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Altis Life Update - 2022-8-5 - August Content Update



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  • Community Goals - Donation Goal
    • Faction Specific Goals started by Staff
    • A single Community Goal can be active at a time per faction
    • Goal accessible through Y -> Quest Menu -> Community Goals
      • Description of Goal, ex: "Sell 5,000 Blue Crystal Meth"
      • Displays a fillable bar that changes based on the contribution level
      • Number of contributions, contributors and your contributions
      • Current contribution tier and reward
      • 7 Tiers
      • Starting and ending in HR, M, S
    • Scheduling of Community Goals will vary, they may last day(s) or week(s)
    • Max reward (Cash or War points) is set by Staff
      • Payout varies from each reached tier
        • S - (100% of max reward)
        • A - (80% of max reward)
        • B - (60% of  max reward)
        • C - (40% of max reward)
        • D - (20% of max reward)
        • E - (10% of max reward)
        • F - (2.5% of reward)
      • Based on Tier reached, rewards vary
        • Top 6 Contributors (100% of tier reward)
        • Top 10% of all contributors (85% of tier reward)
        • Top 25% of all contributors (75% of tier reward)
        • Top 50% of all contributors (50% of tier reward)
        • Top 75% of all contributors (25% of tier reward)
        • Top 100% of all contributors (10% of tier reward)
        • No Contribution (No reward)
    • Each goal is specific to what a faction can do
      • Civilian
        • Selling Illegal Goods
        • Selling Legal Goods
        • Use Blasting Charges
        • Capture Cartels
        • Kill Cops
        • Steal Pharmaceuticals
        • Unseal Black Markets
        • Rob Players
        • + Many more
      • Cops
        • Play Time
        • Defuse bombs
        • Impound Vehicles
        • Terminate Pharmaceuticals
        • Seize Pharmaceuticals
        • Complete Escorts
        • Impound Stolen Vehicles
        • Resolve Dispatches
        • Drive Distance
      • Medic
        • Impound Vehicles
        • Revive Players
        • Give Lollypops
        • Play Time
  • Housing Expansion - Donation Goal
    • All new housing listed under "Unique" in Realtor menu
    • 100+ new custom houses across the map
    • 32 Custom House types added
      • Not displayed on map
        • 5 Crater - Industrial Shed ($13.5M)
          • Garage included
          • $2M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical
          • $25M with all upgrades
        • 5 Crater - Warehouse ($13.5M)
          • Garage included
          • $2M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical
          • $25M with all upgrades
        • 5 Crater - Police Station ($13.5M)
          • $2M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical
          • $25M with all upgrades
        • 5 Crater - Villas ($15M)
          • Garage included
          • $2.25M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical
          • $27.75M total with all upgrades
        • 5 Crater - Hotels ($10M)
          • $1.5M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical
          • $19M total with all upgrades
        • 5 Crater - Brick Houses ($4.25M)
          • $638kper Virtual upgrade, 200k per Physical
          • $8.9M total with all upgrades
        • 1 Crater - Parking Shelter ($750k)
          • Garage Included
        • 5 Crater - Apartment Building ($10M)
          • $1.5M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical
          • $19M total with all upgrades
        • 0-3 Crater(s) - Additional Bungalows, Shacks and Houses ($450k~1.55M)
    • 5 Craters
      • Increased maximum storage of select houses
        • Max Virtual 3,600
        • Max Physical 1,100
    • 1192 Vanilla Housing locations added
      • Additional default options now available
        • 1 Crater - Ghost Hotel Bungalows ($750k)
        • 5 Crater - Light "Houses" ($10M)
          • $1.5M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical
          • $19M total with all upgrades
        • 0 Crater - Windmills ($500k)
        • 0 Crater - Slum Shacks ($450k)
    • Some Houses are subject to removal
      • Ex: Buildings not intended for purchase inside of events and likewise
  • Vigilante Renown Points
    • Point Gain/Loss
      • Accumulated after 100 arrests
      • Points are only gained after arresting a player over $200K and Geared
        • Ex: T3 Vest and TRG+
      • Gain 1 Point per $200k of bounty
        • Rounds down
      • Arresting a player with either a bounty less than $100k and little to no gear then a point is lost
    • Renown Point Shop
      • Vermin 2RP
      • 9mm Suppressor 6RP
      • Vigilante Rank 5+
        • Promet 4RP
        • Car-95 4RP
        • Promet MR 5RP
  • Y-Inventory Rework
    • Players no longer drop briefcases on death
    • Player bodies can be accessed with T
    • On respawn Players will spawn a briefcase containing all Y-Inventory items
      • Having the inventory open while a player disconnects keeps it open
      • Players that disconnect while dead still spawn briefcases
  • Gang Tags to all chat messages
  • 200% Pharmaceutical Drop-off
  • ;apd
    • Messages all APD officers
    • Same restrictions as sending a phone message (i.e. location/misuse)
  • ;rnr
    • Messages all Medics
  • 😜
    • Lists all players online; the same as ;players
  • Weapon Shop Update
    • RPK-12 now have color coordinated magazines
    • Spar-17 Sand to (MVP/O+)
    • All Bipod variants (MVP/O+)
    • Mk20
    • Car-95 now have color coordinated magazines (MVP/O+)
    • Black ASP (MVP/O+)
    • MXSW 100rnd magazines now color coordinated
    • Explosive Satchel $400,000
    • Jungle and Black NVGs (MVP/O+)
    • Additional ARCO/RCO color variants
  • Cartel Contesting
    • If a group outnumbers another by 3 to 1, the cap will no longer be fully contested
    • Once 3 to 1 is reached, you will be able to capture/neutralize at 50% the normal speed
  • Player names added to remove keys
  • Tased players now display a bolt above their head indicating status
  • Title for Pararescue "Good Noodle"
  • Illegal Vehicles are now displayed in Red in the Garage to display their status
  • Dopamine hotkey for Medics
  • Map Additions


  • Dead cops now count towards Federal checks
  • Players can no longer load High Capacity Magazines in non-LMG tasers
    • Non-LMG Tasers can still utilize Cop variant High Capacity Magazines
      • Ex: Black MX can be loaded with a 100rnd Black magazine but not a 100rnd Khaki/Sand magazine
      • Ex: Black MXSW can be loaded with any magazine
  • All high capacity magazines to not overlap with APD weapon shops
  • Players can no longer fix their clothes inside a vehicle
  • WPL bonus on legal goods/activities from 20% to 15%
  • RnR Divesuit to EMT+
  • Rebel Weapon Shops now display whether they are donator or default
  • HMG+ no longer has Red dot rail
  • Pharmaceutical drop-off 85% changed to 50%
  • Gas station alarm changed
    • Changed sound from 5m to 1m


  • Cops dying in vehicles causing lethal bugs
  • Textures missing after TDM Event
  • Inability to put players in restraints in vehicles from Rebel Boat/Water
  • Urbanite Uniform missing
  • Silent bullet bug
  • Players falling through map while performing an animation i.e. jumping/reviving
  • Tase/Restrain not terminating Chop Shop action
  • Xian not able to be Claimed
  • Xian able to be insured
  • MXC not list-able on Auction House
  • RnR Mohawk changed to Search and Rescue
  • Medics access to Facemasks/Headgear now restricted based on rank
  • SWAT Title "Assult Specialist" -> "Assault Specialist"
  • Vehicles not re-pulling after being claimed at Chop Shop
  • Cop enter as actions not appearing
  • Jail removing player textures
  • Cops inability to access Undercover
  • Trunk inventory visual duplication


  • Forced group messages in group chat

Hotfix #1 (8/8/2022):

  • Added garage to pharma 200% drop off point
  • Fixed issues with medic community goals not incrementing 
  • Fixed cartel markers displaying "any" when captured 
  • Fixed blackfishes being able to be insured
  • Fixed issues with teleporting too many people to a TDM event
  • Fixed issues with whitelisted factions not getting their team colored clothing in TDM
  • Fixed APD vandal vehicles not being listed as red (aka illegal) in the garage menu
  • Fixed backpack not increasing max virtual inventory sometimes 
  • Fixed stats not incrementing
  • Fixed medics spawning with default Arma unit loadouts on death
  • Fixed some server side issues with new houses and house keys 
  • Fixed some server side issues with disputes 
  • Significant network/server side performance improvement

Hotfix #2 (8/9/2022):

  • Added new fix/workaround for silent bullet bug.
    • Players were sometimes stuck in a state where only they could hear their own bullets.
    • If you find any ways to cause this still, submit a Bug Report immediately.
  • Fixed house permanent keys being saved after giving
  • Fixed kick messages with a few of the new backpacks
  • Fixed a variant of house/shed inventories getting bugged

Hotfix #3 (8/16/2022):

  • Probable workaround for clothing bug
  • Fixed damage disparity between different variants of the Huron
  • Fixed cartel messages being sent when someone is capping your cartel
  • Make escort/pharma event vehicles tier-4 turbo

Hotfix #4 (8/17/2022):

  • Various exploit fixes
  • Admin-menu-spawned vehicles spawn with T4 turbo
  • Small performance improvements to sound handling

If you find any issues please submit a Bug Report


Recommended Comments

  • Community Manager
2 minutes ago, anti said:

A solid fucking patch. 

Whats this about?  

Was causing issues, a nice QoL change however it was related to a serious bug. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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2 minutes ago, Mako said:

Was causing issues, a nice QoL change however it was related to a serious bug. Sorry for the inconvenience.

More than makes up for it...  Once all the bugs with this patch are hammered out probably the best patch since processing bonuses.  Fucking bravo Dev Team!

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5 minutes ago, anti said:

A solid fucking patch. 

Whats this about?  


It caused a bug when it was implemented so it was reverted.

Wrote this before I saw what mako wrote lol.

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1 minute ago, Weaz said:

It caused a bug when it was implemented so it was reverted.

Wrote this before I saw what mako wrote lol.

Was just curious anyways.  

Patch is fucking amazing!!!   God i hope it's playable out of the gate and not too buggy.  Sometimes that shit can't be avoided tho.

backpacks arent giving storage space!

  • Like 1
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  • Vigilante Renown Points
    • Point Gain/Loss
      • Accumulated after 100 arrests
      • Points are only gained after arresting a player over $200K and Geared
        • Ex: T3 Vest and TRG+
      • Gain 1 Point per $200k of bounty
        • Rounds down
      • Arresting a player with either a bounty less than $100k and little to no gear then a point is lost
    • Renown Point Shop
      • Vermin 2RP
      • 9mm Suppressor 6RP
      • Vigilante Rank 5+
        • Promet 4RP
        • Car-95 4RP
        • Promet MR 5RP



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