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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. I believe they did that in the last 5-10 minutes of the event
  2. @Pledge How does it feel to cause the entire community of Olympus be both shitting their pants, and the most excited for the first time a while just because of a APD meeting? #PledgeBroughtUsTogether

    1. DeadPool


      idk about that one

    2. -dante-


      Literally every APD meeting. 

  3. You sir are a confident opponent I will say, but lets talk about this From what I recall, the vigilantes have went into hiding, threw in the towel, and ran for their lives. Rumor has it, they even went to the Rebel training course and hung the white flag, accepting defeat. However, it seems that the vigi population has increased again, meaning we now need to finish you rats once and for all.
  4. Your PC is bad get rekt scrub. On the real, I used both vive and rift and I had a way better experience with the vive.
  5. Happy Birthday BrothaCain :wub: 

  6. Whelp, looks like they didnt learn after the first execution round, the vigilantes have taken over Kavala once again, and have tripled their numbers. The Altis Police Department cant handle this massive wave of the taze hungry animals. I dont believe we have seen this high of an arrest rate in months! With the help of the fellow citizens and the lethal APD force we can take back Kavala. #EradicateTheVigis In other words @rapidaax and I will be hosting a massive Kavala Purge event on Sunday. APD will be taking part of the event with lethal force only. SDAR's were authorized for the event. #MakeKavalaGreatAgain Event Information: Time: 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (Possible to change so stay updated on this post) Server: Server 2 (Again possible to change) Day: Sunday The R&R will be placing dope crates at a few spots in Kavala, so there should be no excuses when needing dopamine. Rules: - DO NOT camp the gun store, if caught camping the gun store you will receive an Event Disruption ban. - Medics are NOT KOS, if reported you will be banned for Event Disruption. - If you are a cop do NOT lethal anyone that is a naked without a gun. - All APD forces are allowed to participate in the event as lethal only. Deputies and PO's are allowed to use SDAR's, but are not allowed to use them after the event is over. A PO+ can drop an SDAR for the deputies for the event only. If caught with the SDAR after the event, appropriate action will be met by sAPD. - If participating as an APD officer, you are allowed to kill other cops. APD will be a free for all game, you do not need to only target civs. - There will be NO NLR - Kill all the damn vigilantes, they must be eradicated
  7. @Peter Long Care to explain yourself?! Looks like a coup is around the corner boys.
  8. This^ I free’d him last night after a long session of Roleplay in teamspeak with his lawyers @Creepy @Xeltini Was a hard long court case, but we came to the conclusion that he was in fact bird watching, and looking for a rare species of bird to capture on his GoPro to resell the pictures, and NOT sticking his head through a wall.
  9. It’s plain and simple. Fuck vigis. Amirite? @Robinhood
  10. Except we actually enjoy watching his stream
  11. Happy Birthday qt pie @Ignis

  12. Dep chief @hawk y i k e s 

    jk congrats qt

    1. hawk


      Thanks friendly neighbour Ryan :) 

  13. Congrats @TheCmdrRex definitely deserved!

    o7 @Dante

  14. Ryan

    Yo bro check my ban appeal

  15. Happy Birthday tag ripper @Pledge

    Happy Birthday you stupid rat @Decimus

  16. Finally! @Prime Congrats! oh shit I mean o7

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      WOW RYAN!  This is why my best friend @Drama hates you.

    2. Ryan
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