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Status Replies posted by Orgondo

  1. Happy birthday @ Orgondo

    1. Orgondo


      Thank you sir and @ Tman15tmb  nope my old ass has been retired for awhile now. Made some visits here and there but don't find much fun in the game anymore.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. @ Orgondo Heard your gonna be a dad! Proud of you big guy! 

  3. Congrats @ Orgondo  on becoming a dad!!

    1. Orgondo


      I hate you

  4. I would like to apologize to the community, I've lead all of you on for many years that I was in fact "hot shit". I'd liken myself to Tom Cruise in Top Gun, I'd like to whole heartedly apologize to the community for this misconception that has spanned a number of years and affected the minds of many individuals. Here is a snippet of my amazing piloting skills, I hope I can regain your trust in my piloting again someday.

    PAID FOR BY: @ Mako

    1. Orgondo


      @ buckie Dear god talk about Reformed, who tf are you and where did my old Buckie go?!

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  5. Whichever dev/administrative staff thought it would be a genius idea for cops to "drop" redgull when we die

    you are fully retarded

    1. Orgondo


      Wait it’s okay for Cops to loot the Y of the civ they lethal but not the other way around?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. #freetiger he cheated in very old wave and most of waves after him have received unbans. I would argue tiger out of most banned players was one of the largest contributors to the health of the cartel fighting segment community.

    1. Orgondo


      After careful review of your application we are hereby going to have to Decline your application to Prime. Please take this time to reflect and feel free to reapply after 60 days. Thank you!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. So anyone know a bot I can use to get a 3080???


    1. Orgondo


      https://discord.gg/stockdrops  This will give you alerts on all restocks but just have to purchase yourself


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Dammm alot has changed by the looks of it @Cooper:PMy man finally a SGT @jigBe a big boi developer @1thedocA Lt my man

    @Millennium @Hurricane I see you greenies

    @Strae Bit too much on the red with the pfp too. Kek

    @maxg You seem to be coming and going more times then my dad. Maybe this time you will stay? xD

    @ThatNerdyGuy Don't even say that you did not put that guitar playing video in APD CoC. I know you brought it up xD

    @Winters Holding down the thought i see, God save the queen! Kinda too late to give you back that bandanna now huh? 

    @DeadPool Same old same old, spamming all the forums and giving me a shit ton of notifications. Hope you swole now my guy. Hope you gained what you wanted 😉 gonna be milf hunting?

    Hope its going well for you lots, thought i would jump back and see whats going on abit ngl. Probs wont be back again for a few more months LuL

  9. We got any Warcraft nerds here?  Who else is excited for Blizzconline and the announcment for the mobile Diablo release date!



    1. Orgondo


      Ain't complaining about a less dogshit Wintergrasp, literally can't make it worse that's for sure. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. We got any Warcraft nerds here?  Who else is excited for Blizzconline and the announcment for the mobile Diablo release date!



    1. Orgondo


      Literally not hyped for anything, potentially BC if they don't fuck it

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. the players aint the problem its the devs for ignoring us, prove me wrong

    1. Orgondo


      Staff/Owners since our Terms have literally spoon fed the Cartel Scene but y’all are so fucking greedy and blind

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  12. the players aint the problem its the devs for ignoring us, prove me wrong

    1. Orgondo


      The amount of shit Cartel Life has gotten since me and Moob stopped doing Civ rep is insane. We tried getting Y inv and Refill mags on Dope crates and R&R about lost their fucking minds on us. We barely even got Y included, now you can Refill Mags. Dope shots barely were allowed to be implemented. 

      You kids bitch so much now when literally everything imaginable was handed to you besides Spawned In money. Like how can you not see the difference between now and then. Be glad you even have what you have now.


    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  13. just rewatched all my old videos and i miss the old olympus

    1. Orgondo


      Let's be real, we don't really miss the game. We miss the comradery and all the old homies, the old school Gang v Gang rivalries that caused 6 hour shoot outs in the most random ass locations. OG Olympus could never be recreated.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. is it too much to ask for an admin to be on during conquest to make it day? like why is this still part of the server and why is it so fucking long? give @Zurph ability to make it day and we wouldnt have this problem

    1. Orgondo


      @Monks Because it has been very abused in the past, hence why it took almost 4 years to have another Event Coordinator to begin with


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. I still keep myself updated on this hell hole and I got to say i'm disappointed in you all. Really hasn't been any juicy drama lately. Someone start a coup or some shit

    1. Orgondo


      You should know me better than that. The hair stays long. Check the snap bby gurl

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. I still keep myself updated on this hell hole and I got to say i'm disappointed in you all. Really hasn't been any juicy drama lately. Someone start a coup or some shit

    1. Orgondo


      @Grandma Gary Round 4 and I still probably won’t get the server access required to make shit happen. Feelsbadman. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. I still keep myself updated on this hell hole and I got to say i'm disappointed in you all. Really hasn't been any juicy drama lately. Someone start a coup or some shit

    1. Orgondo


      @Ryan you fucking loser cut that shit out. Let the drama and coups live on. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. LF NA cracked fraggers for Rust. If you can’t spray 100m np don’t hmu. 

    1. Orgondo


      Stevious Large. Modded vanilla. 95% just clans so Moose/Fied style roams. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. close s2 and make a rust server this game z z z

    1. Orgondo


      Dear god can I stop getting tagged in this shit lol. This community has no idea how to run Rust nor the will to do so ffs.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. make a Olympus rust server the community would fit in with the environment of rust nicely 

    1. Orgondo


      Will never happen because like it has been for the past 6 years. A server on a new game will get made, then staff will never get assigned to it and nothing will ever happen with it. Also said Staff especially on Rust have to be decently active and be ready to update the server on wipe/force or else no players will return which was a past issue. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. who needs a gunhand shirt when you can have a GunHand body pillow 74894bf3b166af0e33e9c818ea6c6188.png


  22. this is extremely out of character of my normal meme-y posts. but if you think you could have depression, anxiety, ADHD, or any other mental issue. I really recommend getting help. I know it's WAY easier said than done, but since I was diagnosed with depression and was put on medicine, I'm much closer with my family and friends, and I even saved my relationship. I'm still going through testing to be prescribed medicine for ADHD, and I am working every day to get better mentally. Mental health is as important as physical health, and if anyone ever needs to someone to talk to privately I can always hop into TS. 🙂

    1. Orgondo


      One of the few people I genuinely give a shit about in this community. Love you buddy.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  23. if you play hearthstone battlegrounds play fuckin pirates these mfs are nuts

    1. Orgondo


      Golden macaw with golden boom bot and a baron. Basically the new exodia. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  24. yo im trying to find a mythic progression guild for next expansion, my current guild is makeawish and cant progress through 3 month old heroic content

    1. Orgondo


      Not at all, IO is absolutely useless in the raid scene since pushing keys is pretty damn easy

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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