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Olympus Entertainment 2024 Price Match & Black Friday Sales & $1000 Giveaway! ×


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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Buying warpoints in bulk 

    1. drama


      I have like 700

    2. Bloodmoon


      ill buy 700 for 10m rn on s1

  2. Never seen me fly then
  3. Who should we mass downvote first when they come back?

    1. Millennium


      I think the person that got them removed ;)

    2. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      that stupid retard who spam posts hi shity youtube videos idk his name 

      @[crown] Squidwod this idiot 

  4. grats active owner @Ryan :pog:


  5. Waiting for @Ares to make a post tomorrow during his daily forum visit.

    1. Hoonter


      Siri What time is it in England right now?

    2. N7Zero
  6. ETA on you resigning? @Ares

    1. Jesse


      When the cash stops flowing.

      - Imagine someone buying the server for like 1.5k
      - Imagine someone then basically giving the server away for $1 to someone.
      - Imagine that person grossing almost like 18k in less than 1/2 a year and then selling the server for $2k to someone else for a profit.
      - Imagine now sitting on a server not doing shit... and wanting to sell it for a profit.

      Now the server is just constantly passing ownership for cash flips... Disgusting.

  7. What do you mean? You just go there code 3 and clap.
  8. @Ares Pay current devs and hire new ones instead of pocketing donation money, but who am I kidding you'll never see this anyway :4head:

  9. Do I need to make an audiobook of the handbook for you?
  10. Right, what's approved at staff meetings means nothing now i guess. You've always been a monkey dont @ me
  11. Not at all what was approved nor what we wanted lmao
  13. Fed stats for the past month please

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hawk


      18 hours ago, destruct said:

      You'd need to remind me currently involved in something else regarding logs that has turned to become quite interesting

      This is your daily reminder. :3Nips:

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Dont you just run a script for fed stats?


      Atleast thats what id do

  14. Don't get ahead of yourself. It's thanks to the Federal Event Specialists.
  15. 4-5m
  16. 2 down, 1 to go
  17. Last time I checked deadpool isn't a senior medic
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