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Civ Rep Roundtable 10/28/18



Hey guys, had a really productive meeting.  Got some great stuff to tell you guys about and stuff you'll hopefully be really excited for.  So let's get into it!

Idea: All CSAT Ghillie variants added to Warpoint Clothing Shops

Resolution: Passed

Idea: All Tac Vests decreased from 25k to 10k, Flight Crew vests decreased from 30k to 20k.

Resolution: Passed

Idea: All MX Variants added to Weapon Shops, MXSW and MK18 added to Warpoint shops. General Price reductions in Warpoint shops 9mm supressor decreased from 20 warpoints to 5. Hunters, Striders, SUV's, Hatchback, and Box Truck added to Rebel Vehicle Shop.

Resolution: Passed

Idea: Remove the Ifrits, Striders, Hunters, and Armed Offroads from the BW Loot Table.

Resolution: Passed

Idea: Increase the chances that rare loot spawns at the Blackwater Robbery.

Resolution: Passed

Idea: Ability to get names easier when looking at ground vehicles

Resolution: Potentially getting worked on

Idea: Ability to get gang names underneath the driver's name on vehicles.

Resolution: Denied

Idea: Change the distance for 3 to 1 radius from 50 meters to 30 meters.

Resolution: Denied

Idea: HQ Takeovers extended to 30 seconds per death rather than 10 seconds.

Resolution: Denied

Idea: New run idea called the Uranium Run.

Resolution: Denied

That's all folks!  If you have any ideas just message me or @Matt The Savage on the forums or in TS!  Hopefully these big changes to the BW will increase it's frequency of happening!


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  • Community Manager

Hey guys, had a really productive meeting.  Got some great stuff to tell you guys about and stuff you'll hopefully be really excited for.  So let's get into it!

Idea: All CSAT Ghillie variants added to Warpoint Clothing Shops

Resolution: Passed

Idea: All Tac Vests decreased from 25k to 10k, Flight Crew vests decreased from 30k to 20k.

Resolution: Passed

Idea: All MX Variants added to Weapon Shops, MXSW and MK18 added to Warpoint shops. General Price reductions in Warpoint shops 9mm supressor decreased from 20 warpoints to 5. Hunters and Striders added to Rebel Vehicle Shop.

where is my civ rep tag

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thank god both of our civ reps are equally working hard towards the community.

wouldn't want to have someone in that position potentially doing nothing all the time !

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3 hours ago, communistjosh said:

Also, I think I smell hunters and striders In the vehicle shop. @ThatNerdyGuy??

That they are. 

5 hours ago, Ronin said:

thank god both of our civ reps are equally working hard towards the community.

wouldn't want to have someone in that position potentially doing nothing all the time !

Thanks, I guess!

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