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Altis Life Update 4/4/2016



Update is coming out sometime later today, at that time all servers will go down for maintenance for ~30 mins.


  • Added persistent house key system
    •  You can give out permanent property keys by using the property menu with a player nearby
    •  You can 'change the locks' of a property to clear the list of people who have a key
    •  People with a key cannot spawn at the property
    •  Crates can only be accessed if the house owner is online
    •  Anyone with a key can unlock, access trunk, spawn vehicles, turn on the light, etc.
  • Medic DP missions fixed, they can deliver to highway patrol and receive missions form all APD delivery places
  • Medics receive an extra 7,500 for revives, this does not increase the cose of being revived.
  • Cops receive a maximum of 200k for lethaling players, instead of the previous 25k
  • Phone menu overhauled
    • Fits nicely into the Y-Menu
    • If you click on a message, and then click reply, it will take you directly to the UI to send that person a message back.
    • Added a services menu
    • Made the New Message pop-ups a little more custom to Olympus
  • All Big towers have been removed
  • Black market vendors added
  • When a vehicle is pulled from garage it is locked sooner than it previously was
  • Modified vehicle spawn code for persistent vehicles. Helicopters may spawn sideways less
  • Stamina on the hud replaced with virtual carrying weight
  • Medic vehicles can no longer be lockpicked
  • Added a hotkey for opening the virtual inventory. Press 3 to open the virtual inventory.
  • Intro Credits updated to include new Admins, Moderators, and our twitter page
  • Added 30 extra Civ slots


Recommended Comments

1 hour ago, Pablito Escobar said:

What is the titles for the updated servers?

The servers were having some issues being queried properly through the normal server browser. They should be fine, now.

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6 hours ago, ToeKnee said:

Actually I don't think the old hideouts even had a clinic and clothing store lol

no, but i miss them. You were able to buy middle-shit guns there. :)

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3 hours ago, DoctorK said:

Love most of the features. I'm not sure how I feel about replacing the stamina bar though. Never saw managing the virtual inventory as a difficulty

We figure since Arma implemented the stamina bar into the top right hud our version was redundant.

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2 hours ago, Poseidon said:

We figure since Arma implemented the stamina bar into the top right hud our version was redundant.

That's what I thought the reason was. It may just be me, but Arma's bar just isn't as easy to gauge with. Even though most of the time it doesn't matter because of RedGull.

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