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Altis Life Update - 2023-9-26 - September Content Patch




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  • Olympus Exclusive Optional Client-side Mod
    • Enabling this is completely optional, it will give you different cosmetic visuals for items already existing in the game
      • Female head types
      • Model replacers for Enhanced Combat Helmets
      • Model replacers for Carrier Lite
      • Model replacers for Carrier GL Rig
      • Model replacers for Assassin Helmets
      • GA Carrier GL Rig (Black)
      • Special Purpose and Carrier Rig (Police)
      • Tactical Vest (Police, Black)
      • Cap (Police, Black)
      • Carrier Rig (Black) in Advanced Rebel Clothing Shops
      • P07 Black replaced with actual Taser model
      • Retextures for MX series rifles
      • Black Rangemaster belt
      • Black HBK Helmets (Contact DLC Chops, Ear Protectors, etc.)
      • Black Stealth Combat Helmet
    • Option to auto-connect to Olympus and buttons for each of our services on the base Arma menu
    • Replacer for loading backgrounds
    • Additional effort will be put into fleshing this out in the future including
      • Additional faction-specific cosmetics for APD, RnR, etc.
      • Weapon reskins and recolors (coming soon)
        • Ex: Dragonlore Mk-1
      • Additional Model swaps and cosmetic changes, i.e. new backpacks, headgear, clothing, facemodels, etc.


  • Gang Turfs
    • Schedule for skirmishes
      • 8AM Eastern - Panagia (DP23)
      • 2PM Eastern - Dionysios (DP11) 
      • 8PM Eastern - Rodopoli (DP13)
    • Every day these will start a gang skirmish event to capture them
      • Turf skirmishes turn the area into a large red zone
      • Whoever controls the area last wins
      • Limited to gangs/groups of 6 or lower
        • The capture option isn't available when there are more than 6 players within 3KM
      • Ownership of the turf gives
        • Passive perks
          • Panagia (DP23): 7.5% rebel weapon discount + 20% chance to gather extra corn/heroin
          • Dionysios (DP11)7.5% drug sell increase  + 20% chance to gather extra cocaine/weed
          • Rodopoli (DP13):  7.5% rebel vehicle discount + 20% chance to gather extra frog/mushroom
        • Ability to spawn at the turf
        • Ability to purchase weapons of blackmarket quality at the vendor
        • Ability to spawn ground and air vehicles
    • Located in DP11, DP13, and DP23
      • Identified with a marker notifying which gang is holding it
    • Gangs that have ownership of a base may not participate
    • Gangs that own a turf may participate in a gang base if they win they cannot capture a turf until they lose control of the gang base
    • If a gang doesn’t qualify for ownership then it cycles back to the original owner
    • APD may not interfere or participate during active turf war
    • Follows the same rules as gangbase (No vigilantes, NLR, launchers/mines, etc.)
  • Altis Fire and Rescue
    • Medical personnel may now partake in firefighting operations
      • Basic Paramedic+
    • Fires will start breaking out when there are 3+ medics online
      • Additional fires will break out when there are more medical personnel online
        • Ratioed at half of online medics, ex: 12 medics, 6 fires maximum
      • Medics must choose to respond to a fire at the front desk of a hospital
        • Option to load firefighting gear and revert to your original loadout
      • After loading firefighter gear the medic must pull a firefighting vehicle
        • Tempest (Fuel) or Taru (Fuel)
          • Vehicles have special Windows key actions to refill firefighter's water hoses
            • Moving cancels this action
        • After refilling their hose from the firefighting vehicle firefighters press (Shift + H) while aimed at a house to turn on their hose
          • Moving cancels this action
      • Firefighters can work together to extinguish a house fire
        • Progress is stored globally allowing synchronized firefighting efforts
      • Payment is split between contributors
      • Failure to extinguish a fire will result in the destruction of the house
  • Lockers - Personalized Storage
    • Generalized storage for players that do not require upkeep or upgrades
    • Has physical and virtual 100-storage
    • Each locker is personalized to the player
    • Lockers cannot be utilized to combat store gear
      • Takes 2 minutes progress bar to store gear
      • Takes 2 minutes progress bar to withdraw gear
      • Combat timers prevent storing action
      • Puts the player in an animation for the duration of the progress bar
    • Lockers are located near major towns but not inside them
      • Map “Storage Facility”
  • Gang XP
    • General
      • Spawn vehicle with survival items
        • When spawning a vehicle a ToolKit and a Kitbag will be added to the inventory 100% (5 tokens)
      • Spawn vehicle with GPS tracking
        • When spawning a vehicle a tracking device will be installed 100% (8 tokens)
        • Note: The tracker installed is not an enhanced tracker, meaning your vehicle will not be tracked by your group members or the APD if reported stolen.
    • Runs
      • DP mission reward
        • When completing a DP mission, you will receive an increased reward of 10% (6 tokens).
    • Federals
      • More Blackwater loot spawns
        • After planting a bomb, an increased amount of items will spawn from random categories (weapons, clothing, accessories, and explosives). 2/3/4 (2/4/8 tokens)
        • Note: The person who planted the bomb must be in a gang with the perk for the perk benefits to be applied for when the bomb blows, not just be in a group with a gang who has the perk.
      • Vehicle trunk storage
        • Ability to upgrade vehicle trunk to Tier 5 (2 tokens)
        • Note: When retrieving a vehicle that has the Tier 5 trunk modification without the gang perk, the vehicle trunk modification will be downgraded to Tier 4 until your gang acquires the gang perk.
      • Reduced jail time
        • After being sent to jail by a cop or a vigilante your jail time will be reduced by 5%/10% (1/2 tokens)
    • Note: This marks the completion of the approved gang experience perks. 
  • Radioactive Space Capsule Event
    • 30% chance radioactive event is a "Capsule Zone" 
    • Requires 100+ people on
    • The location is a red zone
    • Once spawned
      • APD has a 5-minute action to clean it up
        • On success, cops are rewarded $1M split
      • Civilians have a 5-minute action to salvage it with a hacking terminal
        • On success, civilians are rewarded 50 Actinium, and some gang experience
    • Cannot occur at the same time as an Airdrop
  • APD Legal Processor Rewards
    • APD Officers can interact with legal processor NPCs if a civilian/vehicle is within 25 meters.
    • Starts a 5-minute timer and the APD Officers defend the area.
    • If there are multiple vehicles the timer will increase to a maximum of 15 minutes.
      • Eg. 2 Tempest Devices at the salt processor would start a 10-minute timer.
    • If the APD Officer that initiated the NPC interaction remains alive when the timer ends the APD Officers in the area receive a payout split between them.
      • SUV - $35k split
      • Van - $50k split
      • Truck Boxer - $62.5k split
      • Zamak - $75k split
      • Tempest Device+ - $100k split
    • If the APD receives the payout there is a 30-minute cooldown at that legal processor NPC that the NPC interaction cannot be initiated again by an APD Officer regardless of a civ being present.
  • ANPR - Automatic Number Plate Recognition
    • New system available to all APD and vandalized vehicles.
    • Activated on default key bind [ J ]
    • 5 Seconds to read the license plate.
    • Vehicle targeting:
      • Eligible ground vehicles may obtain the speed of other ground vehicles
      • Eligible helicopters may obtain the speed of ground vehicles and the altitude of helicopters
      • Eligible boats may obtain the speed of other boats
    • Speed indicators:
      • Speed between 0-75 Km/h (not speeding) is green.
      • Speed between 75-125 Km/h (outside city limits/backroads) is orange.
      • Speed above 125 Km/h (outside city limits/highway) is red.
    • Altitude indicators:
      • Altitude above 150 meters is green
      • Altitude below 150 meters is red
  • Parole
    • Once players have served 60% of their total jail sentence they can opt to leave early at the cost of being placed under parole
    • Parole time is the same as the remaining jail sentence
    • Players can leave their parole sentence early by paying the same bail price at a courthouse
    • Players under parole have:
      • Their location is periodically shown to APD (every 5-10 minutes)
      • When a player commits a crime, 1 minute afterward the location of the crime is shown to APD
      • A tag under or on top of their name showcasing only to APD that the player is on parole
    • APD PC on players on parole is no different from normal but the tracking allows them to keep a closer eye on them without it being on them 100% of the time due to it being periodic
    • Players caught by APD and sent to jail while on violated parole have their jail sentence extended by the remaining parole time (max still 90 minutes total) and the minimum time served to be eligible for parole again is 80% instead of 60%.
  • Rob all Gear button
    • Button in the "Rob Player" menu that allows you to rob the person's backpack, headgear, uniform, vest, and weapon in one go.
      • 1-minute timer to rob the above-mentioned sections.
        • This does not rob the player's money/y-inventory items
  • Tempest (Device) - Mine Amount
    • Interaction wheel option to mine a specified amount while using the Tempest (Device)
    • Upon interaction, you will be prompted how much you would like to fill your vehicle
    • In the top right, you will also be shown your trunks' available storage for convenience
  • New APD Charges
    • Entering Illegal Area
      • $10k
      • Manually added
    • Hit and Run
      • $5k
      • Manually/automatically added
  • Favoriting
    • Ability to favorite
      • Available in:
        • Shops
        • Player Inventory
        • Vehicle Inventory
        • Virtual Market
        • Vehicle Garage
        • House Inventory - Visible on the right side of the menu
        • Locker Inventory - Visible on the right side of the menu
    • Favorited items/vehicles will be green, at the top of the menu, and alphabetically sorted in the menus listed above
  • Dispatch History
    • Accessed via a new button in the phone menu "Dispatch"
    • Staff, APD, and RnR can now see all prior dispatches
      • History is stored from each restart and resets afterward
    • Shows the message, sender, and time it was sent
  • Menu Tooltips
    • Ability to see the weight of an item including the total amount of weight it's taking up
    • Ability to see the legality of an item 
      • Available in:
        • Shops
        • Player inventory 
        • Vehicle inventory
        • House inventory
        • Locker inventory
        • Vehicle garage
  • HUD Enhancements
    • Compass
      • Displays at the top of the screen as a visual aid instead of discerning direction by pulling out the vanilla compass
      • It can be toggled off entirely in the settings menu
    • Hex Icons
      • Dead team/group/gangmates now retain their hex on death however it is converted to a dead hex
      • It will fade out completely at 500 meters however will be at your set max opacity at 100 meters
      • It can be toggled off entirely in the settings menu
        • Displays on Hex whether a player requires a dopamine shot or a medic if their dope shot cooldown is active
    • RnR Responding to revive
      • Now displays the revive marker on the dead player's body
      • It will fade out completely at 500 meters however will be at your set max opacity at 100 meters
      • It can be toggled off entirely in the settings menu
        • Displays bleed-out timer, who is responding, etc.
  • When a medic begins reviving a dead player it will spawn a defibrillator prop and play a sound on the prop that can be heard within 10 meters 
  • Additional cosmetics (balaclavas, facemasks, hats) from Arma v2.14 update
    • 9 premium cosmetics ($15/O+)
    • 10 free cosmetics
  • APD officers drop recently picked up items at Federal Events.
  • Added option to load loadout without virtual inventory
    • Ex: Player is arrested and loses physical items, they can now load their loadout without a restriction due to having virtual items
  • Legacy option for cop payouts
    • Toggleable in the settings menu
  • Medic delivery missions can now be split with the medic buddy system
  • Textures


  • SRT Fatigues and tactical vest moved to Deputy
  • Updated formatting and appearance of some dispatch types
  • RnR Hellcat reduced from Pararescue → Adv. Paramedic
  • Updated Progress bars to the new format
    • Removing kidney
    • Robbing players
    • Repairing house doors
    • Picking contraband
  • Updated spawns for Athira APD HQ
  • Medical Missions no longer get sent to the same city
    • Ex: Kavala Hospital → Kavala APD HQ
  • T3 Vigilante can now earn Renown points at 50% value
  • Vermin changed from T4 → T3 vigilante shop (Renown exclusive)
  • 9mm suppressor from 6pts → 4pts
  • Ability to 'Silence' incoming phone calls
  • Pyrgos RnR helicopter spawn now spawns at ground level
  • Removed RPG damage buff (was 2x damage)
  • RPG price changes
    • Rocket launcher: 75 → 125
    • Rocket: 10 → 20
  • Reduced minimum civilian count for APD escort start
    • Medium 65 civilians → 60
    • Large 80 civilians → 75
  • Vehicle Yard vehicle claim timer increased from 15s → 60s
  • Kidney weight decreased from 25 → 15
  • Houses/Garages will now show what kind they are on the spawn selection menu
  • Removed some characters from allowed names


  • Dying as an undercover police officer sending the officer to spawn island
  • Double kill sound in gang base
  • Not getting your fee returned to you if your vehicle transfer was unsuccessful
  • House compensation not notifying players properly
  • Plane DP mission error
  • Vehicle processing time calculation
  • All vehicles being discounted by 20%
  • Objects on last man standing island always being loaded
  • Error on a player having their virtual items seized by Police
  • Rangefinders seized when sent to prison
  • Enhanced performance on spawning cars
  • Centering on the reply button
  • Items missing from house weight
  • Items not classified as illegal for automatic seizure on being sent to jail
  • Fix being able to open inventory near a locked container
  • Warrants now persist through soft-log
  • Additional message when arriving at a location with GPS pathing
  • Gang XP backpack perk working on other factions
  • Gang XP backpack perk not being applied randomly
  • Meters are not being displayed in a new line on kill sound
  • Vigilantes not getting told how much they make for an arrest
  • 'Needs Dopamine' under the player's name for medics
  • Cop name not appearing correctly for payouts
  • Force answering a call as the sender
  • Issues with phone clipping
  • Phone now properly disconnects on tase/restrain and cannot be answered while restrained
  • Vigilantes having no 3:1 checks for key bind restraining and don't get charged
  • Phone calls being randomly disconnected
  • Delivery mission error
  • Cartel flag notifications getting overwritten by police dispatches
  • Disable shooting while restrained/tased in the gunner seat
  • Setting health to 100 for being shot with a taser while already tased
  • Overlapping map on the spawn selection menu
  • Chat disappearing
  • RnR Xi'an and Huron appear black from a distance
  • APD members can no longer resolve dispatches with each other


  • Ability to put terrain, objects, and texture settings below 'Standard'
  • Ability to set overall view distance and object view distance below 500m
  • Drawing map markers for vehicles that you're inside of

Hotfix #1: (2023-10-1)


  • Time until restart to all phone menus
  • 'Refill Hose' button to the legacy vehicle interaction menu
  • If a gang has the perk 'More Blackwater loot spawns' and they plant a bomb at the Blackwater, their group members will be notified that the perk has been applied and how many more items will spawn 
  • A confirmation popup when requesting fires


  • Cops can no longer pick up all illegal items during a federal event; they can now only pick up items that are not drugs or illegal event items, such as lockpicks, bolt cutters, etc (if they die, they will continue to drop the items they picked up, legal or not) If an item is a drug or illegal event item, they will do a 5-second seize animation and will not be dropped upon death
  • Cocaine Processor @ Zombie Mall Cop


  • EMTs counting towards medics online for fires
  • Any RnR rank being able to request fires (Supervisor+ now)
  • RnR Firetruck reduced from Adv. Paramedic → Basic Paramedic
  • 'Seize Objects' action constantly being there
  • Water particle effects being attached to all vehicles/players for no reason
  • The Radioactive event not spawning at all 
  • After receiving dopamine and logging off when logging back in you spawn in 'dead'
  • Various vanilla buildings clipping through custom buildings in Sofia/Pyrgos
  • Firefighters not being able to be escorted
  • RnR not getting paid the right amount while being buddied
  • Various market items not selling for the correct amount
  • Houses not syncing inventory properly and cloning onto nearby houses


  • Ability to see map-drawn markers on the GPS
  • Duplicate NPCs


If you find a bug, please submit a bug report https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/



Recommended Comments

  • Lord of Tickets


Insane update. Good shit everyone 🙏🏼

  • Like 2
  • Love 1


1 hour ago, Fearless 😉 said:



  • Like 1
  • Admin


awesome update, but i only got 75k for protecting a temp device by myself


  • Like 2


This is actually super awesome, I'm excited as hell!😁

  • Like 2


  • When a medic begins reviving a dead player it will spawn a defibrillator prop and play a sound on the prop that can be heard within 100 meters 


  • Community Manager


42 minutes ago, xsmitherz said:

awesome update, but i only got 75k for protecting a temp device by myself

Rank pay reductions still accounted for with this system, i.e. SAPD would make $95k, Corporal $85k, etc.

  • Admin


6 minutes ago, Mako said:

Rank pay reductions still accounted for with this system, i.e. SAPD would make $95k, Corporal $85k, etc.

that makes sense, thank you!




  • Ability to put terrain, objects, and texture settings below 'Standard'
  • Ability to set overall view distance and object view distance below 500m 



  • Haha 1


W update really excited to see where this oly addon goes

  • Like 3


You know Olympus is dying when they now have a MOD, for the longest time this server was praised for having no mods...

  • Monkey 3
  • Clown 2
  • tinhead 1
  • Community Manager


2 minutes ago, kylef said:

You know Olympus is dying when they now have a MOD, for the longest time this server was praised for having no mods...

We've had optional client mods for the past 2 years, the difference being that we're doing the work and making it exclusive to our server. It's not required to play and you're not technically missing out on anything by opting in or out.

  • Like 7


I don’t play anymore, but good lord is this an update and a half.

Good shit.

Big Boss Fredo


  • Vigilantes having no 3:1 checks for key bind restraining and don't get charge

@ Mako does this mean vigis can’t help 3 - 1 cops any more? 

  • Community Manager


4 hours ago, Big Boss Fredo said:
  • Vigilantes having no 3:1 checks for key bind restraining and don't get charge

@ Mako does this mean vigis can’t help 3 - 1 cops any more? 

They can, we fixed the bug that allowed you to 3:1 a Cop solo as a Vigilante.

  • +1 1
Big Boss Fredo


1 hour ago, Mako said:

They can, we fixed the bug that allowed you to 3:1 a Cop solo as a Vigilante.

That stopped working for me around a month ago, I would spam shift R but you guys did successfully patch it after I did it to Brandyn and mason Harrison 

  • Hmm 1
  • Developer II


On 9/27/2023 at 3:27 PM, Big Boss Fredo said:

That stopped working for me around a month ago, I would spam shift R but you guys did successfully patch it after I did it to Brandyn and mason Harrison 

We discovered the bug a month ago but the patch was only implemented this update. Whether it would work or wouldn't work was all based on certain factors that had to be met. Either way it's patched though. You got me once with that and that was one time too many 😂

  • Like 1
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