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Everything posted by GluxDesigns

  1. If Kavala could have a town slogan what would that slogan be? I think it would be "RDM Capital of the World". What you think lol? I might use it in some billboards.
  2. Gonna switch it up today. Redo's.

  3. Making some textures... or one... I dont know yet.

  4. Im gonna start a stream designing some type of vehicle tonight @ 8 PM PST, 11 PM EST. Any ideas on what I should make? Might be used in server if its sexy enough. Looking for something all civilians can use. Or rebel.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Outcast


      new plane texture would be cool.

    3. Bloodmoon


      Skin for the shikra jet

    4. Tacosmell


      Corp Uni, a better Ghawk skin, and hatch skin for cop

  5. 20190217193052_1.jpg

    You guys thirsty for some bad ass non-donor textures? 2019 is gonna be great. Above is a taste of some sexyness.

    1. Strikke
    2. Theory


      Can you show us the template file with a watermark, I wanna see how it's made

    3. GluxDesigns


      No I cant post my template. If you just want to see the design here it is:





  6. Ohhh snap wtg @Coffee and @Childish. Also welcome to the team @Lil Cy

  7. I took the APD test and passed guys. Somehow... Im in boys.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GluxDesigns


      Well I mean like, im always blazed so I dont know how I passed but I did. Yay to me. Also @Daddy Fenwick im still in the RnR dont worry lol. You my bro!

    3. Jester


      eta on corp uni

    4. GluxDesigns


      WIP bro, it takes time making the best designs yet.

  8. Took a hit of that Danky Dank OG for my good morning hit in the Olympus Breakroom. Time to get to work!

    1. Fuzz^


      If your weed is called Danky Dank you need to rethink life.

  9. 20190205164446_1.jpg

    Gonna pick me up some Pre-Rolls and some green.

    (Old Build Idea)

    1. Millennium


      love it!, all you gotta do now is change the texture of hash in game and boom u got a weed shop

    2. Nurse Lou
  10. I ment 7 not 8 darn lol.
  11. Congratz on Contributor @Secret Agent well deserved. 

  12. Gonna be creating a Blackfish template for all you inspiring designers and curious onlookers.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Richard


      I always miss the streams! You should record them my dude

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You heard it here first folks straight from the mouth of Gluxdator


    4. GluxDesigns


      I will record them. This is part 1 of like 5; its a large template im making. Its to show how I make a texture from beginning to end.

  13. Gonna try my very first stream. Gonna make a Rockstar Ifrit. See how it goes. 



    1. GluxDesigns


      It went well, got a solid base design. Few edits and it will be perfect. 

    2. Tyrone


      Looked nice good job :) 

  14. axe.jpg

    You want a warrant!? We got a warrant! We are coming in.




    1. DashTonic



  15. @Shades welcome to the Design Team.  Party it up with some hookers and blow.

  16. end_banner.jpg

    Made a banner for me and my bros Podcast coming soon. Stand up comedy with your two favorite twins. 

    1. Ajax


      you better get me a link

    2. Slumberjack


      Oh I’m excited for this 

  17. GluxDesigns


    Very nice. Looks good.
  18. Seeing others texture concepts makes me want to go home and start making some more art. Good stuff guys. 

  19. damn nice lol. good balance. good concept
  20. Id like to give my boy @Donald. a shoutout. @Prime hes looking to get Search and Rescue with me. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Millennium


      Also if you have @Rossco on you're guaranteed less revives... thief

    3. Coffee


      Lol... Good one. XD 

    4. maxg


      Wait.... Coffee plays this server? :D

  21. I'm thankful that I'm able to create and share my artwork with this community and for everyone that love it.
  22. Complex designs are great. Anyone can get a template and put a actual camo texture behind it, with a picture here or there; and call it done. But when you make your own template and integrate your design into it, that's when the magic is made. Also working as a team and communicating with each other is a must. Especially with me. If Mako isn't around and you have e questions about texture design message me or get on teamspeak (evenings).
  23. Yay! Good luck to all who apply. Oh man we are gonna make some cool shit (art and other things)
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