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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by xDRO

  1. Congrats @Creepy!

    1. Creepy


      Thanks man. It was a long time coming.. it feels good.

  2. is Olympus FiveM still a thing?

    1. Ryan
    2. N7Zero
    3. indian


      it might be a thing, but we all know it's not going anywhere in the near future if we only have one person designated for development. Most decent-sized 5M communities have 8-9+ devs with active staff on for in-game reports. As far as I'm aware, there's no staff team nor devs other than Phunky.

  3. xDRO


    o7 my dude
  4. Houston Texans broksi
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GluxDesigns


      You should texture the parachute backpack and make it look like a TMNT shells lol. 

    3. Skys


      11 minutes ago, Gluxdator said:

      You should texture the parachute backpack and make it look like a TMNT shells lol. 


    4. Gravity


      1 hour ago, Gluxdator said:

      You should texture the parachute backpack and make it look like a TMNT shells lol. 

      please and let us have the frit

  6. o7 brotha man
  7. Wheres my @ you poutine eatin ma fucka
  8. Give retired staff music on our pages plz and thx @Ryan

    1. drama
    2. hawk


      Still waiting for this to happen @Ryan

  9. I think any APD member who loads lethals should lose gear if they die change my mind

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Richard


      14 minutes ago, Ryan said:

      Considering they need to soft log every time they get gear to save it, I’d say they should pay for the gear they had on them upon respawn as opposed to re gearing 

      I’m not as familiar with the mechanics, but that seems fair.

    3. Bugsy


      12 hours ago, RDyer216 said:

      If lethals are loaded and they die then they lose gear.  Unless they get revived, then they would be on a dope timer.

      Only problem i see here is that IF they even get revived that would require the PO to go to hospital before being able to return to the event/area where the lethal were loaded. The reason for wave rules and such and cop w/o NLR is to promote an “active” police force. The only fix i’d see to balance the two b/w dope and rebuy gear would be to place an npc in police HQs (that are used for fed events) that provided dopamine. You can make them pay for the dopamine like they would at a hospital. This would require them to either return to HQ after getting revived and get dopamine or continue with the wave and hope that they wont need to rebuy gear.

    4. Richard


      Just like when a rebel picks up a rebel when lethaled by a cop.  

  10. Stepping down from designer, still may be around civ occasionally. Not gonna do the sappy post bs. If you know me then you know where im at if you ever wanna come chill.
  11. Hands up or gain packets by the APD!

    1. Larkerz


      Jokes on you, I still have my bounty.

    2. xDRO


      Fastest ALT-F4 in the west

  12. Smoked a joint with bone thugs n harmony once
  13. Yikes what have yall become @shibby
  14. Happy bday Creeptard @Creepy

  15. 8
  16. Roses are red Olympus is chill Man I hope this dude gives me 4 mil
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