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Olympus most memorable moments

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So I would be interested in hearing everyone's most interesting moments on the Olympus servers. Moments that you will never forget, lemme hear em.



Whenever a perm is actually a perm its a pretty memorable moment tbh.

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Been here for 4 years now.

Fugi's pitting lane (I will pay if someone has that video)

The nude scandel.

Removal of half of APD 

Virus (richest kid and just camped weed all day)

Snakes attempts at promotions by reporting his Superior's

Mcdilli going from a Rando kavala troll to server owner.

Medics first trial at towing (11 hemtts in a row)

Donator perks (I miss being one of the few with a Mohawk)

And all my rivals and friends I've made over the years. That I continue to play other games with.

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4 years ago my friend bought me Arma because he had been playing it for a little while and really liked it. He had already played on Olympus before me so we played Olympus. My friend had already joined a gang called TCA which was just a bunch of kavala scats/trolls in a fairly huge gang (Kinda like KS i guess). He left that gang to join a gang with rebels instead of scats and this gang was called Black Flag Operators (BFO). Our first day in the gang the 10 or so people that were on decided to do a weed run, we brought 2 .50 with both drivers and gunners and a few large trucks. The cops found us while we were pulling out the vehicles and ofc a few of us were wanted so they engaged. After fighting the cops through out the whole run we probably blew up/disabled around 20 cop cars and still manage to pick ingredients, process, sell and store the money without one of us getting close to getting cought. good times when people dared to use money 

Shout out to @Ducimus and @Black Flag 6A for running BFO back in the day and making it great and shout out to @iNTOXZTHEGREAT and @Kongen for hooking me up with arma.


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7 minutes ago, Strikke said:

4 years ago my friend bought me Arma because he had been playing it for a little while and really liked it. He had already played on Olympus before me so we played Olympus. My friend had already joined a gang called TCA which was just a bunch of kavala scats/trolls in a fairly huge gang (Kinda like KS i guess). He left that gang to join a gang with rebels instead of scats and this gang was called Black Flag Operators (BFO). Our first day in the gang the 10 or so people that were on decided to do a weed run, we brought 2 .50 with both drivers and gunners and a few large trucks. The cops found us while we were pulling out the vehicles and ofc a few of us were wanted so they engaged. After fighting the cops through out the whole run we probably blew up/disabled around 20 cop cars and still manage to pick ingredients, process, sell and store the money without one of us getting close to getting cought. good times when people dared to use money 

Shout out to @Ducimus and @Black Flag 6A for running BFO back in the day and making it great and shout out to @iNTOXZTHEGREAT and @Kongen for hooking me up with arma.


Qilin runs with a backpack is the way to go... kappa 

Honestly, the most memorable time on Olympus was finding Kavala. 

  • Like 1

- staff couping attempts

- having 20 shitty armed planes simultaneously strafe Kavala while on cop

- @Lucki fending off staff retards on multiple occasions 

- finally getting @TheRealKyle sgt

- @Poseidon selling the server, inactive chimp

- @EatMeth not engaging for me at chop shop, “mass rdm” 5 tree, get banned via a video from a passenger, unbanned cuz staff = great members of community

- @Dejay hitting a lag spike at brewery

- having a guy attempt to steal shit from my house irl 3am while playing arma

- @Goodman “”””abusing”””” admin on cop, told him if he got demoted on staff I’d promote him to dep chief on the spot <— the best one

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- 1st gang on server 4 years ago was BFO back when they were decent. 4-5 hemmit box trucks at a time doing weed runs. fun times

- OG processors (crack cocaine, mushroom pizza, pure crystal meth)

- 1st ever time i went to rebel i bought an sdar and got heated cus i couldnt find a scope to put on it.

- @Strikke used to be my fuck slave, come back 3-4 years later and he's admin. ironic

13 minutes ago, Coca said:

- 1st gang on server 4 years ago was BFO back when they were decent. 4-5 hemmit box trucks at a time doing weed runs. fun times

- OG processors (crack cocaine, mushroom pizza, pure crystal meth)

- 1st ever time i went to rebel i bought an sdar and got heated cus i couldnt find a scope to put on it.

- @strikke used to be my fuck slave, come back 3-4 years later and he's admin. ironic

Sorry did u. Just say bfo was “decent “ m

best moment getting permed then unpermed then permed then unpermed then permed then unpermed then permed then unpermed 

Edited by obeymatt
2 hours ago, obeymatt said:

Sorry did u. Just say bfo was “decent “ m

Ye if you was here pre wipe you'd know

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-Flying a 4 mil jet into @ThatNerdyGuy

-Watching Badger order PO's to send a hawk text to a tempest and then pipe them

-Watching Dominick and crew pipe Kavala with ghost hawks

-Having random naked's sacrifice someone for us

-Getting slaves from kavala/pyrgos and making them process moonshine

-Being able to log in and have fun instead of struggling to find people on a full server

Edited by Bloodmoon
30 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

-Being able to log in and have fun instead of struggling to find people on a full server

cuz 70 of them are in kavala square and not somewhere I can shoot them on site

Unless I call terror I guess


Edited by communistjosh

Saving R^vin from a hostage situation

Vdming 6 friendlies 

Seeing po7 vigis at cartels

Tasing myself in kavala then getting restrained whilst on cop

13 hours ago, Strikke said:

4 years ago my friend bought me Arma because he had been playing it for a little while and really liked it. He had already played on Olympus before me so we played Olympus. My friend had already joined a gang called TCA which was just a bunch of kavala scats/trolls in a fairly huge gang (Kinda like KS i guess). He left that gang to join a gang with rebels instead of scats and this gang was called Black Flag Operators (BFO). Our first day in the gang the 10 or so people that were on decided to do a weed run, we brought 2 .50 with both drivers and gunners and a few large trucks. The cops found us while we were pulling out the vehicles and ofc a few of us were wanted so they engaged. After fighting the cops through out the whole run we probably blew up/disabled around 20 cop cars and still manage to pick ingredients, process, sell and store the money without one of us getting close to getting cought. good times when people dared to use money 

Shout out to @Ducimus and @Black Flag 6A for running BFO back in the day and making it great and shout out to @iNTOXZTHEGREAT and @Kongen for hooking me up with arma.


haha yeah i remember the days... weed was a great run because we had .50 cals running security whenever there was something more then a truck doing a run. Fun times rocking cops at weed pro (though we were server 2 at the time) I had a similar first experience with BFO first day we were rolling around the map in a few Infrits and rolled up on ISIS and KI each of us had like 10-15 deep, then the cops rolled up and it was an absolute shit show... was a hellova time... 

5 hours ago, obeymatt said:

Sorry did u. Just say bfo was “decent “ m

BFO was good pre-wipe... like when BF was still around daily before he got obsessed with Eve Online..

- @Snake screaming at BlackFlag while flying him back to HQ after we shot down (no titan) his ghost hawk and BF combat stored his Taru Bench
- Pre-Wipe
- Pre-Bounty carry over restarts the last 10-15 minutes in kavala before restart was a joke.
- When jail had no roof and was in kavala square, you could simply land an orca pick up your buddy and fly off..
- When Michael Brown was killed and a bunch of my buddies and I all pulled 50 cals and ifrits and 'burned it down for brown' in kavala
- Before vigi's ruined gang life...

22 minutes ago, Toasty said:

getting 1 tapped out of my taru slinging a hmett (all uninsured) by @ThatNerdyGuy

My best shot to date. Don’t know if I’ll be able to top that. 

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