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Peter Long

Peter Long
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Everything posted by Peter Long

    1. Armalisk


      Now @Nerdy is going to roast me about how I said Intel was better.

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Getting a Ryzen 7 1800x doesn’t look so bad now. 

  1. 4 days to get rosters in. Let's goooooooooooooooo!
  2. For 5 million and a video of your gang leader singing Barbie girl, I will get into game for an entire restart with unlimited titans to shoot down all APD who enter war zone. Reply if interested.

  3. Personally, id go shit on his pillow. After eating taco bell. And bean dip.
  4. PMR - Coming soon. Y'all aren't even ready for this. 

    1. Colin L

      Colin L

      I guess I'm going to have to take "You're Disabled" to serious reconsideration...

    2. DashTonic
    3. Fear


      Finally I will get good parking spots 

  5. Don't forget to get rosters in boys! This is gonna be lit.
  6. Going to lock this thread as sAPD are getting on the same page. Have a nice day gents!

  8. For the Europeans. If gang wars goes 8 hours, and I start it later, there is a potential for them being awake until the following morning.
  9. Maybe. It depends on how the bracket works out.
  10. 97efa08f53afdb514fc55ff41d84537b.png

    Tomorrow 8pm EST. Be there! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan


      if there isnt stuff for our fellow jews celebrating hanukkah then I aint interested

    3. SPBojo
  11. Can I buy your 1080?
  12. RULES Individuals who have been banned in the past for lag-switching, combat exploiting, or scripts will be disqualified instantly. You may not be currently banned on Olympus Servers if attempting to participate. If you try to evade, your account will be permanently banned, and your teammates disqualified. Rosters must have a minimum of 8 players, with a maximum of 12. Subs lists are restricted to 3 players. If you do not include correct player IDs, your gang will be disqualified. Must be in Olympus TeamSpeak with Gang tags visible by 11:30 AM Est on January 20th, 2018, and in your Gang’s Channel. GANG LEADERS must be present at our meeting on Saturday, January 12th, 2018 at 8pm est. If you are not present at this meeting, send your second in command. Only gang leaders will be allowed in the meeting. If nobody shows up for your gang, you are disqualified. At any point during Gang Wars if I feel that a player is out of bounds, exploiting, cheating, or in some way not fulfilling the equal fighting game play intended for Gang Wars, they will be killed, disqualified, and their gang disqualified. This is at my discretion. Any player found impeding the process of Gang Wars in anyway will be subject to administrative action on Olympus Servers. This is at my discretion. Don’t bring on players who are ineligible, banned, or who do not meet the rules stated above. INFORMATION Rosters must be finalized and submitted by Friday, January 5th, 2018 at 11:00 PM est. When applying, make sure that your player list is complete WITH SUBS AND THEIR PLAYER IDS. Players with less than 150 hours on Olympus entertainment servers WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. This Gang Wars will be our 12th, so we are going BIG on the Winners! 1st place will receive GW Winner tags in TeamSpeak, $20 million in game gang funds, and a billboard in Kavala with a roster list and gang picture taken. 2nd place will receive $12 million in game gang funds The GW will be live streamed at https://www.twitch.tv/sirpeterlong/ I will save the VOD on the stream, and upload it to YouTube for people who missed it Submit your Roster HERE – DUE January 5th by 11:00 PM EST
  13. Star Wars was dope. Highly reccomend.

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    2. PoptartRex


      For the love of god please ban anyone on the forums if they have spoilers

  14. LOL Thats a joke. Every component including monitors is over 6 years old. With the exception of my used GPU. I just know how to make stuff look nice.
  15. I win.
  16. Getting Over It was made by Satan. Fuck this game.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eggmasta


      @Ignis Not worth, i wanna die after playing it

    3. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      U can just pitate it


    4. Regal


      1 hour ago, Ignis said:

      I wanna try the game but 8 bucks is not worth depression.

      @OutCast gifted it to me so my depression was free!

  17. I'm a large man, but I'm sexy.
  18. @McDili i want a pogchamp reaction emote and I want it in less than 24 hours. If you do this, I'll do a gang wars 12 in January.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      No, for reactions @Ignis. We have kreygasm, thinkingface, kappa, ECT. I want pogchsmp. 

    3. Savage


      Why not that pic of @Proud everyone has

    4. falcon


      @Peter Long @'ing the wrong man. You gotta @Ignis. :) You're welcome.

  19. 125718951CB0516E5E5655BED49256CBC5A93C17Some real OG shit here. Circa 2k15

    1. Rusty


      Good days man!

    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Some quality arseholes right there hue hue

  20. For winter break, when do most of you spastics go back to school? Looking for a good beginning of Jan Gang Wars possibly. 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Promethus


      2 hours ago, Invicious:) said:

      i go back same as jwilly


    3. Real House
    4. Bucko


      Most likely on the 3rd of Jan 

  21. Well guys, it is over. Gang Wars XI is in the books! Congrats to the winner - PRIME!!!!!!!!!!!! 2nd Place - The Inactives In just under 8 hours, 13 gangs fought eachother to establish dominance, over 340 kills were confirmed, 3 teamkills happened (LOL), 5 roach kills confirmed, 58 bottles of alcohol were consumed, at least 2 pizzas were demolished, and @Orgondo actually got a kill without using a grenade. My personal favorites: MVP : @Huskers : 14 kills, went beast mode with 7 in one match, and was a main reason TI was in the final match. Best Roach : @Pledge with the MVP Roach on @Parker Radley Going Off : @Jwilly did his best Gandalf impression holding down Windmill rocks and wiped 3 people before being taken down Unique Kill : @GrandpaSquid Had a double kill utilizing a broken ricochet Sniper : @Superiorr Had the best Juan tap at OG from dildo, literally fired 2 bullets and got 2 kills. @Shelby was drunk out of her mind yet still managed to kill @Ignis All in all guys, this was an incredible Gang Wars! Special thanks to @Doc @Ignis @Pledge @G.O.A.T. @Jesse @Strugglebus and everyone else who helped make this the absolute best Gang Wars we have ever had at Olympus Entertainment! Stay tuned on the forums with a more in depth analysis of Gang Wars XI and an announcement about the next Gang Wars!
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