Altis Life Update - 2022-4-15 - April Content Update
Automated Gang/Group Tags
- APD members are now tagged as "Police |"
- Medics are now automatically tagged with [Medic]
Players may now chose their own Gang/Group during the creation process
- Gang Leaders will receive 2 tag confirmation before setting a tag
- All individuals that join your gang/group will have a tag applied to their name
Gangs that are created/change tags display in their created tag in sidechat
- But not sidechat messages
Auction House
- All Black Markets now host an "Auction House"
- Players can now list their Virtual Items, Physical Items and Vehicles on the Auction House
Vehicle Listings
- To make a vehicle listing players will have to put the vehicle within range of the Blackmarket NPC
After relocating their vehicle within range select "Auction House - List Vehicles"
- Put the price and confirm it to list the vehicle on the auction house
Virtual/Physical Item Listing
- To list a physical item players must put it in the physical/virtual inventory of a vehicle within range of the Blackmarket NPC
The Auction House will list every physical/virtual item in the vehicle's inventory
- Confirming the item you want to list will allow you to input and confirm the listing price
Purchasing a Listing
- Purchasing a listing will generate a confirmation notifying you again of the price of the item you're purchasing
Items that are purchased will go into your Auction House storage which can be accessed on the Blackmarket NPC
- Items in storage have an expiration date if left unclaimed for 7 days
- Retrieving the items from storage will require a vehicle to place the items into within range of the Blackmarket NPC
Listing information
Items are separated into different categories and sub-categories within each tab
- Weapons: Handgun, Launcher, Rifle, Shotgun, Sniper, LMG, Tasers
- Uniforms: Armored Clothing, Uniform
- Vehicles: Helicopter, Plane, Car, Airdrop Exclusive
- Ammo: Magazines, Smokes, Grenades, Explosives, Missiles
- Attachments: Scopes, Bipods, Suppressors
- Headgear
- Vests
- Backpacks
- Virtual Items: Legal, Illegal
You can search for specific items or listings by using "Check Availability"
- This will list all items under the player's selection
- Listings will show quantity, price, creation and expiration dates as well as who listed the item
- All proceeds from listings go into the listing player's deposit box
All listings are taxed 2.5% of the listing price
- Sales are taxed 2.5%
- Relist/Renewals are taxed 1%
- Listings are active for 7 days
Items are separated into different categories and sub-categories within each tab
Custom Keybinding Menu
- Access keybinds through Y -> Settings
- Existing keybinds will be automatically imported
- You can add multiple keybinds for a given action
- You can manage sensitivity to Shift, Alt, and Control per-binding
Press "reset to defaults" to reset to default Olympus settings
- Your existing "User Action" bindings will be re-imported
Rare Metal Run
- Players must collect processed versions of Platinum, Iron and Copper
Once collected they must process all ingredients into a new metal, "Rare Alloy"
- Rare Alloys weigh 3 in virtual inventory
Rare Alloys sell for $6,666base and $13,325 maximum
Rare Alloys must be sold at the Rare Metals Trader
- Workers Protection Bonus' apply to all Rare Alloys sold
Rare Alloys must be sold at the Rare Metals Trader
New Communication Channel
Support Team Chat
- Exclusively text based
- Can be used cross faction
- Colored Orange
Support Team Chat
- Medics now receive a notification if the player they are on-route to respawns or is revived by a non-medic
- IDAP Hats to Rebel Clothing stores for $15 Donor/O+
Gang Shed Activity Requirements
- 10 accumulative hours for all gang members
4 Suits added to APD Clothing Shops (Lt+)
- Grey and Black in both formal and informal
- Grey Formal suit added to Civilian Clothing shops
- SUV added to Deputy+
- Undercover Aerial Vehicles
- Owners of the Gangbase spawn with a uniform
- Blue Hazmat suit to APD Clothing shops
- MRD to Worker's Protection shops
- Staff members can now send messages to individual factions
- Gangbase Uniform @ Mason Harrison
- Granite Tracksuit (O+) @ ASPEN
- Candy Tracksuit (O+) @ ASPEN
- Spiderman VR Suit (O+) @ Mason Harrison
- Hyperbeast Uniform (O+) @ jig
- NASA Qilin (O+) @ Sploding Al ash-Sheikh
- NASA Ifrit (O+) @ Sploding Al ash-Sheikh
- Russian Ifrit (O+) @ jig
- Ukrainian Ifrit (O+) @ jig
- Sega Ifrit (O+) @ ASPEN
- Granite Ifrit (O+) @ ASPEN
- Candy Ifrit (O+) @ ASPEN
- Heartless Ifrit (O+/$100) @ ASPEN
- Pink, Black, Blue, White, Red and Grey Ifrits added to O+
- Gang
- APD Escort HEMTT @ jig
- Black Fatigues (Stealth) (O+/Sergeant+) @ Mason Harrison
- SRT Uniform Redesigned ($250) @ Mason Harrison
- Longsleeve Slayer Uniform Redesigned (O+) @ Mason Harrison
- O+ Black Fatigues added to Ret. SAPD+
- O+ Hex Camo Fatigues changed to Corp+
- Firefighter SCBA Backpack now displays a breathing Hose
Map Design
- Warzone Gas Station @ Darn /@ ZeRo
- Added ladders to Aircraft Carrier
- Added roads to Kavala Truck Shop
- Reduced Blackmarket unseal timer from 5M -> 3M
- Players can no longer bolt cut the Federal Reserve if another event is on-going/on cooldown
- Updated Black Civilian Uniform
- APD and RnR members will no longer have the option to send a dispatch to their own faction
APD gear is no longer restricted
- Meant for use in events/any means situations
- APD/RnR no longer have the option to "Enter as Driver" if someone is in the driver seat
Hex Icon distance from group/gangmates now rounds off after 999m
- Ex: 13,423M -> 13.4km
APD Taru Variant Prices
- Taru $700,000 -> $450,000
- Taru (Bench) $850,000 -> $700,000
- Taru (Transport) $950,000 -> $600,000
- Art Gallery Paintings
- Cop RHIB/Jetski no longer look like admin spawned vehicles
- Undercover slots increased from 2 to 3
- Loadout cooldown reduced from 15s to 1s
- Resolving a dispute no longer counts towards the messaging cooldown
Map Design
- Rare Alloy Foundry @ Brandynn
- Rare Metals Trader @ ZeRo
- Neochori HQ Redesign @ Maddox
- Revamped Vigilante Outpost Interiors @ ZeRo
- Rebel Boat Moved to Kavala
- Sofia Bank Adjustments
- Gang Base Changes
- Specific deer stands at Blackwater are now indestructible
- AT Vehicles can no longer be pulled at Rebel Boat
- List price of a gang shed appearing in scientific notation
- Legitimate gear being deleted due to duplication prevention methods
- Bolt cutting the Federal Reserve forcing a repeated non-cancelable animation
- Bipods now automatically attach when purchased
- APD can now check the Blackmarket inventory after capturing/unsealing
- Repairing gangsheds
- APD can now insure armed planes in the garage
- Ghosthawks causing lethal bugs
- DP missions not syncing cash correctly
- Gang Vehicles not appearing when placed into gang garages
- Medic Ghosthawk lights
- Players not getting properly auto-unrestrained while in vehicles
- Swapping to the Deputy Chief icon would still show the Captain icon
- APD members who are restrained no longer continue to capture/unseal Blackmarkets
- Sitting in chairs and then getting restrained TPing you back to the chair
- Request denial confirmation force respawning players
- Epipening players sometimes force respawning
- Monster Boxtruck skin being unusable
- APD Raven Vests getting deleted
- Elite uniform price reduced from $50,000 to $500 to match all shops
- Christmas Present images
- Unused Loading background
- Pepe Paintings
- Conquest Voting images
- APD Hazmat Texture
- Paypal Ifrit
- Battleye Uniform
- Yellow & White Abibas Tracksuits
- Saints Row Ifrit
- Spiderman Ifrit
- Altis Rebellion Ifrit
- Cabal Gang Uniform
- Noops Gang Uniform
- Farts and Nobles Gang Uniform
- Wiggles Gang Vehicle
- Christmas Uniform
- Christmas Ifrit
- All Conquest Related Objects
Hotfix 1:
- Disabled auction house temporarily
- Fixed group tag confirmation box saying 'any'
- Fixed dispute menu not showing gang tags
- Added [Sr. Medic] tag for sR&R
- Fixed wanted list not being sorted alphabetically
Hotfix 2:
- Fixed not being able to start a federal reserve robbery after bolt cutting
- Fixed houses not taking money when upgrading
- Fixed not being able to use dope shots on others
- Fixed vehicles spawning in with default inventory
- Fixed dispatch messages not including gang tag
- Reworked bright night to not flashbang near lights and be adjustable
- Optimization
Hotfix 3:
- Enabled auction house
- Minor texture edit on SAPD black fatigues
- Fixed Airport Car shops
- Vehicles at Truck shop will no longer display actions on them
- Vehicle processing will now properly cancel if the vehicle has moved
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