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Altis Life Update - 8/17/23 - August Content Update



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  • Login Rewards - Donation Goal
    • Accessed through ;login or Y-menu below licenses
      • Players are notified when a reward is eligible
    • Rewards must be redeemed the day they are rolled from the UI
    • Must play at least 15m before being able to roll daily reward
    • Daily reset is 7:30 AM EST
    • Rewards on milestone days exclusively use Milestone pools and default days use default pool
    • Rewards are equal chance from the loot pool
    • Rewards
      • Default
        • $4166~$37500 Cash
        • Rook / pm9
        • 83~500 Scrap
        • 5% Processing Buff
        • 25% Picking Buff
        • 1-2 Vigilante Renown (Vigi Exclusive)
        • 1-2 Warpoints
        • Quadbike/Gokart/Hatchback/Hatchback (Sport)/SUV/Offroad
        • 1x epi / 10x Redgull / 1x toolkit / 10x pepsi / 10x cupcake / 10x beer
      • Milestones
        • 7D
          • $100,000 Cash
          • PDW2000 / Protector
          • 50% Gather Buff
          • 10% Processing Buff
          • 2~5 War Points
          • 2~5 Vigilante Renown
          • Van (Transport) (WPL Exclusive)
          • Hatchback (Sport) (Rebel Exclusive)
          • 1 Hex Icon
        • 14D
          • $250,000 Cash
          • Mk20
          • 100% Gather Buff
          • 15% Processing Buff
          • 5~8 War Points
          • 5~8 Vigilante Renown
          • Zamak (Transport) (WPL Exclusive)
          • Qilin (Light) (Rebel Exclusive)
          • 1 Hex Icon
          • Title "Hotstreak" (Guaranteed)
        • 30D
          • $250,000 Cash
          • 25% Processing Buff
          • 10 War Points
          • 10 Vigilante Renown
          • HEMTT (Box) (WPL Exclusive)
          • Hummingbird (Rebel Exclusive)
          • 1 Hex Icon
          • Title "Dedicated" (Guaranteed)
        • 60D
          • $250,000 Cash
          • 10 War Points
          • 10 Vigilante Renown
          • Tempest (Device) (WPL Exclusive)
          • Qilin (Rebel Exclusive)
          • 2 Hex Icon
          • Title "No Life" (Guaranteed)
        • 90D
          • $350,000 Cash
          • 15 War Points
          • 15 Vigilante Renown
          • Tempest (Device) (WPL Exclusive)
          • Strider (Rebel Exclusive)
          • 3 Hex Icon
          • Title "Olympian" (Guaranteed)
          • Hatchback (Sport) Login Skin (Guaranteed)
    • New UI and display
      • Rewards that have been opened are displayed as opened
  • Phone calls and Facetime
    • Players have an additional 'Contact' button in their phone menu
    • Players can chose to call a player or Facetime them
      • Facetiming without Picture-In-Picture on will notify players to toggle it on
      • Calling/Facetiming players opens a voice channel
      • Calls can be accepted with F9 and declined with F8
      • Facetime allows players to swap their perspective from pointing at the player to what the player is looking at with F10
        • Keys can be bound in the settings menu
      • Only 6 calls/Facetimes can be processed at one time
      • Calls terminate on player death
      • When receiving a call player's phones will ring and be audible to other players within earshot
        • 1 default option and 15 premium options for $75 donor or O+
        • Players can preview ringtones in the settings menu
      • Players can change their phone background
        • 1 default option and 5 premium options for $75 donor or O+
      • When receiving a call you'll be notified of the player's name, Steam ID and Hex Icon
        • Steam ID is converted into a phone number
          • Ex: 76561198904765314 becomes (890)-476-5314
      • Players may choose to block certain players from calling them in the phone menu to prevent excess trolling
  • Infected Staff Event
    • Staff will now start hosting Infected Events
    • Event starts with a custom load screen and introduction
      • Includes Custom HUD for round timers and scoring
      • After each round a scoreboard is generated 
        • Infected
          • Starts with all players as Survivors and randomly designates players to become infected
          • Infected players can infect Survivors by melee killing them or throwing knives
            • Default keybinds of H to melee and G to thow a knife
              • Rebindable in Keybinds menu
          • Infected players have a respawn time of 15 seconds and numerous spawn points per map
          • Infected Players have a ballistic-resistant uniform
          • Infected players let out sound ques (Zombie Groans) frequently to inform Survivors of their location
          • Infected players win the event by infecting all Survivors
        • Survivors
          • Start off with loadouts chosen by staff members
          • Survivors can replenish their current magazine by killing Infected players and running over the 'Scavenger' crate
          • Survivors can call in a Tactical Nuke to wipe out all Infected players if they get a 25 kill streak
          • Headshot kills on Infected players will create a custom effect and explode their head
          • Survivors win by either running out the round timer or getting PLACEHOLDER KILLS
  • Underglow
    • Players now have the ability to toggle an attached underbelly light on their vehicle in the keychain menu
    • 12 Color variants to choose from
      • Red, Green, Blue, White, Purple, Hot Pink, Yellow, Light Blue, Burnt Orange, Turquoise, Mint Green, Dodger Blue
    • Availability
      • $15 or O+
        • Offroad, Gokart, and Quadbike
      • $30 or O+
        • SUV
      • $50 or O+
        • Hatchback and Hatchback (Sport), Box Trucks, Vans, HEMTT, Zamak, and Tempest
      • $100 or O+
        • Qilin, Prowler, Strider, Ifrit, and Hunter including Airdrop/Light/Armed variants
  • Spray Cans
    • Spray Cans can be bought from Market NPCs
    • Players can now tag up locations with Spray Cans
      • Default 'U' to start spraying and to spray
    • Sprays accessible from $75 Donors or O+
      • Animated sprays accessible from $200 Donors or O+
    • Tags must be selected from the settings menu
    • After tagging a location players have a 120s cooldown
  • Titles
    • Wanted Status
      • $10M bounty - "WANTED"
      • $25M bounty - "Hey look mom I am on TV!"
      • $50M bounty - "The Boogey Man"
    • 1KM kills
      • 25 - "The Hidden"
      • 50 - "Silent Death"
      • 100 - "BOOM HEADSHOT"
      • 250 - "IN THE HILLS"
  • Drug Dealers have restocked their drugs
    • Drug dealers now sell Dimebag variants on all processable drugs
    • Dealers will not buy back any sold drugs
  • Cartel APD Sensor
    • Players can directly notify APD via a scroll action on Cartel Flags
      • Upon selecting this action an alert is sent to the APD along with details of the cartel they are capturing.
      • If the APD forgets the specific cartel that is being captured, they can look on the map where they will find a marker where the specific alert was created from.
      • This map marker includes a "restart timestamp" to provide record of when it was initially created.
  • Delivery Mission Bonuses
    • Players will receive a $100,000 bonus upon completing 10 delivery missions.
    • Both regular and plane delivery missions contribute towards this total.
  • Gang XP
    • Vigilante
      • Bounty Payout Bonus
        • Bonus to bounty payouts of 2%/4%/7.5% (2/3/5)
      • Automatic restrain heal
        • Restraints automatically heal for 10/20/30 HP (1/2/4)
    • General
      • Backpack Storage Increase
        • Virtual Storage Increase 3/6/10 (2/4/6)
  • APD/RnR members can now identify new players with an addition under their nametag
  • Auction House now displays the last 5 items sold as a price history
  • RnR can now see when a player requires Dopamine under their nametag
  • Wiki button on the Y-menu
  • Notification for items waiting in house compensation
  • 3 Additional Backpack types for RnR
  • Additional Berets for RnR dependent on rank
  • T4 Vest to Undercover clothing shops
  • Strider smokes in the driver's seat
  • Vandalized APD vehicles now have light and ram bars
  • Legacy kill notifications
  • .338 Suppressor to Blackwater as Ultra-Rare
  • Players can add 30 days to their Auction House listing for an additional 1% of listing price
  • @ KermitZooicide  Founders Circle Perks
  • Textures
    • Civ
      • Reworked Mario Ifrit @ Renegade
      • Combat Fatigues (CSAT) (O+/$100)
      • Stealth T-Shirt variants of Combat Fatigues
      • Bloodsport Qilin ($125/O+) @ Mason Harrison
      • Empress Qilin ($125/O+) @ Mason Harrison
      • Abibas Red Tracksuit ($75/O+)
      • Abibas Teal Tracksuit ($75/O+)
      • Abibas White Tracksuit ($75/O+)
      • Grey Two-Tone Tracksuit ($75/O+)
      • CSAT Urban Camo Pack ($50/O+)
      • CSAT Naval Camo Pack ($50/O+)
      • Digital Red Camo Pack ($75/O+)
      • Digital Green Camo Pack ($75/O+)
      • Digital Blue Camo Pack ($75/O+)
      • Digital Grey Camo Pack ($75/O+)
    • RnR
    • Gang


  • Scrap values reduced
    • ENVG 40,000 -> 20,000
    • Special Purpose Helmet 160,000 -> 75,000
  • Spawn change of Thermal Goggles in Blackwater loot pool increased
    • ENVG Very-Rare -> Rare
    • Special Purpose Ultra-Rare -> Very-Rare
  • Listing counts for Auction House
    • Virtual Listings 10 -> 25
    • Vehicle Listings 10 -> 15
    • Physical Listings 10 -> 25
  • Impound Yard payout for RnR increased by 50%
  • Bank Robbery notification now displays which Bank is being robbed to APD members
  • Pharmaceutical/Vehicle Yard start now only notify the APD
  • APD can no longer access APD Escort Inventory
  • Fonts updated
  • Updated Medic hints for reviving interrupted and receiving money
  • Houses no longer display players in proximity to them on spawn selection
  • Virtual FAK+ no longer drops on death
  • Kill notification now shows warpoints gained
  • Kill notification now shows a separate killstreak for nonwar kills
  • Terminating the pharmaceutical on cop pay split from 5.0 km -> 2.5 km
  • Local pardon now displays the Officer's rank in the hint
  • Players must now rearm Striders from the Driver's seat
  • Additional Font changes
  • Flashbang sound effect lowered
  • Map


  • Player vehicles getting stuck in a 'limbo' state where they aren't able to be pulled after a restart
  • GPS Pathing performance
  • APD Gold Escort cooldown timer
  • Gang Processing perk not applying properly for Vehicle Processing
  • Players sent to jail via Combat Log bones will now have their Vigilante arrests wiped
  • Pulling weapons from houses will no longer add additional attachments
  • Additional syncs to prevent players from losing their gear occasionally
  • Additional syncs to prevent loss of money via wire transfer
  • Lower-ranking officers being able to tase and restrain higher ranking officers
  • Blackmarkets unable to be captured while unsealed
  • Pharmaceutical Markers not deleting properly
  • Players getting kicked for dropping/picking backpacks up
  • Player Weapon attachments  being overwritten by clothing bug fix
  • Players can no longer purchase Gang Sheds for personal property
  • Disputes sometimes sending multiple on creation
  • Players without a gang being able to check/unseal Blackmarkets
  • Questioning Drug Dealers now utilizes updated Hint system
  • .45ACP Suppressor and Mk20 (Taser) not being listable on Auction House
  • Misc fixes for Auction House
  • Fixed numerous capitalization errors on Charge names
  • Plane DP Map marker bug and giving cash after completion of a delivery
  • Players can now pan their map in the respawn screen
  • Marshal Cap reduced from $50 Donor to $15 donor
  • Re-added missing US Black and IDAP White caps to APD VIP donor shops
  • GangXP Toolkit retention perk not hinting correctly when a Toolkit is not used.
  • Players getting stuck in the ground when dying in an aerial vehicle explosion
  • All virtual items now have an icon
  • Magic Mushroom missing from scrap values
  • Color correction on Iridium, Butterfly, and Quantum materials
  • Tasers killing players
  • Buildings invisible after repair
  • Vehicle Yard trucks no longer take damage from non-projectile damage
  • Getting stuck in the ground after dying in vehicle explosions
  • Fog deploying and never clearing
    • Weather should be considerably more consistent now
  • Vehicle Yard Truck being blown up by vehicles damaging it
  • Players revived by Medics not syncing gear properly
  • Y-Menu Horn button missing
  • SRT Qilin and SRT Strider missing lightbars
  • Cops killed not rewarding Gang XP
  • Cop vehicles now spawn with ram/lightbars on purchase
  • Cop death fee in Warzone/Airdrops broken
  • MRAP decamp spangle not working for negative values (-35 KM/PH in reverse)
  • Spike strip script error
  • RnR messages bugged
  • RnR Huron appearing black at a range
  • RnR Xian appearing black at a range
  • Tactical view exploit
  • Map
    • Destructible Vehicle Yard gates
    • Pyrgos Casino garage marker


  • Strider Commander smokes
  • Silver Mine Airdrop location
  • Like 20
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Recommended Comments

  • Tasers killing players
  • Players sent to jail via Combat Log bones will now have their Vigilante arrests wiped
  • Vigilante
    • Bounty Payout Bonus
      • Bonus to bounty payouts of 2%/4%/7.5% (2/3/5)
    • Automatic restrain heal
      • Restraints automatically heal for 10/20/30 HP (1/2/4)

      • Houses no longer display players in proximity to them on spawn selection

        PP Hard
  • BlessUp 1
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thanks for giving me my hat back ❤️

  • Haha 1
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6 hours ago, FalseBit said:

Need a silent ringtone option. Notifications for incoming calls not showing up.

This is a request we are currently aiming to push quickly with the hotfix but for the time being have fun listening to the ringtones in the reeds 🙂

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