introduced to it. Wasn't sure how annoyed some would be. It'll likely be moved up to 10-15 minutes.

Ozzy Jones


Medic delivery missions still have issues.  Can't deliver to Sofia APD, AAC, can't get missions from any APD.    




Intro music is quieter

Really liking all of these changes to the intro music.

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