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Civ Council Round Table 3/3/19



Cartels- @Linka  @Silton @HyperGoat @swervy @Toasty

  • Warpoint Vehicle Shop:
    • Strider 40 wp
    • Hunter 20 wp
    • Ifrit 45 wp
    • 50 cal 50 wp
    • Orca 25 wp
  • Gang Rewards to come after perks

Feds- @SPBojo @Colt  @Kamikaze @indian @billdroid

  • Advanced hacking terminal (150k, reusable) Increases AA range for all federal events

Scats- @Mr Majestic @Tyrone @Unjo @John Wayne

  • Windows key option for lockpicking
  • Organ harvesting tweaks
  • Rule change with hostage interaction

Runs- @Bloodmoon @indian @NokiaStrong @Mudiwa 

  • Salvage nerf: SDV base storage to be reduced to 80
  • Hatchbacks and SUV's purchasable at rebel outposts

Vigis-@Tyrone @CorNfLower @Creepy @Onyxcaboose

  • More stats to be added on stats page


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pretty sure i just stated im down with it just didnt expect such a big nerf - doubt you even do salvage son



fuck off right off bloodmoon you don't deserve the name. 

Edited by jacobe_d
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1 minute ago, Gf. said:

stfu squatter or ima camp you with an sdar

bring it, we got 'em too! 


it g ma killa whale undawata squa SDAR Fight!!!

Edited by jacobe_d
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So I think 15% processing times for owning the cartel isn't too good. I think if you would increase that number, the gangs that do runs would fight more cartels and promote more cartel fighting and more runs. What do you guys think? I know I would be fighting a lot more if I knew my processing times may be cut down by a quarter or a half of the time by owning the cartel.@Bloodmoon @indian @NokiaStrong @Mudiwa 

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1 minute ago, Cale said:

So I think 15% processing times for owning the cartel isn't too good. I think if you would increase that number, the gangs that do runs would fight more cartels and promote more cartel fighting and more runs. What do you guys think? I know I would be fighting a lot more if I knew my processing times may be cut down by a quarter or a half of the time by owning the cartel.@Bloodmoon @indian @NokiaStrong @Mudiwa 

It's fine the way it is

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did anyone ever consider the fact that running salvage with a house would net you about 10k a minute...not sure on the bigger runs like meth and moonshine but diamonds earn over twice that at 21k a minute...how about instead of nerfing the only way for a player to get a start in the game in any reasonable time frame, look at why people would rather sit afk instead of taking a risk making bigger money...seams to me the admins are just pandering to the endgame player constantly with no regard to the new players...this is quite apparent in the constant reduction to lower player activities...did they increase the price of robing a gas station...no...did they decrease the processing time for legal items...no...did they increase the passive income...no...did they increase the price yield of any other run...no...did the admins do anything els in the game to make up for the nerf...no...I could come up with ideas that would improve the server all day but like i said, pandering to end game players is clearly all that is on their mind...my guess is someone complained that they weren't able to rob enough and this was their solution...if you dont give a start for new players they will just quit, and the server will die due to lack of people to replace the ones getting bored...clearly foresight is not the strong suit of the people in charge of this

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4 minutes ago, Riiken said:

the only way for a player to get a start in the game

Its supposed to be a run you do when you first join, not something to consistently make you money. Its already been passed, noone gives a shit and im not bothering reading this whole post of yours. 

5 minutes ago, Riiken said:

did anyone ever consider the fact

Giving you homework here, 

Stop smoking so much, youve turned into a retard. Salvage was and still is abused to the point where its the most beneficial and rewarding run to do. 

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lol, if you didn't read it then how can begin to argue with what i said...to summarize, i said they did nothing to make up for the fact they nerfed it...never said they shouldn't, only that there is now a gap between being a new player and having enough cash to get a decent start with no way to get there...read all of the post your commenting on before you embarrass yourself any farther

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Just now, Riiken said:

lol, if you didn't read it then how can begin to argue with what i said...to summarize, i said they did nothing to make up for the fact they nerfed it...never said they shouldn't, only that there is now a gap between being a new player and having enough cash to get a decent start with no way to get there...read all of the post your commenting on before you embarrass yourself any farther

You are genuinly retarded, there is supposed to be a gap between new player and having enough cash to get a decent start, like what in the fuck are you on about? I understand you were dropped as a child but this is next level stupidity. There isnt supposed to be anything to replace salvage, salvage was never ment to be as good as it was, it was supposed to be a shit run for new players to do, not something everyone would do and make decent money doing. Your supposed to do this simply so you can buy a tiny tiny truck and move on to illegal / copper etc. Now please, before you embarrass yourself even further, do a spelling check, make sure your not retarded, make valid points and in general just do yourself a solid and sit back down in your little hippie chair and shut it :) 

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26 minutes ago, Riiken said:

seams to me the admins are just pandering to the endgame player constantly with no regard to the new players...this is quite apparent in the constant reduction to lower player activities...


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like i said, new players will give up and quit if they cant get a foot on the ground and there will be no one to replace the ones who leave when they get bored...if you want to sit there and pretend that im advocating for salvage to return to what is was then there's no helping you...I took my time and carefully crafted an argument to explain what i see happening (and spell checked idiot)...your problem if the server dies not mine...plenty of other servers out there when that happens...

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Just now, Bojo said:

I dont even have the game installed :4head:

Then why are you a civ rep if you aren't experiencing the in game issues in the present?

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Just now, Nex is the name said:

Then why are you a civ rep if you aren't experiencing the in game issues in the present?

Cuz i can, cuz im not retarded like yourself and your friend here, and i dont have it installed cuz i just reset my pc a week ago ;) 

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Just now, Bojo said:

i dont have it installed cuz i just reset my pc a week ago ;) 

Pretty toxic civ rep, kinda not giving the representative table a good look if you think of it... But I think at this point its too far gone maybe?

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Just now, Nex is the name said:

Pretty toxic civ rep, kinda not giving the representative table a good look if you think of it... But I think at this point its too far gone maybe?

Oh shit my bad, sorry for triggering you, do you want a blanket and a cup of milk, maybe even a kiss on the cheek? Its Olympus, get used to it.

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2 minutes ago, Bojo said:

Oh shit my bad, sorry for triggering you, do you want a blanket and a cup of milk, maybe even a kiss on the cheek? Its Olympus, get used to it.

Im just saying. Im not triggered, its just, idk how someone super toxic gets a positive rep, guess its what the new generation likes.

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Just now, Nex is the name said:

Im just saying. Im not triggered, its just, idk how someone super toxic gets a positive rep, guess its what the new generation likes.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, us the "new generation" will make sure to remember how annoyed you got.

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1 minute ago, Riiken said:

lol usually its the people calling triggered who are getting upset

Oh shit you got me there, im super triggered right now, straight up crying at this point to be honest

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lol your childish sarcasm clearly tells me that you are not capable of having a mature conversation...how about next time you have someone question decisions you didn't make, you just let it be or actually respond with points and reason instead of insults and mocking...you might actually be able to convince someone of your point when you don't make an immediate ass of yourself

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Just now, Riiken said:

lol your childish sarcasm clearly tells me that you are not capable of having a mature conversation...how about next time you have someone question decisions you didn't make, you just let it be or actually respond with points and reason instead of insults and mocking...you might actually be able to convince someone of your point when you don't make an immediate ass of yourself

You do realize me and other civ council members are the reason salvaged got nerfed and not staff right? LOL

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