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Altis Life Update - 2021-12-19 - December Content Patch 🦌🦌🦌🛷🎅




  • Christmas has come to Altis!
    • 🔔 Christmas themed music has been added to Gas Stations and the Casinos
    • 🎄 Christmas Trees have been added to every major town
      • 🎁 Presents will generate as you play and can be opened via a scroll wheel action
        • These will spawn at your nearest major town (Kavala, Athira, Pyrgos, Sofia)
        • Presents rewards will be put in your bank account
        • Presents can stack up
          • Soft logging or a restart will reset them
    • ❄️ It's started snowing in Altis!
      • Snow can be toggled off in y menu
  • Disputes: 
  • Vehicle Processing
    • Players can select to process from a selected vehicle
      • Players cannot process from the same vehicle
    • The time taken to process the inventory of the vehicle will be displayed
    • Canceling processing will process all items up until the point of cancelation
    • Processing from vehicles benefits from the processing buff
  • Nitrous
    • New item that can be installed onto vehicles or installed from the modification shop
      • Cannot be installed onto trucks or Blackwater vehicles
      • Costs $25,000 and weights 10 virtual storage
    • Installing nitrous provides the vehicle 2 boosts that can be used by press the up arrow key
      • Nitrous boosts are lost when storing the vehicle or when the vehicle is destroyed
      • All charges must be used before you can install another nitrous pack 
  • Passive Blackmarket Production
    • While a blackmarket is captured it will produce 1 illegal drug / minute
      • The blackmarket will only hold a total of 120 at a time
      • The passive production will only begin if there are 50+ players on the server
      • Civilians can unseal the blackmarket's inventory after a 5 minute timer that alerts everyone
        • The blackmarket cannot be captured or neutralized while someone is unsealing the inventory
        • Only the gang that owns the blackmarket can unseal the inventory 
        • Once unsealed anyone can access and steal the inventory 
    • APD can neutralize who has the blackmarket captured
      • After the blackmarket is neutralized the APD can unseal the inventory themselves to seize the illegal items
  • ;help now displays all chat commands
  • House Realtors can now be filtered to show only certain houses, gang sheds or garages.
  • Players now spangle when tased
    • Players that are tased have damage enabled
      • Ex: Player tased in a helicopter that crashes will die
  • Civilians can now bolt cut the exterior Altis Penitentiary doors
  • Vigilantes are now asked if they want to split their bounty with vigi group members when arresting someone
  • Texture Additions:


  • Kavala Truck Shop location changed and reworked
  • Sofia HQ dome changed
  • Server restart cycles have been increased from 4 hours to 6 hours
  • Bank has been changed back to a redzone on active robbery
  • Title menu now snaps to your equipped title
  • Players with more than 30 hours no longer have yellow names while participating in the Tutorial
  • Players in a group do not have to allow epipen to get epi’ed from someone else in the same group
  • New loading screen
  • You can now plant the bomb on the Federal Reserve while a bank is being robbed
  • The tutorial will automatically terminate if a player enters a vehicle other than an offroad


  • Cop holster lethal bug
  • Bodies being force respawned when inside of a destroyed/stored/claimed vehicle
  • Major optimization of the title menu
  • Whitelisted factions can no longer click the Tutorial button
  • Planting bomb on Blackwater Armory
  • Pyrgos Hospital vehicle spawns
  • Pharmaceutical robbery cop requirement is now actually 3,4,5 for small, medium and large.
  • Tutorial name color now takes precedence over enemy gang color
  • Merica Hummingbird


  • Scoobydoo Ifrit


Hotfix #1


  • Christmas uniform not appearing in shops
  • Gang bank not displaying balance
  • Vehicle processing
    • No longer limited to 100
    • Can now be canceled properly

Hotfix #2


  • ;dr now responds to the most recent dispatch on APD and RNR


  • Players spawning on Debug Island
  • Disputes
    • Player picking list not generating
    • Compensation can now be provided through Disputes
  • Cop lethals not clearing bounties
  • APD members using armed vehicles tasing if they had their weapon holstered
  • Error: No Unit/No Vehicle fix for messaging players
  • Cartels displaying capture progress
  • Loading a loadout with a SWAT backpack
  • Installing a Nitro Injector at a mod shop would allow you to purchase another despite having one installed
  • Processing player and vehicle inventory at the same time
  • Warpoints not displaying on the stats menu
  • Medics unable to get a DP mission after re-deploying

As per usual if you find any issues please submit a bug report and Merry Christmas. 🎅

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mando got scammed lol sheesh thats bad 

  • Like 1


So what are the point of disputes? To request comp or something? Why wouldn't I regularly just report someone and get them banned + comp regardless? Is this just a way for support team to increase mediation, even though they aren't supposed to give opinions on tickets? 

  • Carrot Kid


24 minutes ago, Ranch said:

So what are the point of disputes? To request comp or something? Why wouldn't I regularly just report someone and get them banned + comp regardless? Is this just a way for support team to increase mediation, even though they aren't supposed to give opinions on tickets? 

There's more information in the disputes post, but the gist of it is to provide an opportunity to the player being reported to provide their side of the story before a ban is placed (for example providing POV, offering to comp, etc). Addtionally, it provides additional context for the banning moderator (if comp was given, how each player handled themselves in support, etc).

One of the primary goals is to help reduce the amount of time that players spend banned (awaiting appeal) when they have exonerating evidence or have provided compensation for a clear accident.



  • Like 2


23 minutes ago, Ranch said:

So what are the point of disputes? To request comp or something? Why wouldn't I regularly just report someone and get them banned + comp regardless? Is this just a way for support team to increase mediation, even though they aren't supposed to give opinions on tickets? 

Keep in mind that Support Team members are well within their right to give their opinion on a situation. This must be done using the facts of the information they’re given to formulate their opinion on wether or not a rule was broken or is close to being broken (rule skirting). The only thing Support Team cannot do is give their opinions on videos.


Note: While Support Team members should be knowledgeable enough to correctly identify rule breaks given the facts of a situation, they’re not staff, and they’re not always right. If a Support member tells you that you will/should get banned for something you’ve done, they’re not staff, so they could be wrong.

  • Like 1
  • Carrot Kid


6 minutes ago, Rossco said:

Keep in mind that Support Team members are well within their right to give their opinion on a situation. This must be done using the facts of the information they’re given to formulate their opinion on wether or not a rule was broken or is close to being broken (rule skirting). The only thing Support Team cannot do is give their opinions on videos.


Note: While Support Team members should be knowledgeable enough to correctly identify rule breaks given the facts of a situation, they’re not staff, and they’re not always right. If a Support member tells you that you will/should get banned for something you’ve done, they’re not staff, so they could be wrong.

The only change that disputes brings in support team is that they leave their account of the interaction as a note on the dispute for the moderator that may review it in the future.

Senior support team will be communicating more information shortly.

  • Like 1
  • Cringe 1
The Antichrist


Thanks for using my idea from last year about black markets.  Wonder who got the credit for it? lol

And my processing from truck idea. Jesus

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