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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. What if one gang start a take over, but another gang wants to do a fed. What happens?
  2. Congrats @Fake Grandma and @Deputy Dog on mod.

    Congrats @OutCast on them fatty red tags.

  3. Ayyy my man, I remember the daily rant you had about not getting corporal and putting in hella hours. Gg man well deserved. @L3SL13

  4. They starting tracking these stats on the recent update.... don’t know what your on about.
  5. Looks like @Grandma Gary struck again. We been keeping him away from Kav, but it seems you just can’t pull a man away from his home.
  6. @Pledge he’s coming for your ass next
  7. New update? Time for some feds boys :Kappa:

    1. Mighty


      if your one of the lucky few that can actually join the servers lol

    2. -dante-


      If feds happen before I can get on civ or cop I’m rioting 

    3. Ryan


      In a few hours we gotchu

  8. Oh my lord this update was made for @kev and @Viper
  9. Those things are wayyy more then 5m
  10. Olympus’s intro is free to use.
  11. Alright boys, applied for civ rep. Let the memes begin. 

  12. Thoughts on me running for civ rep? 

    1. LongInactiveAccount


      If your name isn’t D a n i e l you don’t stand a chance son

    2. bigPat


      I will vote for you before I vote for Daniel the spastic bot! 

    3. Kamikaze


      i would be down with it

  13. Well this is a yikes. There are dick pics sent in group chats, cant even imagine what would happen irl :x
  14. Congrats to the BOY @Egnazio FINALLY :DDDD 

  15. I can definitely make something. Unfortunately though I have not played enough with him to have any clips. So if any of you have anything you would like to submit/share let me know.
  16. The best way to raid rebel with a ghost hawk and slings.


    @Egnazio @Xeltini @ikiled @GOAT

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Prime


      Fuuuuuuuck so that's how he got me... I thought he died

    3. Ryan
    4. ikiled


      look at that. tee grizzley with the lethal =)

  17. Actually disappointing to hear news like this. I didnt know you that well, but you were a chill and fun dude to play with. o7 bud @Sociopathic

  18. Happy Birthday  

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