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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Pledge

  1. Just a reminder that the Development team is always recruiting! Specifically looking for some new contributors now 🙂 

    1. Masonn


      Should of accepted me as senior dev tbh

    2. Noahhh!


      Would this include map designers/planners?

    3. Skorch


      what if they're an extremely talented, computer engineering major at a well respected university,

      but they're a dirty duper?

  2. Why would that trigger me?
  3. o7 man. My first real pal on Olympus, and the only one to stick with me the whole time. We sure got close to that vision.
  4. You are not the only one experiencing this. This issue is caused by an issue with the stored procedures that were lost when the forums were (((misplaced))) by some angry former staff members. The replacement of these procedures is what is required for many things (warpoints, vehicles not deleting, houses to go away after time) to function properly. I'm sure that @TheCmdrRex and @Fusah are all over it, but it will take some time. In the meantime you should be able to submit a comp request on the topic (unless @TheCmdrRex plans to add them back manually, may want to let him answer that one)
  5. Pledge


    Honestly this whole situation was fucked. Part of it was understandable but part was not. The fact that a non senior support member denied an app and made a final call is somewhat fucked, but pure discussion is not. Expanded: I think that this whole situation should definitely avoided, and even if it is the staff's place to be oversight, its not a senior developer's. Its your team and we should be hands off. We are allowed to discuss but no to act. Some crossed that line, and that's damn shameful. I'm not holding my tounge because someone has to say it: THIS SHIT HAS GONE TOO FUCKING FAR. And by no means should this be hidden. Freedom of speech baby. Never take it.
  6. I didn't get an @ But I will miss you brother.
  7. Since there are so many people who keep calling us monkeys:

    Would people be interested in learning SQF?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Claysive


      You're not gonna have much luck with a teaching session. Unless you plan on doing one on one's, or very small groups, it'll just be meme sessions like all the rest that have tried to have a "class". 

    3. Fake Grandma
    4. SPBojo


      If anything yall devs are the ones who need to learn it :4head:



  8. @Developer Look it's democracy?
  9. Tits or ass?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. MAV


      Ryan's cheeks

    3. MAV


      1 hour ago, MAV said:

      Ryan's cheeks

      didnt write it, but still approve it

    4. Mike Lit
  10. I was in KP, which was like BFO but less cringey
  11. I wasn't in either of those....
  12. Happy birthday @123456789aWEFCj kvh

    You make this community whole

    1. zoomzooooooom


      damn u really want admin

    2. bigSMOKE


      2 minutes ago, zoomzooooooom said:

      damn u really want admin

      Image result for true meme

  13. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      @Danteryan said dont be dumbasses about it, and ikield said they were working on a hotfix after theyre done banning everyone

    3. -dante-


      I dont know, as former staff, I know theres always more to a story and theres also more behind the scenes reasons than most know. but from the outside looking in, I just think it would have been best to hotfix them out uintil it was fixed especially since it was such an easily accessible dupe.

    4. Pledge


      @Dante You are 100% correct, but a decision was made to fix them rather than disabling them, which has taken time. @MAV and I took care of those running up massive balances of explosives.

  14. It's possible you were banned by a shared name or IP, so go submit a ban appeal and get it checked out
  15. When feedback said your biggest issue was being toxic to your subordinates but you take to the forums and insult them and talk about them not wanting to change with feedback.




  16. o7 @Noodles:D I don't regret picking you, which today, is getting more and more rare.
  17. If any of you are interested in trading stocks or the news, check out this awesome daily news letter


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pledge


      1 hour ago, Billybobjoe said:

      I cant even tie my own shoes, Why trust me with a debit card and stocks

      They trusted you with Lethals lol

    3. Billeh


      Yikes... You right tho..

    4. Parker R

      Parker R

      I have 15k in stocks rn and Ive recently been adding around 2.5k a month :)

  18. Just running someone over is not VDM, it takes into account multiple factors, and this report doesn't allow us to view those. Additionally, there is no context to any of this, and it could have been much different in the situation. That's why this response was given. If you wish to appeal you may submit another ticket and request an admin review.
  19. Pledge


    Oh my.
  20. @TheCmdrRex reminds me of: "He's been here a long time, been held back, British" @Stuuurrt and @Dominick Ramos
  21. I have a small penis and I'm not afraid to tell you.
  22. Love you too baby.
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