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Fake Grandma

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Everything posted by Fake Grandma

  1. @ChubbyElf That was a fun little puzzle to solve Well done
  2. Congrats @Sandman on Sg. Fucking weeb.

    @Deputy Dog I would say congrats, but the chance of you ever reading anything on the forums are like 1:1000000 so em yea.... you are old. 

    1. Deputy Dog

      Deputy Dog

      Fuck you Grandmaaaaa  LOL

      FYI where in the hell did you find that video on you're Acct????

  3. o7 @Stuuurrt, now you can translate what @Ares says full time

  4. The dissapointment in his voice when the shots landed in HQ



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unjo


      You got hit with that fat name above your head

    3. Savage


      O I didn't read the shots thing I'm retarded

    4. Homicide


      @Savage he was purposely saying he was a robot so i can give the name is above your head he made me do it lol and yea I did sound hella disappointed @Fake Grandma lol was funny 

  5. Let em know that John-PC has a terrible computer and to shoot him on sight.
  6. I wanna see you use a PDUB vs civs, last 5 minutes and you get a cookie
  7. "We cried and cried but nothing changed". Cops no longer raid cartels.... "Cops is strength in numbers". Yea when the majority of the force that is fighting you is using a paper vest an MX/Sting you betcha they are going to try to flood you instead of trying to win the 1v1 damage battle. Adapt your strats to win a flood instead of crying that you can't handle fighting cops because they are outsmarting you. Using their numbers to their advantage is a STRAT. Its always something wrong with the APD, its either the way they use their tools and now its the way they play. Stop crying about the fact that you can't handle 5 cop pushing and change your strats, and if you don't have the numbers to fight huge cop waves then recruite more people or try to avoid huge events where cops show up.
  8. @Peter Long Karma is a bitch huh?



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      "Eat a whole pizza on stream"

      *Buys this pizza* 20140514_202409.jpg

    3. monster


      1 hour ago, Genghis Khan said:

      "Eat a whole pizza on stream"

      *Buys this pizza* 20140514_202409.jpg

      he would still be hungry :)

    4. Jester


      The best twitch clip I’ve ever seen

  9. Dude... Nerdy, you are evolving, I like this.
  10. o7 My dude <3
  11. Mobile Checkpoint v2skOjOto.jpg


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Sets up road block... next to flat fields 

    3. MAV


      well i'd assume they would like to encourage evasion... automatic probable  cause

    4. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @John Wayne When you setup a road block you don't do it expecting a 3.5m bounty, but rather really fucking funny roleplay. Last time we did it we had blackfishes stop for the road block, 11/10 roleplaying.

  12. Happy Birthday @DangusMeme! 

    1. Dangus


      Thanks Grandma! We got to play sometime soon.

    1. ikiled


      that actually made me die omg best use of the new roadkits

  13. @Ares im healing you, I promise

    1. QKSILVR73
    2. Mighty
    3. N7Zero


      Fuck me he dipped out of there faster than jwilly's dad

  14. Happy birthday @snipeZ, try to not fall asleep... or get robbed... or both. 

  15. Welcome o/
  16. @King Oh god, what were they thinking? 1 more potato with too much power <3 Well deserved scrub <3

  17. O7 @DangusMeme. <3
  18. Congrats to @Mita and @Prime on supervisor. 

    O7 @Joce

    1. Prime


      Thanks Grandma!

  19. "What's the second month of the year?"
    - @Wong 2018

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