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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by TheRealKyle

  1. hahahhahaahahhahahahahahaa

    1. silton


      your nans head is oversized

    2. TheRealKyle
  2. @Ryan take away my warning point u insecure malding freak of nature

    1. Jopple123



  3. we gonna talk about the elephant in the room aka egirl jumping a rank LOL simps


  5. i just heard u can unironically be banned for sitting in an ifrit smoke now? u guys are legit retarded

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Vcx


      why do i need to make a poll when i just made all the points to just make the rule not a rule 

    3. Rossco
    4. billdroid


      Shouldn’t be a rule

  6. just fuckin pack it up already rofl

  7. hello olympus virgins daily reminder to go outside go get some pussy and drink water

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ryan


      @Pledge amazon sells a bunch of those!!

    3. DeadPool


      1 hour ago, Snort said:

      Its 3 am bro

      He lives in Alaska its always sunny this time of year. Hard to tell day between night

    4. Millennium


      6 hours ago, Pledge said:

      Will trade corporal for irl friends

      Amazon sells them cheaper


  8. whats up fellow virgins

  9. yall really still playin arma in 2019

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeuse


      Pf, don't know about everyone elde but I've been playing the Olympus Minecraft server

    3. Google


      I mean obviously you’re still interested in it if you took the time to post this and check out the site.

    4. hawk


      Imagine caring about if we play Arma in 2019 lul

  10. it's almost like apd been in an op state since even before i was involved in srapd and while i was there
  11. what the fuck
  12. how the fuck is drama even real lmao just walk away from the community lol 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Millennium
    3. silton


      Get outta here bum ass nigguh

    4. TheRealKyle


      2 hours ago, Silton said:

      Get outta here bum ass nigguh


  13. Hello Olympus Community, please show some love and support to this meme i made. Ty.


  14. @Colt LMAO
  15. The only time I ever felt good about pulling a hawk was to chase kids sitting in orcas. Anything else just makes the game boring as hell. Honestly if I had stayed around and somehow gotten chief I would've put so much red tape around that thing you'd almost never see it.
  16. bad players arguing over skill based shit yikes its always been known cop was safer + funner to play while making money but to make the claim you can make more money on cop then civ is absurd i think you guys are onto something with the paying to die in warzone shit, but realistically cops die a lot and making them pay for loadouts everytime is just stupid even when I was senior apd i stayed away from fighting in warzone and when I did I NEVER brought a ghosthawk. ever. idk how people say its fun to be in a ghosthawk or that the ghosthawk is shit. ghosthawk is probably the stupidest thing on the server. but for example to make cops pay for loadout after every death would just be stupid. I have been to fed events in the past that have 25+ waves. that shit would add up quick. I like the idea of punishing the warzone side of things but anything outside of that just doesnt make sense.
  17. im happy i found this post because your transmog is fucking atrocious
  18. jeez i really shouldn't of left, for the good of the community

  19. i made this kid @Egnazio

    1. Egnazio


      You and GOAT literally molded me into a human being. I remember the day I got deputy you were corp and we were playing with dejay. Then the next day you got SGT and gave me my po test a bit later(after that heroine pro skrrrt hahah). Literally wouldn't have been able to come up without you and GOAT teaching me everything about the handbook and grey areas :wub::wub:

  20. why am i being mentioned negatively when i dipped out months before this happened cmon dude

    1. silton


      ur fat shut up 

  21. imagine a country being wiped out by a fungus that affects potatoes
  22. y i k e s
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