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Everything posted by Mighty

  1. Just a hatchback skin. It’s not all just about helping people understand rules. A lot of times you are the mediator for compensation situations, arguments that would break rues in game, and of course letting admins know when the server goes boom. You can’t let people walk over you. If it’s your case your in charge. If corporals or seniors abuse there join power and are not helping to calm the situation tell them to get the fuck out!
  2. Yes sir
  3. o7 @Decimus 



    Congrats Nerdy

    1. Google


      What is that?

    2. Claysive


      is this Satisfactory? 

    3. Mighty


      @Google @Claysive It’s satisfactory. We made one messy ass factory lol

  4. Just gonna leave this here:




    1. Ziggyuwu


      im gonna have to sue for using my likeness without my permission

  5. But hawk him appointing himself chief deputy means he never wants po.
  6. First few moments as a corp: 


  7. So if I rp take someones gopro, I can't get reported :hmm:

    1. Darren Nsonowa
    2. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      What about their hidden body cam?

  8. ETA on my Retired Staff and Retired sAPD tags? @Ares @Pledge

  9. I wish I still had my dirt bike :’(
  10. ^^
  11. "Stop the ASMR, My dick is going crazy" xD
  12. This Is only my corner of our media room. To the right is my brother's setup but it's not finished yet. On the opposite wall, we have an awesome couch. Full room pictures will come soon! (Been working on this room since Christmas. Started it by gutting all the walls)
  13. @MAAAAXXXX why you gotta post my ip like that... @Ryan get your ass in ts and set him straight!

  14. Two easy feds today :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. maxg
    3. Toasty


      @NokiaStrong all future @federalevents should take into effect a cut for the @gangfund for @theboys

    4. Mighty


      It twas a time when the BW and Carnage called a truce to make some good money :)

  15. You can change your name once every 30 days i believe
  16. How many comments did we get to? @DashTonic
  17. Mighty

    Selling out

    Theses bitches must not understand what “dm offers” mean lol
  18. Shhh don’t tell him
  19. I’ll take the game now @DashTonic
  20. How many comments are we at?
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