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Everything posted by codeYeTi

  1. This comment speaks for itself.
  2. Any ideas on how to simulate a load of a bunch of people on an ArmA server cheaply?

    Tryna benchmark my replacement for extDB but I can’t think of a good way to simulate somewhat-realistic usage without having like a bunch of actual ArmA clients connected to it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. codeYeTi


      @Shades I don’t know what weed you smoke, but mine doesn’t link up with productivity like that.

      @hawk I’m more concerned about performance from

      ”client requests shit” -> “server goes and gets it from db” -> “shit gets back to client”

      so NPCs do nothing there sorry bud. Solid effort.

    3. Zahzi


      30 minutes ago, codeYeTi said:

      I don’t know what weed you smoke, but mine doesn’t link up with productivity like that.

      I don't see him specifying weed... cokeYeTi ;)

  3. So turns out if you’re a storage-heavy user, PCIe 4.0 really might help ya out holy crap.


  4. Hell, it’s about time. Maybe now you can run a Navi card without burning your house down.


    1. Metal


      Water blocks have been a thing for a while for GPUs. Earliest I remember is a waterblock for the 10 series gpus

    2. Skys


      i think he means its about time someone made a water block for that card

  5. Anybody getting connection issues right now?

  6. Have warpoints really gotten that cheap? I thought the P90 was like 25wp
  7. Wait then why are these people selling them so cheaply? Or are most of these offers facetious?
  8. Is that the P90?
  9. Excuse me what
  10. Risin' early for Ryzen 3000.

    I should be shot for that pun.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. i win

      i win

      Fuck yeah man. Good luck with the build! Only critique I have is that GPU, AMD ain't lookin' too hot there sadly :( Rest of it is sick though.

    3. codeYeTi


      Yea. I agree on the GPU choice, but as a Linux primary user, I just can’t justify an Nvidia card until the pull their head out of their asses with EGLStreams.

      this is the GPU from my old build. I’ll upgrade once I hear good things about Navi (or not... in which case I’ll have to do some thinking).

      @Mr Majestic

    4. i win

      i win

      Ohh then don't even sweat the GPU choice, I forgot you were a primary linux dude. Yeah, absolutely solid choices then. Hopefully AMD has a high-end Navi card and I can finally ditch nvidia and make the switch permanently too.

  11. Im sorry I love you but I have to… @snipeZ
  12. #BringYeTiBack #Soon Glad to hear so much in the works
    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      What sort of $$$ are we looking at here?  I recently bought an I9 but if half of what the internets saying about this new AMD tech is true I may diverge from my rampant Intel fanboyism. ;D

    2. codeYeTi


      It’s gonna be 550 USD (ish) and basically is always a step ahead or behind the i9-9900k. If you already have an 8thgen+ i9, it’s probably not worth the side-grade for you, but for those who have been waiting to upgrade and get faster RAM, this is an INSANE number of cores for a consumer chip at that price point.

      it depends on your workload? Do you do lots of stuff that will use the cores? Maybe side-grade time. Do you have some INSANE PCIe bandwidth usage? Maybe side-grade.

      other than that stick to your i9 since you already own it.

      that said, this thing is the future and I’m super stoked on it.

      My current CPU :( (lol) she served nobly for many years


    3. Skys
  13. @Pledge @sAPD Would there be any interest in this if I fleshed it out or was this just some Andrew(LethalsLoaded) pipe dream that wasn’t really backed too much?

    found it in my old YouTube and I def still have the source code rotting around somewhere.


    1. Strae


      my brain is too small to handle this, i think ill stay with google sheets for this one

  14. WTB BattlEye Linux support for stable ArmA branch.

    seriously though you get that shit working in Wine I’ll give $200.

    ive tried but there’s so much work to be done.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. MAV



    3. codeYeTi


      I mean... wine works on OSX. Most of ArmA should be fine provided you have a DXVK-compatible Vulkan driver.

      also @Strikke OSX with KVM and PCIe passthrough is a life-saver if you NEED OSX for like... work reasons. Works especially well if you have integrated graphics or a second card to use for the VGA for the host pre-child startup. QEMU is a decent manager for this. Took me like 10 mins to get my RX 590 passed through and running near-native speeds in OSX. I never use it because I don’t need it for iOS dev but it’s still pretty cool.

      totally not EULA friendly as far as apple is concerned... but sorta ethical if you own a recent MacBook.

      keep in mind to run the latest version of OSX your cpu has to have the 256-but vector register instruction set (AVX2)

      But really. BattlEye was purported to work on the “native Linux” ports from BE. I played Oly once on it when the versions were the same for like a day.

      makes me wonder if there’s a way to get the Winblows version to use the “native” BE.

      to answer @MAV, I do literally EERYTHING ELSE in Linux so it’s annoying to have to reboot and halt everything else to play ArmA. I’d play a lot more casually if it didn’t require shutting down and switching to ONLY doing ArmA stuff. I can develop, test, etc. for ArmA on Linux, but live servers won’t work Because BE.

    4. Evann


      my brain hurts from reading this

  15. TBT to good ole “howdy partner”


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Millennium


      We robbed him easily over 10 times

    3. codeYeTi
    4. Skys


      Millennium is puss bitch who loves kisses on the neck ;)

  16. Anybody here ever tried to RMA an XFX card? Any advice/hiccups?

    1. MAV


      I used to use XFX exclusively... Rma'd 2 cards, one I burnt out over locking, other fan failed.. Never had an issue with rma

  17. Yo, hire my ass back I miss making games.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MrRylexx


      FUCK YOU YETI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Skys


      +1 best coke user to ever touch Olympus 

    4. indian


      3 hours ago, Millennium said:


  18. When in doubt, grow a pair and land downwind!


    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Im perfectly fine with my fat ass sitting im a chair playing arma all day

  19. Y’all motherfuckers need log aggregation and indexing.

  20. giphy.gif

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. maxg


      i give it 1 1/2 years

    3. zoomzooooooom


      i give it 2 more weeks

    4. Weaz


      im just surprised these kids care that much to come back over and over and keep doing this shit

  21. If you’re looking for a video editor that’s free, honestly I’ve had no bad experiences with this, and at its core it works a lot like Vegas.

    A big refactor of like 60% of the codebase just landed.


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Piner


      1 hour ago, Demon9845 said:

      Not a single person buys vegas or premiere.

      That's utter bs.  I have had a licence for Premiere for the past 10 years.

    3. Millennium


      1 hour ago, Demon9845 said:

      I've never gotten a virus through pirate.

      you probably do but dont notice it

    4. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      2 hours ago, Piner said:

      That's utter bs.  I have had a licence for Premiere for the past 10 years.

      But thats because you are Piner, you are obligated to do so. 

  22. Damn straight. Blackfish dropping them new recruits to make sure that shit gets sold
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